View Full Version : NBA: Should Kobe Shoot So Much?

03-17-2012, 01:19 PM

I sorted all of the Lakers' wins and losses by Kobe's FGAs in any given game that Kobe played. I then binned them into >30, 26-30, 21-25, 16-20, and <16 FGAs. Finally, I compared each winning percentage to his overall winning percentage. For obvious reasons, I separated out his post-Shaq career. Over those 583 games, he has gone 367 - 216 (63.0%).


Cool, huh? Exact numbers are:

FGA W L Pct Pop
>30 26 31 45.61% 9.78%
26-30 56 49 53.33% 18.01%
21-25 101 70 59.06% 29.33%
16-20 116 51 69.46% 28.64%
<16 68 15 81.93% 14.24%

Long story short... the more Kobe shoots, the more his team loses. So far I've looked through LeBron, Carmelo, and Chris Paul, and haven't found such a perfect line or such massive deviations for any of them. Going to do AI and Michael from 1986 on next.

03-17-2012, 03:21 PM
You're doing it wrong........


03-17-2012, 03:26 PM
We can readdress this topic when the Lakers win the championship and Kobe is wearing his 6th ring.

03-17-2012, 04:22 PM
We can readdress this topic when the Lakers win the championship and Kobe is wearing his 6th ring.

But cyborg Kobe probably won't do that until 2037.

03-17-2012, 05:49 PM
This is why white people need to stay away from statistics.