View Full Version : Georgia Strategery

03-01-2012, 10:47 AM
Georgia votes on Super Tuesday next week.

Georgia has 76 delegates awarded proportionally, more than any other state voting on Super Tuesday.

Gingrich indicated he might (http://politicalwire.com/archives/2012/02/20/gingrich_admits_he_must_win_georgia.html) drop out if he loses in Georgia.

If Gingrich drops out, the conservative vote will not longer be split between Gingrich and Santorum.

Will Romney try to spend just enough money and time in Georgia to pick up some delegates in Georgia without winning? Or does he hate Gingrich so much at this point that he will try to knock Gingrich out of the race? If Gingrich drops out, what happens to his delegates? I think the answer is that the delegates would then be free to vote how they like, but they might feel obligated to vote for the remaining candidate who won the most votes in their district. It's a complicated decision.

"I can guarantee you that Newt Gingrich will not be losing Georgia," said Gingrich campaign aide Susan Meyers. "He will easily be putting Georgia in the win column."

But Romney's campaign is conceding nothing. The former Massachusetts governor plans to visit Georgia on Tuesday, which will attract campaign funding and media attention. And he hopes to build on a base of support here that earned him 30 percent of the vote in 2008.

"We're planning on mounting an aggressive campaign in Georgia," said Eric Tanenblatt, a Romney adviser. "The governor had a strong organization in 2008, and came very close to winning. We have a foundation to build upon and a lot of residual support from the last race."

The race puts Gingrich in a tricky situation because he's so heavily favored to win. If Romney senses the possibility of an upset victory, he may shift more resources here from other Super Tuesday contests like Virginia, where Gingrich isn't on the ballot.

"We could end up seeing a lot like what Florida just saw: A deluge of hard-hitting ads contrasting the two," said Joel McElhannon, a Republican strategist here who isn't aligned with either campaign. "Georgia, for Romney, could be the knockout punch. The question would become what's the path to victory for Newt if he were to lose Georgia."

More... (http://onlineathens.com/local-news/2012-02-05/georgia-primary-shaping-be-bruising-fight)

03-01-2012, 12:27 PM
Hey Clyder just curious. If a Republicans wins the presidency does that mean we'll hear from you more or less for the following 4 years?

03-01-2012, 12:29 PM
Depends. If Romney wins, you can expect more Mormon hating for sure.