View Full Version : Lock Mastery info
06-20-2004, 11:17 PM
As we get more task information, here's a place to put it.
Here's locations around the landing with different need them for at least 1 task.
Average Light, Fog Thraks Inn, Trophy Room
Average Light, Fog Wehnimer's Garden, go south
Average Light, Fog Wehnimer's Bridge, west side
Average Light, Fog Cul-de-Sac
Average Light, Fog 2 rooms East of Town Square Northeast
Average Light, Fog 1 room East of Town Square Northeast
Average Light, Fog Outside Cholgar's Bathhouse
Average Light, Fog Thrak Inn Hallway (upstairs), Northern Room
Average Light, Fog Town Square Southeast
Average Light, Fog Town Square Central
Average Light, Fog Town Square Central, Tree
Average Light, Fog Town Square Central, Town Well (all 4 rooms)
Average Light, Fog Town Square, Small Park
Average Light, Fog Town Square, Niche
Good Light, Fog Hearthstone Manor, go steps
Good Light, Fog Town Square Southwest
Good Light, No Fog Inside Cholgar's Bathhouse, Northern Room
Good Light, No Fog Outside Gemshop
Good Light, No Fog North Dock
Good Light, No Fog 1 room south of Helden Hall
Good Light, No Fog Town Square Northeast
Good Light, No Fog Town Square East
Dim Light, Fog Misty Cavern - node in Cave Gnomes, south of Hobgoblins
Dim Light, No Fog Guild, go southwest from Deluca, go into the passage
Dim Light, No Fog Town Square, South Alley
Possibly incorrect.
Very Little Light, No Fog Thraks Inn, Bar Room
Very Little Light, No Fog North Ring Road, West of Furrier
Very Little Light, No Fog Outside Brass Tower
Very Little Light, No Fog Frith's Inn, Front Desk
Very Little Light, No Fog Helga's Tavern, Barroom
Very Little Light, No Fog Outside Locksmith Shop
Some of these will change, be sure to sense first.
Apparently, you need at least a gold lockpick to get audience reps.
Takes 5 non-guild members in the room to get an audience rank. Having guild members lowers the requirement.
Lock difficulties:
Room condition reps have 2 types, easy and decent challenge. Easy reps can be from anything. Decent challenge has to be 67% of your ability.
Audience with decent challenge is also 67%
At rank 6, you can measure a lock using calipers. This is 75%.
Also, as you progress, the lockpicks you can use become more restrictive.
Most of that info's from DREAMRAIN on the official boards. So thanks, DREAMRAIN.
[Edited on 6-22-2004 by Artha]
06-21-2004, 06:15 PM
Can anyone explain why there was not a major announcement released with the entrance of Lock Mastery? Was it some attempt at preserving the secrecy of the Rogue Guild? Did I just miss it? It was not even in the Official Rogue Announcements folder.
06-21-2004, 06:19 PM
The rogue guild is not a secret.. never has been.
The location of the guild.. maybe.. the existance.. never.
06-21-2004, 06:25 PM
I thought it was only available in Plat. :?:
06-21-2004, 06:25 PM
It got stealth released the other day.
06-21-2004, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
The rogue guild is not a secret.. never has been.
The location of the guild.. maybe.. the existance.. never.
In a perfect Gemstone, the Rogues' Guild is like the mob. You know it exists. Everyone knows it exists. You just don't talk about it out loud in public places.
In other words, you should not run around like an idiot reciting, "Could a rogues' guild member please buy me a vaalin lockpick?" because someone may remove your head. You can however whisper to a rogue friend that you trust, or speak in guild (if you can) to ask such questions.
In Gemstone as it is, asking "WOULD A MEMBER OF THE ROUGE'S GLD PLZ TTM I HAVE A QUESTION AND I NEED A VALIN LOKPICK" is perfectly acceptable.
Just my opinion, of course.
