View Full Version : First-time Warrior

03-05-2012, 12:26 PM
Hi guys,

Rolled up a warrior and have been working through the early stuff as fast as I can. My intent is to work my way up to the "stereotype" of a THW giantman, wearing plate, wtfpwning warcamps and causing general havoc.

Along those lines, my intent is to get to level 15, join the guild and get cranking on berserk reps (diversifying into bashing and tackling when forced to). I also am going to get working on Sunfist before level 20, and hopefully master it by the time I title.

I'm only about a week in, but input / guidance in skill/stat placement would be appreciated. I know what sort of warrior I want, but not the best way to go about building him.

Obviously, I'm well within the insta-migrate time frame, and have all 5 of my stat reallocations. I'm just set up to plow through the low levels as quick as possible at the moment.

(at level 10), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 132 36
Combat Maneuvers...................| 102 24
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 102 24
Physical Fitness...................| 102 24
Dodging............................| 102 24
Training Points: 0 Phy 232 Mnt (6 Mnt converted to Phy)

Giantman Warrior

Strength (STR): 100
Constitution (CON): 70
Dexterity (DEX): 80
Agility (AGI): 90
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 40
Logic (LOG): 70
Intuition (INT): 70
Wisdom (WIS): 50
Influence (INF): 20

03-05-2012, 12:36 PM
Instead of tackle or bash after berserk I would go with warrior tricks so you can feint. There might be a few warriors out there that like tackle but with the long RT I don't really think it's worth it. And don't be afraid to check out using a lance. Sure your agi/dex bonus is going to suffer a bit but thats not going to matter if you're berserking in warcamps.


03-05-2012, 02:28 PM
I second Androidpk.

Tackle is essentially never used. 7 seconds is just too long. Feint however, is used a ton from mid trainings all the way up through cap (basically anything that casts you need to feint first to hit). Zerk is definitely a good call and worth it, especially camping. If you dont plan on mastering all of them, and just want the biggest bang for your buck, zerk and tricks is the way to go.

03-05-2012, 02:45 PM
Thanks, guys. I definitely see where you're coming from (feint is invaluable on my bard when trying to take out casters).

Any input on stats/skills? I'm looking at polearms, though I do like the claidh or maul "feel". But beyond that... at what point is Ambush, MOC, second weapon type (Hurling?), and the like viable and worth training in?

03-05-2012, 02:53 PM
Thanks, guys. I definitely see where you're coming from (feint is invaluable on my bard when trying to take out casters).

Any input on stats/skills? I'm looking at polearms, though I do like the claidh or maul "feel". But beyond that... at what point is Ambush, MOC, second weapon type (Hurling?), and the like viable and worth training in?

You will also want MOC, it is factored into berserking and how many critters you swing at once while berserking, if I recall.

03-05-2012, 02:57 PM
Thanks, guys. I definitely see where you're coming from (feint is invaluable on my bard when trying to take out casters).

Any input on stats/skills? I'm looking at polearms, though I do like the claidh or maul "feel". But beyond that... at what point is Ambush, MOC, second weapon type (Hurling?), and the like viable and worth training in?

You should be training MoC already, especially if you intend to be doing a lot of berserk.

Coming up, Brute was only 1x dodge, but was able to always have the most focused mstrikes possible for his level.

You can probably manage 1.5x dodge and 2x MoC (you can slack off between thresholds.)

At around 11m exp, I still haven't picked up a second weapon type, just because I want to focus on more practical things (3x armor, 3x dodge) first.

03-05-2012, 02:58 PM
You will also want MOC, it is factored into berserking and how many critters you swing at once while berserking, if I recall.


03-05-2012, 05:35 PM
Focus'd mstrike is pretty sick regardless of weapon type... but it's very sick with THW.

I wouldn't do anything less then singling in it as a warrior.

03-05-2012, 06:35 PM
First-time Warrior 03-05-2012 04:42 PM afk script hunt much?

hrm. never, actually.

edit: hard to believe with rates like this I know:

Exp. Gained Avg per Hour Fame Gained Avg per Hour
19822 401 55362 1119 (49:27:50 since first)
4000 264 400 26 (15:08:07 since last)

03-05-2012, 11:22 PM
I would definitely 3x PT. That will get you nice redux early. As a two hander you're going to get hit. 3x armor as well, getting up through the armor classes quickly helps a lot and in plate early helps. MoC does go back to zerk targets so get that to a number you're happy with target wise. 4 targets in camp seem to keep the grimswarm at bay if you solo. Dodge can stay at 1x early on. You're going to get hit either way.

I was CoL for about 90+ trainings. I went sunfist and love it. You'll have to invest in some mana but to me I like it a lot more than CoL, and I really liked CoL.

As with anything, this is just my personal advice and people can disagree. I personally liked playing a warrior who gets beat on, but gives a bigger beating. Outside of many many cheap fire mage deaths it seems to have served me well. Once in plate it really hits stride and dont remember dying hardly any mid 40s through later 60s.

03-06-2012, 10:12 AM
So... just hit level 12, things are going fine, but I'm anxious to start playing around with the weapon bonding process.

For a while (at least my first 30 days), I want to stick to THW. At this level, should I be thinking claidh? At present I'm using a vultite twohanded sword (because it was already sitting in a locker). I'm thinking either mithril claidh (possibly ora if I can find a good deal), or a nice maul. Anything I'm overlooking? Which one's a better fit at low levels?

03-06-2012, 10:15 AM
I personally liked playing a warrior who gets beat on, but gives a bigger beating. Outside of many many cheap fire mage deaths it seems to have served me well. Once in plate it really hits stride and dont remember dying hardly any mid 40s through later 60s.


