View Full Version : Employment

03-04-2012, 02:16 AM
Has anyone ever had their spouse or significant other get them fired?

Specifically, has anyone ever worked for the same company as their wife and when she left the company, she decided to take actions that resulted in the company dismissing you for not having done your job.

03-04-2012, 03:20 AM
I should really read more carefully.

I feel really bad for you man, I can't imagine what the hell happened. I'm going through a similar situation where I was just trying to help someone I really care about and may have screwed up a lot of things at her job, and other things, completely unintentionally. That'll teach me for doing something nice for someone. If I feel this shitty and I was trying to help... I can't imagine what she must be feeling... unless she did it intentionally.

WTF happened?

03-04-2012, 06:57 AM
Not being employed sucks man, I'm sorry. I know, I am an arborist, I climb trees for a living. At least I used to, until about a year and a half ago, when I was diagnosed with a neurological condition caused my a non-malignant tumor in my brain. Haven't worked for a year and a half, Can't drive myself anywhere, and definitely no climbing. Sucks man, I feel you. All I want to do is go back to work. At least your still healthy enough to look for and find another job! Look on the bright side.

03-04-2012, 01:02 PM
I'd be more concerned with having married a bitch than possibly losing your job.


03-04-2012, 01:04 PM
start looking now if you think you won't have a job soon.

03-04-2012, 01:13 PM
Start looking, and it sounds like your wife got fired and not quit.

Might wanna look at why she'd make her family 100% unemployed?

03-04-2012, 01:40 PM
Start looking, and it sounds like your wife got fired and not quit.

Might wanna look at why she'd make her family 100% unemployed?

That's the first thing that popped in my head, unfortunately. That just does not seem like a rational decision. Why would she contact the labor board and report the place if she quit? If this was some sort of blatant and dangerous labor law she was breaking then sure I could understand that.

03-04-2012, 01:51 PM
She actually did quit and not get fired. Due to my position with the company I doubt they would've ever fired her.

She quit to seek employment with another company...which fired her after a week.

She thinks she's a good employee and has good customer service skills, but I've never known any of her fellow employee's at any of her jobs to enjoy working with her.

If I do lose my job I'll likely relocate, I'll see if she follows.

So what you're saying is she's delusional and a horrible manager? (assuming she was a managerial position?)

Most people dont get fired after a week... unless they're really bad.

Also, you noted that you dont really care if she follows you - so... maybe assess your marriage??

03-04-2012, 01:51 PM
Don't stop with just looking for a job. Lawyer up and safeguard your assets now. If she'd run an entire company into the ground and cost however many people their jobs, what is she going to do to you when she's not satisfied with your arrangement either?

03-04-2012, 02:18 PM
Don't stop with just looking for a job. Lawyer up and safeguard your assets now. If she'd run an entire company into the ground and cost however many people their jobs, what is she going to do to you when she's not satisfied with your arrangement either?

Good advice. Armor up.

03-04-2012, 02:27 PM

You're gonna get assraped by her soon when you guys split.

Get a lawyer.

03-04-2012, 03:44 PM
If I do lose my job I'll likely relocate, I'll see if she follows.I think you need to talk to someone who isn't a message board stranger.

03-04-2012, 04:07 PM
I think you need to talk to someone who isn't a message board stranger.

Heresy! This board has everything: lawyers, old curmudgeons, perpetual college students, statistics obsessed people, attention whores, mega sluts, hypno-lactating bondage experts, etc... We even have a Backlash.

I would totally come here for advice on major life events!

I love this bar.

03-04-2012, 04:09 PM
Heresy! This board has everything: lawyers, old curmudgeons, perpetual college students, statistics obsessed people, attention whores, mega sluts, hypno-lactating bondage experts, etc... We even have a Backlash.

I would totally come here for advice on major life events!

I love this bar.


03-04-2012, 04:29 PM

03-04-2012, 05:06 PM
mega sluts

Point them out please. Purely for scientific purposes.

03-04-2012, 05:11 PM
So................................................ ..............

He came here because he was suprised he lost his job. But not suprised his wife was responsible???????????????????????????

lol Rinualdo

03-04-2012, 06:10 PM
Fast Food is an in and out workplace.

