View Full Version : WARN sucks
08-14-2003, 04:45 PM
Garr is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.
These go on your record. Did you know that? I just found out. GS sucks when you can't do anything without having someone ride your ass about it. Since when was no one allowed to cause trouble? I can't articulate my thoughts very well right now, as I'm very frustrated, so I'll elaborate more after other people complain on the fact that GS is becoming too controlled of an environment.
08-14-2003, 04:55 PM
so, every time someone warns you, its recorded on your record? Dammmn..Thats gotta suck for people in landing..around Warclaidhm..heh
08-14-2003, 04:57 PM
What did you do to him this time?
08-14-2003, 04:59 PM
Yes. I just talked with Quabu. He says they go on your record and they do count against you.
Anyways... It's rather hard to RP someone who causes trouble when everything you do gets slammed by a GM or someone WARN happy. Bread storms don't hurt people. Moving sleeping people to the back of neighborhoods doesn't threaten their lives. Cursing several objects around town won't hurt them for life or anything.
People need to lighten up.
08-14-2003, 04:59 PM
All I've been hearing about Garr recently that he's a bit of a gimp. People like Tayre and Alanamarie etc have taken it upon themselves (as Police of Icemule) to ruin the boys life. From my own experiences with him...well, he seems better than Riggens, but only just. I'll deed him for you Tayre. For a price.
08-14-2003, 05:00 PM
We told him he was looking rather bright and gay today. He was speaking in a warm tone, and joking with people..I thought it was a compliment..he took it bad..queer guy...very strange.
08-14-2003, 05:02 PM
Garr has no sense of RP. He used Warn Harrasment on us..then started saying outloud, "I warned you guys that your harrassing stop already. STOP STOP.." I did not pick up much all turned to whining..
08-14-2003, 05:02 PM
08-14-2003, 05:10 PM
Look on the bright side, if he gets cursed and drops his shield again, you won't have to give it back since you aren't allowed to interact with him.
08-14-2003, 05:12 PM
08-14-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue People like Tayre and Alanamarie
I'm offended I'm in a category with her.
[Edited on 8-14-2003 by Tayre]
08-14-2003, 05:53 PM
>warn harassment thread
08-14-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
>warn harassment thread
It's so sad that has become a very useful and humorous joke when the GM's stress its seriousness.
08-14-2003, 05:59 PM
08-14-2003, 06:00 PM
Do you think typing the warn verbage all in caps will make it work better?
Huh? Huh?
Just kidding. I like Tayre. I won't kill you.
08-14-2003, 06:03 PM
It gets funnier every time.
08-14-2003, 06:03 PM
It's so sad that has become a very useful and humorous joke when the GM's stress its seriousness.
They should for some people. However I'd say 99% of the time, people don't obey their side of the warning or don't use it properly. Meaning, the idiot that warned you, is not suppose to be in the same room as you. If you are in TSC, he shouldn't be. He is suppose to avoid you......
GM's only take it seriously when you have idiots out there who just pick on younger players for the hell of it, IE Sodrotoros. He would pick on some people, threaten them, stun them, etc. and then as soon as someone bigger then he came near him, he promptly warned them. Those people should be banned for abusing a "bug."
EDIT: OK, that didn't come out right. Younger players should be able to warn idiots like Sodrotoros. However, people like him who warn people so they don't recieve reprocussions need to be banned for abusing a bug.
[Edited on 8-14-2003 by Gemstone101]
08-14-2003, 06:07 PM
Kylinarr did that to me the other day, I have him on warn interact, and have had him on for probably 4 months. He started talking out loud about me, so I started talking about him. Then he warn interacted me.
I figured maybe he grew up. I guess he can't though. He kept saying that Maimara's a liar and that the title she recieved from her Arkati is crap.
08-14-2003, 07:10 PM
Warning people is pretty useless. I've only done it once, and it's a long story, and I never saw the guy again. The only other time a person made me mad enough to WARN, I just squelched him instead. Now I don't even know he exists.
08-15-2003, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Warning people is pretty useless. I've only done it once, and it's a long story, and I never saw the guy again. The only other time a person made me mad enough to WARN, I just squelched him instead. Now I don't even know he exists.
I've never squelched anyone.... I always assume that one day, Bob will say something worth while and I would miss it.....
08-17-2003, 02:39 PM
Garr warmly says, "yeah...but i dont want all kinds when they mess with me...i aint a goody goody"
Garr nods to Duoncon.
Kasia says, "Well, I'm going to sit in TC, I really dont want to spend my days arguing about Tayre."
Luq stands up.
Raianna leans softly against Aceheart.
Duoncon shrugs.
Garr chuckles.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Luq rubs a crystal amulet.
Dainslef grins at Kasia.
Lord Luq just went north.
>tell comp to wander
You impress upon your companion the thought of boundless freedom and sense an eagerness from her to explore in return.
Dainslef quietly asks, "Tayre again?"
Dainslef chuckles.
Duoncon says, "ignore him or give it back but it dun mean he should be banned"
A dusky wolfhound quietly pads south.
Garr warmly says, "i have enough problems killing too many people as it is"
* Moredin returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Dainslef nods to Duoncon.
Dainslef quietly says, "Indeed."
Garr warmly asks, "give it back?"
Duoncon says, "no hes gone "
Garr peers quizzically at Duoncon.
Garr peers quizzically at Duoncon.
Duoncon nods to Garr.
Dainslef just went north.
Garr warmly says, "give it in the hell do you propose i do that"
Duoncon says, "jes tease him right back see how he likes it"
Garr warmly says, "when he could just do what he did"
Duoncon nods to Kasia.