On topic, would those in the know please please please keep updating us on how lockmastery is turning out? If it is worthwhile, I may reactivate my account.
Jorddyn rogue :)
06-21-2004, 08:51 PM
It is currently keeping the rogue's folder on the official boards buzzing like all hell if thats any indication.
06-21-2004, 09:13 PM
Heh. It's alright, but it doesn't look like we get anything neat to play with for awhile (ie, past rank 6). Box hunting sucks.
06-22-2004, 11:33 AM
I checked all of the locations listed here for "Dim lighting, no fog" and none of them were dim lighting.
06-22-2004, 11:36 AM
205 and 206 are your friends.
06-22-2004, 01:01 PM
I love the illogical design of this system...
This is a dark crook of the rotted log, just high enough for you to stand upright. You hear ominous grunts and whines, but you cannot venture any farther down the narrow, hollow branches.
Obvious exits: south
With a seasoned eye, you begin to examine both yourself and the area in an attempt to ascertain the current conditions for lockpicking...
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting.
The lighting condition in the room doesn't seem to have any bearing whatsoever on the logical placement of the room or of the room's description...
Thanks guys, another pointless time sink that doesn't even lend to roleplaying.
06-22-2004, 01:02 PM
Bug the room and it'll get fixed.
06-22-2004, 01:05 PM
This passage is very dim, but it is wide enough for two people to stand abreast between the wooden supports. The light fades as you look northward down the long passageway and dark recesses are easily discerned a few yards away.You notice a greater spider and a black doorway.
Obvious exits: north
You'd think a passge which claims to be "very dim" would be dim. Nope...
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting.
06-22-2004, 01:07 PM
Again, bug the room. I'm pretty sure Aaron has to set them manually, which is why a lot of rooms are average.
06-22-2004, 01:07 PM
Bug the hundreds of rooms I've seen wrong so far?
Isn't that Product Quality? Isn't that something they should have thought of prior to putting the system in?
I've spent 2 hours running around looking for a dim room. Looked in all of the logical places, and even some illogical ones, and haven't found one yet.
205 and 206 take the room to either well-light or to dark. Nothing in between, no matter where the room starts.
So far, I'd have to say I am completely unimpressed with the imagination of the current batch of staff members.
06-23-2004, 09:46 AM
The masters step for rank 2 busted me up. I mean.. I felt like a little kid sitting there making up insults for Bean when describing the room. Right after that, the game went down, so I didn't get any reps from picking. However.
"Bean, the room is as dim as your head, and as foggy as you are after a night at Helga's"
Bean exclaims, "Good!"
Silly, and cracked my ass up.
06-23-2004, 12:00 PM
Anyone else notice something weird about audience reps? I was assigned 6 this morning, picked 8 boxes to get them. A -785 gave me a rep, then the next box a -775 didn't give me a rep. Then a -650 gave me a rep, and a -670 didn't give me a rep. BUG'ged it in game, but I thought I might be doing something wrong.
On a side note, 60+ boxes later, newest member of the 311 club. w00t.
>gld rank edaarin
Edaarin is a 311 rank Guild Master of the Rogue Guild.
06-23-2004, 12:05 PM
Edaarin is a guild whore.
06-23-2004, 12:08 PM
On a side note, there's someone with 5 ranks of it already. What...the...fuck?
06-23-2004, 12:17 PM
if you guys are unable to or just lazy, let me know I seem to always have several stronghold boxs
06-23-2004, 12:19 PM
You can be my box bitch if you like TOJ... :)
If anyone's got Illistim locations I'm open for suggestions.
Three cheers to GM Taelrand for helping us out with Illistim and the light level tagged rooms. Really cool GM and very helpful. :up:
Note: Taelrand said most of the types of rooms needed for lockmastery ranks can be found in the guild, and eventually all of the rooms will be in the guild if you look hard enough.
Happy Lockmastering!
06-24-2004, 09:50 AM
What do you mean by light level tagged rooms?
