View Full Version : unlocked engagement ring, gambling kit

02-27-2012, 10:47 PM
see http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=69798

MB: 1m
unlocked engagement ring
a dark faenor engagement ring capped by a brilliant golden blazestar

>wear ring
With a huge grin, you slide your engagement ring onto the appropriate finger.

>smooch ring
You pucker your lips and make a sloppy smooching sound at your engagement ring.

>hug ring
You glance at your engagement ring as if it really needs a hug.

>kiss ring
You lift your hand to your mouth and brush your lips lovingly over your engagement ring.

>tickle ring
You brush your fingers lightly against your engagement ring.

>touch ring
You gently touch your engagement ring and think of past memories.

>raise ring
You make flamboyant gestures with your left hand, hoping everyone will notice the engagement ring on your finger.

>remove ring
Reluctantly, you slide your engagement ring off of your finger.

fully unlocked


a silver-hinged golden rosewood kit (PULLED FOR NOW)

(see other thread - fully unlocked gambling kit)

(thanks to Gizmo for info below)
Gostahl says, "If you managed to be one of the lucky ones to get a fully unlocked one...
Gostahl says, "You can RUB it to store up to 5000 silvers; TAP it to get the silvers back; It's not weightless, coins weigh a lot
Gostahl says, "You can LOOK IN the case when open, to see how many are in there.
Gostahl says, "You can also LATCH it and UNLATCH it to lock it up.
Gostahl says, "And finally, you can drop it, to act like a little table; It can store about 5 items ON it when it is a table.
Gostahl extends a set of narrow legs from under a smooth mistwood case painted with interlocking sigils and carefully places his case on the floor
Gostahl lifts a smooth mistwood case painted with interlocking sigils from the floor and collapses a set of narrow legs underneath it
Gostahl says "If it's dropped, it can not be taken by others.
Gostahl says, "For four hours, it is safe.
Gostahl says, "People CAN take items from on and inside it.
Gostahl says, "So I suggest CLOSING IT and LATCHING IT."
Gostahl says, "They cannot unlatch your kit on the ground, either.
Gostahl says, "So latching is the KEY."

MB: 6m
BO: 8.5m

03-02-2012, 08:10 AM

03-05-2012, 09:23 AM


03-21-2012, 10:40 AM

Bump. Lowered prices.

Gnome Rage
03-21-2012, 04:37 PM
I'm pretty sure smooch, hug and tickle are actions that work for every item.

03-21-2012, 04:42 PM
Why are all the pictures you post from the 90's?