That's the way I envision this warrior, as well. Ideally, he'd come limping back to town with a zillion nicks and cuts, a broken nose, picking entrails out of his beard with a broken-toothed smile on his face.

I'm 3x-ing armor all the way. One of the reasons I'm playing this guy is because I've never done a warrior, and I want to play with all the things that come with the class. Bonding, plate armor, berserking, warrior guild... that kinda thing.

Suppressed Poet
03-06-2012, 11:11 AM
I've only brought a warrior up to mid 30s, so take my advice for what it is worth:

I'd say go with a claid, especially at the early levels. Mauls are great as you can guarantee instant deaths from head crits with high enough endrolls, but it requires aiming. It seems at least for now you do not plan to aim and could really benefit from claid weighting. The claid market right now is much cheaper than a maul in terms of bang for your buck. Beserking with a claid is absolutely amazing.

Go maul after the following:

pickup ambush ranks
get enhansives for agi/dex on that giantman
find a good maul you like

Stanley Burrell
03-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Make sure you join Voln.

03-06-2012, 02:09 PM
Don't forget that if you get good enough to berserk consistently, it may benefit you to throw on some plate well before you have 140 ranks of armor use, and hunt with berserk. Just find something that swings rapiers and doesn't do deadly maneuver attacks. You'll swing every 5 seconds regardless while berserking.

Also, i don't know if CMANs were discussed in this thread, but try to get rank 5 bond ASAP. (level 30ish i think.)

03-06-2012, 02:39 PM
Don't forget that if you get good enough to berserk consistently, it may benefit you to throw on some plate well before you have 140 ranks of armor use, and hunt with berserk. Just find something that swings rapiers and doesn't do deadly maneuver attacks. You'll swing every 5 seconds regardless while berserking.

Also, i don't know if CMANs were discussed in this thread, but try to get rank 5 bond ASAP. (level 30ish i think.)

I've found a claidh that I like, and I'm getting started with bonding next train. And my overall strategy is to start berserking through warcamps as soon as it's feasible.

03-06-2012, 03:09 PM
I've found a claidh that I like, and I'm getting started with bonding next train. And my overall strategy is to start berserking through warcamps as soon as it's feasible.

I was berserking at level 10 with my gnome, it was fun as hell

03-12-2012, 04:09 PM
My first charecter 18 years ago was a giant warrior. I just switched him to sunfist and twohanders. The claidh combined with moc and zerking in unreal, he takes down warcamps like nothing. I just sit back and watch as he tears through, i stopped playing him for a while before i switched over and now i cant stop playing him. The only other thing i suggest is learning to read if you can spare the points, it really helps to be able to spell yourself up.

03-13-2012, 11:32 AM
A question about training...

I'm about to turn 19, and am looking at my stats and skills before my 30 days expires.

I really want to get into the heavy armors, berserking, and mstriking, so I'm currently doing:

3x armor
2x THW (found a very nice maul, which swayed me away from polearms)
2x CMan (3 Wspec1, 3 Bonding, 2 PMastery)
2x MOC
2x PF
1x Dodge

Very successful so far, but no room for any tertiary stuff. Is this pretty much standard for a low-level warrior? Is there anything that I could tweak, to pick up some climbing, swimming, perception, and the like? Or do I just need to stay the course for the foreseeable future?

I'm also looking at locking in these stats:

STR: 90 (100 at 20, which is important to me, to keep me interested, 100 at cap)
CON: 65 (100 at cap)
DEX: 70 (100 at cap)
AGL: 70 (100 at cap)
DIS: 50 (86 at cap)
AUR: 45 (74 at cap - no intention of bein anything other than GoS, so not worried about spirit?)
LOG: 89 (100 at cap - want to be able to level this guy quickly)
INT: 75 (100 at cap - want to be able to level this guy quickly)
WIS: 50 (78 at cap - TD isn't going to be a strength of this guy no matter what)
INF: 56 (89 at cap - want to be semi-effective at warcry, at least)

They're not "perfect" stats, but should make him fun to play at all levels, with decent cap stats (if I get that far). Anything I'm messing up with this approach?


Suppressed Poet
03-13-2012, 11:55 AM
Your training looks solid.

I'd stay that course, but drop back on MOC and armor when you need some climb, perception, and swimming ranks.

Personally, I would try to 0.5Xish perception as it plays into a lot of things. If you are going GOS, sigil of resolve does wonders to get you where you need to go. I'd aim for 10 ranks of swimming/climb in the near future, and 20 ranks by 40. You can scale back on MOC and armor use when you need to get these ranks.

Once you start wearing plate, I would drop armor to 2x and start 3xing PF until cap.

Strength at 90 is a little much in my opinion. That stat grows really fast for a giantman warrior. My take on stats - don't go for perfect stats but also don't go for max TPs and allow room for growth. I would drop STR to somewhere between 70-80 and put that into DIS and WIS. Discipline affects so many things. You are correct that TD is always going to suck, but I'd try to make it suck less.

03-13-2012, 08:25 PM
I'd lower the MoC a bit to work in other needed things, being 2x in that along with 3x armor is eating up a lot of your points. If you are in GoS, I'd suggest sticking with 3x armor until you have 140 ranks, 150 if you decided on armor support over puncture resist and reinforcement. Unless you have or buy some really great armor I'd also suggest letting that MoC drop down to 1x after you get enough for a focused triple strike and work on bringing dodge up to 2x. Being in GoS you also want to train up HP, around 30 ranks seems to be decent for most people. Once you get armor out of the way, should be late 40s, work on 3x PF.