It appears that once you get to rank 6, there are some tasks where you can't have any spells affecting your picking up while doing a task (otherwise you can't get a rep). This includes lock/trap lore. Heh, sucks for me, most of the boxes I find are in the 800-900 range and I need to have lore up.
Glad I saved my fixskills...
06-24-2004, 10:02 AM
What sucks for my rogue is he has to train before he can learn anymore guild skills (I'm at 96 of 96 ranks) and he can't be a master for five more lvls (It's still lvl 33 to be a master of the guild right) and then I'll start on lock mastery. By then (year 2010) they should have the bugs worked out though.
Some rooms say dim but are actually average lighting when sensed... This evidentally requires the GM's to tag the room as a specific light level for the sense verb to pick up the correct light level that matches the room description/environment.
Yesterday alot of the rooms in the guild in Illistim weren't tagged correctly until the GM looked and modified. This was evidenced by both him actually saying so as well as our methodical sensing of every room and then finding that rooms had been changed after our GM conversation.
For example, the staff's quarters and cellar were at first all average lighting then upon re-checking later they had been altered to dim-no-fog, etc. to match the appropriate description.
All in all there will be alot of bug fixing and catch up by the GM's overseeing lock mastery as folks continue to progress up the ranking ladder. GM Taelrand advised us to post on the boards or email him if you have any major concerns or bugs as well as to bug the specific incident itself for recording purposes.
06-24-2004, 10:12 AM
There's also Lmast bug I believe.. which basically sends him an email.
Taelrand rocks.
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Taelrand rocks.
Most definately... With representation like that, no wonder everyone wants to be like us. :cool:
06-24-2004, 11:43 AM
Hmm. I forgot to take into account that audience reps need 30-40 seconds of wait time between reps. Usually I disarm all my boxes prior to picking them, then pick them all at once, and it took me a few wasted boxes to figure out why I wasn't getting the right number of reps.
06-24-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by LordSagan
Bug the hundreds of rooms I've seen wrong so far?
Isn't that Product Quality? Isn't that something they should have thought of prior to putting the system in?
I've spent 2 hours running around looking for a dim room. Looked in all of the logical places, and even some illogical ones, and haven't found one yet.
205 and 206 take the room to either well-light or to dark. Nothing in between, no matter where the room starts.
So far, I'd have to say I am completely unimpressed with the imagination of the current batch of staff members.
Bug it. Ozias and Aaron both said they're working on getting rooms like that in line.
06-24-2004, 12:15 PM
Heh, if anyone out there can pick Ithzir boxes you can probably finish lock mastery in like three or four weeks...this is the number of boxes a few people have on the floor about to blow up, and this isn't even close to the number of boxes Tsin blows up every day.
a mountain wolfhound, a curved crystal-edged blade, a curved crystal-edged blade, a scratched steel strongbox, a sturdy steel trunk, a scratched fel strongbox, a gleaming crystal-edged longsword, a gleaming crystal-edged broadsword, a gleaming crystal-edged broadsword, a curved crystal-edged blade, a plain monir strongbox, a dented iron coffer, a simple haon coffer, an enruned silver trunk, a corroded gold strongbox, a gleaming crystal-edged broadsword, a gleaming crystal-edged broadsword, a gleaming crystal-edged longsword, a scratched haon trunk, an engraved monir box, an iron-bound monir chest, a rotting fel trunk and an enruned fel coffer.
I'm collecting data on the descriptions of the spells one sees on them when using the lmast sense verb for masters... Is this something that other PC rogues would like to see? Or should this remain a private information endeavor for the time being???
If I get an overwhelming affirmative response to post I'll put up what I've figured out... or if you've got em all you can post them as well.
Let me know.
06-24-2004, 08:49 PM
I'd like to.
06-24-2004, 08:50 PM
Doesn't really matter. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what spells they are, especially using the SPELL ACTIVE verb.