Garr warmly says, "i would get one sentence out"
Duoncon shrugs.
Garr warmly says, "and then i would be stunned, silenced and binded"
Duoncon says, "someone will stop him if you cant "
Duoncon says, "jes do it where yer not alone"
Garr warmly says, "no...your the only one who has ever really helped me with him"
Garr nods to Duoncon.
Garr warmly says, "no one stands up to him"
Duoncon says, "i do wha i can "
Duoncon says, "i will and so will others im sure"
Garr warmly says, "i havent seen any willing to risk there hide for me"
Garr chuckles.
Kasia smiles.
Duoncon says, "lemme know if he bugs ye more"
Garr warmly says, "my hide isnt worht much in this town"
Garr warmly says, "im still confused as to how i couldnt have enough evidence against tayre when he broke my hand"
>You ask, "He broke your hand?"
Garr warmly says, "yeah"
Magner laughs!
You ask, "Why?"
Garr warmly says, "after adredrin stunned me for like....a long time"
Locksure settles into the difficult task of picking the lock on an engraved haon box.
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Garr warmly says, "no"
Garr looks over at Magner and shakes his head.
Magner amusedly says, "ok"
Garr warmly says, "the gods made him give it back"
Garr warmly says, "and then hit him with lightning"
Garr warmly says, "this is about him STILL bothering me"
Garr warmly says, "and the gods seem to think i can just walk away from all his crap, instead of defending my name"
You cough.
Magner bows to Locksure.
>"The gods aren't involved in this.
You say, "The gods aren't involved in this." (pet peeve, GM's != gods)
Garr warmly says, "which is a totally stupid idea...i have a bad enough reputation as it is"
Garr warmly says, "the gods SHOULD be involved in tayre...all he does is bug and pester and make people angry"
08-17-2003, 02:48 PM
Oh yes, he is ALWAYS in the right. Yep, I just walked into the room and Stunned him for no reason what so ever. Yep yep. He never called Adredrin a bastard (his Mother/father is a touchy subject, don't beleive me, Ask Naessi about Lorinda..).
08-17-2003, 02:51 PM
Taernath, your quote/signature is just NOT funny. Hah.
08-17-2003, 03:07 PM
What confuses me, is why he's expressing himself so warmly about Tayre if he can't stand the man.
Garr warmly says, "this is about him STILL bothering me"
Sounds to me like he's enjoying being bothered immensely, if you ask me.
08-17-2003, 03:11 PM
The Garr Timeline:
1. Garr is obssessing over Macavalius. Saying that he loves him. How can Tayre NOT use that to imply that he's a little on the homo side? I didn't even say "Garr is gay". I basically used his own words as evidence that he might play for the other team. He got all pissed and threatened me (the player) with violence or something.
2. Garr drops his shield in TC after being cursed from an item. Tayre picks it up and starts playing with it with every intention on giving it back. Garr starts his name calling and rudeness, so Tayre withholds the shield until he can actually ask for it instead of demanding and cursing. Elbrion pulls Tayre into the lounge, Tayre tells the story, Elbrion says to just give it back and suggest to Garr that he be nicer next time. Tayre does so, and the GH that's with Garr tells tayre to play nice. Tayre says 'But that's no fun!' , but agrees to and laughs. The GH laughs. Elbrion (hiding in the shadows) strikes Tayre with lightning and heals him immediatly, to further the joke. Garr takes this all as the GM's and GH's are on his side, and his ego inflates.
3. Adredrin and Tayre creativly call Garr gay in TC. They don't use the meaning "homosexual". They use the "happy" meaning. Garr gets all whiney and starts crying to the GM's. The GM's ask Adredrin and I to stop, so we change it to queer (strange). Garr WARNs us, so we stop.
4. Garr, not understanding the Terms of his Warn, thinks he's hot shit and starts talking bad about Tayre right in front of him and tells people to "Tell Tayre (yada yada)". So I report him, and Khaladon says "Garr's WARN and REPORTs have now been thrown out the window. Do as you will. Don't break policy." (Well he didn't say it like that, but basically).
So as you can see, Garr is delusional, and Tayre pwnz. Again.
08-17-2003, 03:28 PM
Tayre, for a million silvers I'll make him regret being born.
08-17-2003, 03:47 PM
WARN is recorded by who WARNs and who gets WARNed. They really don't matter much, as it is a tool to inform the other player that they're stepping out of line... unless you follow up with an ASSIST, and tell them the nature of the WARN.
The GMs won't lock you out for having been WARNed alot, or for WARNing people. It helps keep track of problem players, though. If you are dishing out or receiving WARNs everyday, the GMs can look into it. If you ASSIST to record a note about why someone WARNed you or why you WARNed them, it helps you out.
Players who get upset about being WARNed don't understand, it doesn't really matter. I always thought Quabu was a shitty gamehost, what he says was always off-key from the actual way things worked. If someone WARNs you for harassment or interaction, don't get upset. Think if you did something that hindered the other person's fun. If you didn't, do you even want to interact with an idiot who would WARN you for no reason anyway? Probably not. So either way just ignore them, don't speak to them, don't mention them - they're not worth it.
I mean, I know when I played GemStone I would purposely go around stunning and attacking level 1 people so that a level 160 person would come up to me and I could purposely WARN them. Then I would proceed to WARN everybody who spoke to me, and when I got sucked to the consultation lounge for imploding all of the TSC rooms directly afterwards I WARNed the GM who tried to talk to me. Mhm.
08-17-2003, 03:49 PM
ROFL I wanna warn a GM!
But no, WARNs don't upset me. I just know that they can be used as a tool against people if used properly. That's my secret though. (Refer to Urdragon's banning for further info).
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