Sylvan Dreams
03-04-2012, 07:26 PM

If she knew that you had let employees at your location wave their lunches, logically, she would also know that you stopped it and why. If this is the case, WHY would she ask for what she already knew was wrong? She also obviously didn't talk to you about reporting the company to the labor board before she did so either.

She got you fired, she lied on her resume, got herself fired AND she's a pothead? If she really believes that the world owes her everything simply because she exists, she's going to probably try to take you to the cleaners if you split.

Hopefully you can find a law firm that has a good divorce lawyer and a good labor-law lawyer too. Good luck!

03-04-2012, 08:23 PM
Negative, I came here to see if it's happened to anyone else and to see other real life stranger opinions on the situation. Obviously this isn't the sort of thing I'm going to go speak with her friends about and I didn't want bias on the part of my friends.

Players Corner ftw.

Oh and btw, we've completed the professional evaluation. It doesn't always work when some of the participants will say and agree to anything just to end it.

Roger Dodger that's a floppy copy. A ting tang in the bing bang. Grab your banjo and dig a hole CHARLIE'S COMIN.

03-04-2012, 09:44 PM

If she knew that you had let employees at your location wave their lunches, logically, she would also know that you stopped it and why. If this is the case, WHY would she ask for what she already knew was wrong? She also obviously didn't talk to you about reporting the company to the labor board before she did so either.

She got you fired, she lied on her resume, got herself fired AND she's a pothead? If she really believes that the world owes her everything simply because she exists, she's going to probably try to take you to the cleaners if you split.

Hopefully you can find a law firm that has a good divorce lawyer and a good labor-law lawyer too. Good luck!

She better be amazing in the sack.

03-04-2012, 09:57 PM
I hear the crazies usually are.

Not that I'd know :(

03-05-2012, 10:10 AM
Okay, I'm on the bandwagon, so to speak, that the wife is a loon...

But on another tangent, I guess I do not "get" why it would be considered "wrong" (and on the books as illegal) to take your lunch break at the end of the day, if an employee rather just work a full 8 hour shift and then go home? As 4 hours, +whatever lunch, then 4 hours = more than 8 hours at the job-site.

That sounds like over-regulation to me?

03-05-2012, 10:15 AM
I guess I do not "get" why it would be considered "wrong" (and on the books as illegal) to take your lunch break at the end of the day, if an employee rather just work a full 8 hour shift and then go home? As 4 hours, +whatever lunch, then 4 hours = more than 8 hours at the job-site.

That sounds like over-regulation to me?

I have no idea about how this regulation came about so I'm talking out my arse, but l think it's one of those sitations where the bad folks ruin it for the good. A good hard working employee who chooses to take their lunch at the end of the day costs the company nothing. But then you get a slack ass employee trying to do the same thing and it just amounts to their shitty work ethic being allowed to get shittier. At least, that's how I think the regulation came about.

03-05-2012, 10:21 AM
Okay, I'm on the bandwagon, so to speak, that the wife is a loon...

But on another tangent, I guess I do not "get" why it would be considered "wrong" (and on the books as illegal) to take your lunch break at the end of the day, if an employee rather just work a full 8 hour shift and then go home? As 4 hours, +whatever lunch, then 4 hours = more than 8 hours at the job-site.

That sounds like over-regulation to me?
We went through some discussion with our attorney about that here, because we do it a lot. Most of our employees love it. It's legal-but-iffy in Mass. A lot of companies use that exactly the way the OP's did - making employees work a full shift with no break, then sending them home early - instead of offering them the choice and leaving it up to the employee (note that saying to your employee, "Gee, it would really be helpful to us if you wouldn't mind doing this for a few days" counts as "making them do it" in the eyes of the law). Working 6+ hours with no break when it isn't 100% the employee's choice = bad, no matter what else you wrap up into it. Our lawyer went on for quite a while about how we couldn't even encourage employees to do this. If they come up with the idea all on their own and ask us if they can do it, great, but we can't ask them to do it, and we have to bend over backwards to allow them a normal mid-shift break if they want it instead at any time.