View Full Version : Reversible cloaks

03-11-2012, 11:03 PM
Selling the following reversible cloaks. TURN to change description. Auction will go ONCE, TWICE, SOLD. Delivery in Landing area, EN (if I have to) or IFW. Feel free to PM me with questions, but I would prefer bids in this thread. Thank you.

Each cloak can be reversed, holds 100, weighs 8:

Zests that I know of are as follows (possibly more, but I was too bored to check):

>pull clo
You pull the hood of your cloak over your head.
>push clo
You push the hood of your cloak back from your head.
>open clo
You grasp the clasp of your leather cloak and pull it open.
>close clo
You pull your leather cloak closed at the neck and fasten the clasp securely.

1.) You take a large hooded heliotrope gossamer cloak with a dahlia clasp and turn it inside out. Your reversible cloak now becomes a large hooded aubergine gossamer cloak with an iris clasp!
MB: 50k
BO: 250k

2.) You take a large hooded iridescent satin cloak with an icicle clasp and turn it inside out. Your reversible cloak now becomes a large hooded niveous satin cloak with an opal snowflake clasp!
MB: 50k
BO: 250k

3.) You take a large hooded green linen cloak with an olive branch clasp and turn it inside out. Your reversible cloak now becomes a large hooded ivory linen cloak with an agate clasp!
MB: 50k
BO: 250k

Each inspects and analyzes as the following (material varying, of course):

>anal my clo
You analyze your silk cloak and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the silk cloak for you or have its pockets deepened.

>inspect my clo
You carefully inspect your silk cloak.

You estimate that a large hooded incarnadine silk cloak with a ruby flame clasp can store a very large amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders. The cloak appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

03-11-2012, 11:14 PM
Mb on all 3

03-11-2012, 11:54 PM
All 3 sold and delivered. Thanks all.