On a side note, Taelrand changed the amount disarming toolkits can hold from 3 items/3 lbs to unlimited items/15 lbs.
Well, regardless of an overwhelming response to see it, I'll post it anyways... this is also for those who dont use psinet... also while in masters and dealing with this, its not about what you're wearing spell wise because its all randemly put on you each time you sense...
Here's an example of what you see...
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you is quite well-lit.
Additionally, you are feeling quite nimble, focused and alert. However, the buzzing in your ears will hinder any attempts at serious locksmithing.
You say, "Colvin I'm in good shsape, and the room is well-lit. I'm wearing lock pick enhancement, disarm enhancement, and presence, but I"m hearing sounds."
Colvin exclaims, "Good!"
[You have 4 repetitions remaining.]
Here's my list of key phrases and their correct indication in ALL CAPS. I still have a few I'm working on.
blurry vision (eyesight becomes blurry): ???
spirits swirling around you: ???? (spirit barrier doesnt work)
feeling confident (aura of confidence): UNPRESENCE
voices in your head (buzz of thoughts in your mind): AMUNET
buzzing in my ears: SOUNDS
feeling quite nimble: LOCK PICK ENHANCEMENT
feeling focused: DISARM ENHANCEMENT
feeling alert: PRESENCE
[Edited on 6-25-2004 by Ganalon]
06-24-2004, 09:36 PM
blurry vision (eyesight becomes blurry): ???
Sounds like weapon deflection.
06-25-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
Well, regardless of an overwhelming response to see it, I'll post it anyways...
[Edited on 6-25-2004 by Ganalon]
Messaging Spell Name
Blurry Vision /Weapon Deflection
Alert /Presence
Voices In Your Head / Amulet (NOT amuNET)
Nimble / Lockpick Enhancement
Confident / Self Control
Buzzing In Your Ears/ Sounds
Quite Focused /Disarm Enhancement
Spirits Swirling /Interference
That's all of them, and they've been confirmed as being correct.
06-25-2004, 06:11 PM
New record for me.
>pick ches with lock
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make an excellent attempt (d100=91).
You struggle with the chest. As you do, you get a sense that the chest has an unbelievably complicated lock (-1115 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
Roundtime: 20 sec.
06-25-2004, 06:12 PM
That is a big fucking lock.
06-25-2004, 06:12 PM
I don't think amulet works. You have to use crystal amulet spell.
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
Voices In Your Head / Amulet (NOT amuNET)
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting.
Unfortunately, the voices in your head and the buzzing in your ears will hinder any attempts at serious locksmithing.
You say, "Colvin I'm in good shape, the room has average lighting, but I have the amunet on and I"m hearing sounds."
Colvin exclaims, "Good!"
[You have 6 repetitions remaining.]
I think there is a little lattitude built into the system...
06-25-2004, 07:52 PM
It appears that the wait time between audience reps has been removed.
06-25-2004, 08:04 PM
Haha you use sentences. I just list the effects.
07-07-2004, 03:40 PM
Re-reading this thread.. a very easy way to figure out what effects you have for master training is to just use SPELL ACTIVE.
07-07-2004, 03:42 PM
Didn't I already post that like a page ago...?
Bob = behind.
Also, there's a rogue that reached the current cap on lock mastery (25 ranks). Eesh. I think I'd go nuts putting that much work in...
EDIT: For calibrating reps, so far I've gotten the master footpad to accept calipers in excellent and very good condition. Superb got rejected twice, and very good got rejected once as well for some reason. I'll post more as I go along.
It SEEMS like you have to pick and calibrate twice before returning them to get one rep.
[Edited on 7-7-2004 by Edaarin]
07-07-2004, 03:45 PM
Fuck you.
There's a cap? Wtf is that about?
07-07-2004, 03:48 PM
only so many ranks have been released, they're working on the rest.
