View Full Version : Gnome Pageant Schedule

06-22-2004, 06:24 PM
HSN Week 3: Gnome Pageant Schedule · on 6/22/2004 4:52:40 PM 657

6:00 pm: Opening The Pageant Begins!
8:00 pm: Withycombe Bad Poetry Contest The Withycombe Gnomes delight in poetry - good and bad. Bring your worst poems to the Withycombe Bad Poetry Contest and let your bad writing pay off!
10:00 pm: Box Tinkering Contest Think you can pick a box? Disarm a trap? Think you can do it as well as a gnome? Come to the Box Tinkering Contest and find out!

11:00 am: Tinkering Contest Think you can pick a box? Disarm a trap? Think you can do it as well as a gnome? Come to the Box Tinkering Contest and find out!
5:00 pm: Hunt and Gather Join the gnomes in collecting bits and pieces of things around River's Rest. Collect the most pieces and win!
8:00 pm: Nylem Joke Night The Nylem are known as the best jokers in Elanthia. Come share your jokes with the best of the best!

4:00 pm: Tinkering Contest Think you can pick a box? Disarm a trap? Think you can do it as well as a gnome? Come to the Box Tinkering Contest and find out!
3:00 pm: Hunt and Gather Ends Bring your bags of booty to win a prize!
10:00 pm: Gnomes on Parade Gnomes are more than just the money-grubbing, gem-obsessed tinkerers that appear in the elven novels and plays. Show your gnomish pride and diversity by creating a float for the Great Gnome Parade!
Midnight Closing The Gnome Pageant ends with a big bang!

This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, Hot Summer Nights 2004. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=33&topic=5&message =410