View Full Version : Dormant Plat Points

03-29-2012, 03:26 PM
I have 5600 platinum points on my main account that I will never use. Would anybody be interested in buying them for some cash moneys? I would certainly be willing to upgrade for a month if somebody wants them.

Not sure if anybody would actually remember them, or maybe even have them on a highlight list, but my main character there was Gardorios, also played Pendarak for a while.

05-14-2012, 04:48 PM
Just bumping this, still have these 5600 plat points. I really need to get them gone, somebody could get a good deal here. Send me a (realistic) lowball offer and let's make two people happy.

05-14-2012, 06:05 PM
You may actually want to hold onto those points. The GMs have stated that they're working on combining point pools between the instances. When that happens, your Plat points will be usable in Prime if you want to go that route.

I do recall the name of Gardorios as well, though it's been a long time and I'm afraid I don't remember anything about the character.


05-14-2012, 06:12 PM
You may actually want to hold onto those points. The GMs have stated that they're working on combining point pools between the instances. When that happens, your Plat points will be usable in Prime if you want to go that route.

You also have to keep in mind this is from the same people that took over 8 years longer to release monks than they originally announced.

05-14-2012, 06:31 PM
Yeah, unfortunately my need for cash has become much greater than my faith in Simu to actually make that happen. And I play in shattered now, so I won't ever be able to use them personally, it would just give me a bigger pool of people who might want to buy them.

05-20-2012, 05:56 PM
Yeah, unfortunately my need for cash has become much greater than my faith in Simu to actually make that happen. And I play in shattered now, so I won't ever be able to use them personally, it would just give me a bigger pool of people who might want to buy them.

If they combine the pools, which they did in DR, DR fallen (aka Shattered) uses the points as well.

So it would be likely they would allow points to be used in shattered.