07-07-2004, 03:49 PM
Yeah. Taelrand's working on the last 38 ranks again, so no one can currently advance past rank 25. The vast majority of people are still under rank 14, so it only effects like 3 people.
07-07-2004, 03:57 PM
I think I'm on 3, so it certainly doesn't affect me. The entire skill should have been complete a long time ago anyway.
07-07-2004, 03:58 PM
Also, Bob.. your avatar is giving me seizures. Back to LM.
07-07-2004, 04:01 PM
I was thinking of putting contrasting text on each square, but it would've taken more time than I want to spend.
Someone post a table of what skills you get in one rank so I don't have to search all over the place to get each answer.
07-07-2004, 04:20 PM
Tsoran has some good info on lmastery through rank 24.
07-07-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Artha
It got stealth released the other day.
Stealth released my ass. There was an announcement saying "Don't pick a box for 20 minutes or so". Along with the appropriate posts on the appropriate boards.
07-08-2004, 01:35 PM
Heh, got two birds with one best lock for me and finished my task too.
You remove a set of professional calipers from in your locksmith's anklepouch.
Using your professional calipers, you carefully begin to measure the lock...
Roundtime: 12 sec.
Measuring carefully, it looks to be an incredibly intricate lock.
You put a set of professional calipers in your locksmith's anklepouch.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Lock Pick Enhancement spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A scintillating light surrounds your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You remove a vaalin half-diamond lockpick from in your locksmith's anklepouch.
>pick my box with my lock
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
For some reason, you feel especially lucky.
You make an outstanding attempt (d100(open)=198).
You struggle with the box. As you do, you get a sense that the box has an incredibly intricate lock (-1230 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
Roundtime: 18 sec.
You stare at nothing in particular.
You put a vaalin half-diamond lockpick in your locksmith's anklepouch.
You remove a set of professional calipers from in your locksmith's anklepouch.
You make some effort to fine-tune the professional calipers.
[You have completed your training task.]
Roundtime: 10 sec.
07-12-2004, 11:30 PM
Several hundred boxes later...
You remove a warped wooden wedge from in your mesh infantry rucksack.
You insert the tip of your wedge just under the lid of your box and carefully work it back and forth until it is firmly seated. With a simple flick of the wrist, you force your weight down on the wedge, which easily slides further under the box's lid.
Your wedge takes significant damage!
The lid of a plain thanot box suddenly splits away from the casing amidst the crunch of splintering wood!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
In the thanot box you see some silver coins.
You remove a thin wooden wedge from in your mesh infantry rucksack.
You insert the tip of your wedge just under the lid of your trunk and carefully work it back and forth until it is firmly seated. Turning the trunk over you bring it down on its side, damaging the wedge as it bashes its way further into the trunk!
Your wedge takes significant damage!
The lid of a plain steel trunk suddenly splits away from the casing amidst the grating screech of tearing metal!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
The scary thing is there are people who have more than twice the number of ranks I do, and I've picked like 700+ boxes since June 20th.
07-13-2004, 12:09 AM
You have 1 rank in the Lock Mastery skill.
You need 39 training points to earn your next rank.
I feel like such a slacker.
08-05-2004, 11:28 PM
>lm repair lock
Using a small glass dropper, you apply a small bit of acid to the fused joint at the base of the tip of an ora-handled black steel lockpick, being careful not to melt the handle or your fingers.
When the tip is loose, you neatly pluck it from its home in a wire-thin hole running up into the handle, before replacing it with a new steel wire.
Taking the old tip, you hold it over the blue flame of a nearby burner with a pair of metal grips. The wire quickly turns red and begins to sag, and just as the first drop threatens to fall into the tongue of flame, you smoothly touch the end of the filament to the joining of the handle and the new wire. The thick molten metal seeps in around the edges of the steel wire, cooling rapidly to form a tight bond.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
08-05-2004, 11:30 PM
For picks that have bent picks, but not completely broken:
>lm repair lockp
You carefully go about reshaping the black steel lockpick, taking great care to provide the proper curvature to the tip.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
08-06-2004, 02:00 PM
Christ Edaarin.. what rank are you?
