View Full Version : Just capped... priority list?

03-19-2012, 08:50 AM
So... once you hit that magical level 100, the work starts. I'm working on a priority list, and so far it looks something like this:

1x CM (Tired of losing my runestaff, and getting wtfpwned by bandits)
65 ranks Blessing Lore (Gonna go GoS here soon)
3x Spells (For CS Purposes)
1x Telepathy Lore (Lurve me some Empathic Assault)

I'm currently at:

(at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 40 8
Physical Fitness...................| 403 303
Arcane Symbols.....................| 140 40
Magic Item Use.....................| 140 40
Spell Aiming.......................| 302 202
Harness Power......................| 302 202
Mental Mana Control................| 201 101
Spirit Mana Control................| 201 101
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 201 101
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 90 20
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 90 20
Perception.........................| 201 101
Climbing...........................| 155 55
Swimming...........................| 160 60
First Aid..........................| 302 202

Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 50

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 40

Spell Lists
Empath.............................| 122

Is there anything dramatic I'm overlooking, that I should focus on sooner? I thought about going Brawl/Shield, but if I can handle the disarms, I like this build better, plus I have a nice staff to play with.

Definitely am going to go GoS soon, probably within the week, in case there's something particular to them that I need to look at.

Thanks. :medieval:

03-19-2012, 09:25 AM
You won't need a full 1x cman. You can get away with 80 ranks. Also, once your CS starts going up, you won't need as much lore. You really don't even need to bolt if you can cast CS spells.

03-19-2012, 01:50 PM
Note to self... GoS before CM was a baaaaaad idea.

So... heading back to Teras for a few months to slog through some CM, then we'll try the "warcamp experience" again.

I like the bolting for Fire Spirit, Empathic Assault, and especially Web Bolt. Versatility makes life fun (and gives me another way to handle those boneless critters).

Lord Orbstar
03-19-2012, 03:50 PM
Web bolt followed by fire spirit...then wither or boneshatter. wither is expensive but i like the combat messages.

i recommend shield and brawl. that was his method.

Suppressed Poet
03-19-2012, 03:56 PM
I hear that GoS is an absolute b*#& to master at cap. So many different things that can eff your world up.

Good luck out there and congrats on capping!

03-19-2012, 03:58 PM

Probably the most bad empath around.

Sean of the Thread
03-19-2012, 04:20 PM
Make sure to check off:

Have sex with empaths played by women covered in piss.

03-19-2012, 04:42 PM
Also, once your CS starts going up, you won't need as much lore. You really don't even need to bolt if you can cast CS spells.
Have to disagree with this, but it's probably more a question of preference and tactics. I use bolts all the time as a capped hunter, mostly to web bolt and then follow with empathic assault. They're both phenomenally effective when trained for. At 100 summoning ranks, it's very rare that I don't web something in place with a bolt. Griffins and triton radicals are child's play that way, and since empathic assault does a significant amount of pure HP damage in the CS attacks, there's less chance of degrading the skin.


03-19-2012, 04:54 PM
Have to disagree with this, but it's probably more a question of preference and tactics. I use bolts all the time as a capped hunter, mostly to web bolt and then follow with empathic assault. They're both phenomenally effective when trained for. At 100 summoning ranks, it's very rare that I don't web something in place with a bolt. Griffins and triton radicals are child's play that way, and since empathic assault does a significant amount of pure HP damage in the CS attacks, there's less chance of degrading the skin.


I've found the same, and it's why I made sure to get 100 summoning lore and keep the 2x spell aim. Bolting is very effective, with 1106 a great followup spell. My only real issue is crowd control, though Sympathy works fairly well for that. If I miss, though, it's on my ass spamming "crawl south" or some such.

Suppressed Poet
03-19-2012, 04:58 PM
Probably the most bad empath around.

Just couldn't say baddest huh? Guess that is grammatically incorrect.

03-19-2012, 04:58 PM
Empaths as a whole are generally weak on crowd control. I've taken to simply leaving the area when things get too crowded, though if your minor spirit CS is high enough, you could try experimenting with searing light. I'm always forgetting about that one.


03-19-2012, 06:37 PM
Just couldn't say baddest huh? Guess that is grammatically incorrect.

I argued with myself for far too long on how to type that. Baddest just didn't sound right.

03-19-2012, 07:27 PM
You won't need a full 1x cman. You can get away with 80 ranks. Also, once your CS starts going up, you won't need as much lore. You really don't even need to bolt if you can cast CS spells.

Wouldn't Dodging be better for avoiding the bandits tweaks and such? This is one of my problems as well. Whenever I do an escort or such, I'm always getting stunned continuously and I never even have a shot at them.

03-19-2012, 08:46 PM
Have to disagree with this, but it's probably more a question of preference and tactics. I use bolts all the time as a capped hunter, mostly to web bolt and then follow with empathic assault. They're both phenomenally effective when trained for. At 100 summoning ranks, it's very rare that I don't web something in place with a bolt. Griffins and triton radicals are child's play that way, and since empathic assault does a significant amount of pure HP damage in the CS attacks, there's less chance of degrading the skin.


That's fine, but with the CS spells, you don't need any lore for set up. For shatter, all you need is 1x MMS. For wither, a little summoning helps, but it isn't needed. You can 1 or 2 shot everything and don't need setup. Also, with higher CS, you can actually have crowd control. See below.

Empaths as a whole are generally weak on crowd control.

1120, 135, and 217 all work pretty well.

03-19-2012, 08:47 PM
Wouldn't Dodging be better for avoiding the bandits tweaks and such? This is one of my problems as well. Whenever I do an escort or such, I'm always getting stunned continuously and I never even have a shot at them.

CMAN is the best way to go. Get to 5 ranks of cdefense asap. As soon as you see the first bandit, cast 1120.

03-20-2012, 06:44 AM
CMAN is the best way to go. Get to 5 ranks of cdefense asap. As soon as you see the first bandit, cast 1120.
Then that's what I'll do. I'm a cleric, but it's the same thing, I never even get to cast. If I avoid the first stun, I'm usually fine.

03-20-2012, 10:04 AM
Then that's what I'll do. I'm a cleric, but it's the same thing, I never even get to cast. If I avoid the first stun, I'm usually fine.

You get CMANs for cheaper! No excuse not to train them.