08-06-2004, 02:05 PM
When repairing the pick is it like a Edwina repair or does it bring it to full quality?
08-06-2004, 06:04 PM
Hard to tell. Here's what happened when I repaired a bent steel lockpick.
>lm app my lock
You examine the steel lockpick very closely. It appears to be in good condition. It seems to have a very inaccurate level of precision and has below average strength. As far as you can tell, the lockpick has never been broken. You could probably handle a fairly simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>lm repair my lock
You feel as though this would go easier in a workshop.
You carefully go about reshaping the steel lockpick, taking great care to provide the proper curvature to the tip.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
Lazalye just arrived.
Lazalye just went southeast.
lm repair my lock
The lockpick appears to be in pretty good condition already.
>lm app my lock
You examine the steel lockpick very closely. It appears to be in excellent condition. It seems to have a very inaccurate level of precision and has below average strength. Judging by the tip, the lockpick has been broken about 1 times. You could probably handle a fairly simple lock pretty easily with it.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
CONDITION of lockpick ranges from Miserable, Poor, Damaged, Neglected, Good, and Excellent. This was a field repair.
08-07-2004, 01:31 AM
Haven't any of you got to the limit yet? I got Shadya there in less than two weeks.
Originally posted by Nakiro
Haven't any of you got to the limit yet? I got Shadya there in less than two weeks.
Thanks for helping her Nakiro, I tried getting her as many Ithizir boxes as I could but with my limited times to play it was only a fraction of what she needed to complete her ranks. You more than made up the difference with the sick amount of boxes you raked in from OTF.
08-11-2004, 10:33 AM
6 and a half weeks later...
You ask Boucher for an assignment in Lock Mastery.
Boucher says, "Sorry, that's as far as ya can get right now."
Edaarin is a 339 rank Guild Master of the Rogue Guild.
Master of Sweep.
Master of Subdue.
Master of Stun Maneuvers.
Master of Cheap Shot.
Master of Rogue Gambits.
09-06-2004, 11:06 AM
hmm I am just starting out training in this...a big rank 3. I have the task of talking to the trainers about sensing. Do I describe the room and the spells I am wearing AND whether I can get the trap? I am confused and not answering correctly......HELP
09-06-2004, 12:32 PM
You say what he asks you for. At rank 3 I think that means the spells you have up and room conditions. Type SPELL ACTIVE to see what spells you have on, say the names of the spells (including crystal amulet which is voices in your head), then say the room lighting.
09-06-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
You say what he asks you for. At rank 3 I think that means the spells you have up and room conditions. Type SPELL ACTIVE to see what spells you have on, say the names of the spells (including crystal amulet which is voices in your head), then say the room lighting.
Hey thanks, I never thought to use the verb spell active
09-26-2004, 01:04 PM
Ok I have gotten to where I have to calibrate the calipers. I pick them up calibrate them, measure the box, pick it then recalibrate....but I am getting no reps. I tried handing them to the footpad but that didnt work....I have sat here and done the damned sequence at least 15 times but no reps.
What the hell is wrong?
Lord Orbstar
01-15-2018, 07:44 PM
Lord Orbstar
01-15-2018, 07:45 PM
cant seem to buy wire to repair my vaalin pick. stupid attendant just stares at me....
01-15-2018, 07:46 PM
Read the sign and then order the item number, or something like that
01-15-2018, 07:49 PM
order #
01-15-2018, 07:54 PM
cant seem to buy wire to repair my vaalin pick. stupid attendant just stares at me....
Lord Orbstar
01-17-2018, 04:47 PM
and the answer was ridiculously easy. I had to GO to the BENCH. oops. then there was rolls and rolls of that damn wire (for a price)
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