View Full Version : WIP: warrior guild batter script (SF)

06-18-2004, 11:57 PM
this is my first attempt at a script to do your bashing for you while you watch, you must watch since in some rooms other people are bashing! No AFK.

Right now it only goes as high as wooden doors and practice boxes, because thats as far as ive gotten.


put gld
match box practice boxes
match ice slabs of ice
match wdo stage door
match bra branches
match cra crates
match boa boards
match met sheet metal

setvariable lbl box
setvariable get box
setvariable loc stack of cheap wooden boxes
setvariable bat box
setvariable msg shower of splinters
goto where

setvariable lbl ice
setvariable get block
setvariable loc [Guild Hall, Cold Storage]
setvariable bat ice
setvariable msg shatters
goto where

setvariable lbl wdo
setvariable loc [Warrior Guild, Wood Door]
setvariable bat door
setvariable msg teabag
goto where

setvariable lbl bra
setvariable get branch
setvariable loc pile of stripped branches
setvariable bat branch
setvariable msg last bit
goto where

setvariable lbl boa
setvariable get board
setvariable loc pile of rotten boards
setvariable bat board
setvariable msg muffled thud
goto where

setvariable lbl met
setvariable get metal
setvariable loc [Blacksmith
setvariable bat metal
setvariable msg silver
goto where

setvariable lbl cra
setvariable get crate
setvariable loc crates
setvariable bat crate
setvariable msg silver
goto where

put look
match fooget %loc
match go%lbl Obvious

move e
move e
move e
move go shed
move w
goto fooget

move s
move go por
move s
move s
move s
move w
move s
move go gat
goto fooget

move go door
move n
move e
move go step
move w
move go door
goto googet

move w
move go wood door
goto foobat

move e
move e
move e
move go shed
move s
goto fooget

move e
move e
move e
move go shed
goto fooget

put get %get
match fooget ...wait
match foobat pull
match foodrop pick
match ret%lbl complete

put drop my %bat
goto foobat

put bat %bat
match foobat ...wait
match fooget %msg
match ret%lbl [You have completed this task.]
match foobat R>

move out
move n
move e
move n
move n
move go for
move go por
move go n
goto klidel

move go door
move e
move go step
move w
move s
move go door
goto klidel

move out
move east
goto klidel

move out
move w
move w
move w
goto klidel
move e
goto retboa
move n
goto retboa

put ask klidel about training batter
put ask klidel about training batter
match start Repeat this
match bert promoted

move go door
move n
move e
move go door
put ask bert about next batter
move go door
move w
move s
move go door
goto klidel

06-19-2004, 11:06 AM
setvariable msg teabag


A placeholder?

06-19-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
setvariable msg teabag


A placeholder?

Yes, the guild doors get put back up after they fall, so I put in a placeholder that doesn't have a match.

I just finished a new version of this script with finished support for crates. It looks like this script will get to 21 ranks of batter in a day. (assuming you dont have to stop every 5 trains for something else)

There are a few other bugfixes in it. Once again you _must_ watch this script run since I dont include logic for handling when someone else is bashing in the same room. I would consider afk scripting guild tasks grounds for getting kicked from the guild.

At least with the script, batter is boring to watch instead of boring to type.

Red Devil
06-19-2004, 05:51 PM
this is offtopic but is SF laggy as hell like eScape was?

06-19-2004, 06:03 PM
No. eScape makes SF look like greased lightning.

06-19-2004, 08:47 PM
Here is yet another version of this script, it adds support for the wooden door/shoulder task. This version requires you to set a bashing weapon and container variable at the beginning so it can properly pull out the weapon and stow it as needed.

06-20-2004, 01:42 PM
anyone have any good wizard warrior guild scripts? my new little warrior just got invited and I want him to be a guild master, any help would be appreciate

06-21-2004, 05:52 AM
i say. You should expand the script to include things like polishing armor, raking leaves, cleaning floors for all training.. Maybe even the disarm wheel and tackling dummies and such.

::grin:: And thank you for the script. It has been most helpful. I am breezing through the tedious work of learning bash.

06-21-2004, 01:35 PM
Hmmm. I keep on trying to set the varible and it still says that the GOTO label is not found. Perhaps I am just really scripting impaired and am not doing this correctly. Might you care to highlight the area where the variable is set?

06-21-2004, 05:06 PM
<< No. eScape makes SF look like greased lightning. >>

I have no trouble running SF as fast as the wizard, maybe your computer is the laggy part?


06-22-2004, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Cheslica
Hmmm. I keep on trying to set the varible and it still says that the GOTO label is not found. Perhaps I am just really scripting impaired and am not doing this correctly. Might you care to highlight the area where the variable is set?

Which variable? As the script is a work in progress the one im currently running is a bit newer than the one posted also, I might have fixed a bug with it.

06-22-2004, 10:12 AM
The variable for the club and container. It's just, right from the get go it says something like:

(something) %cloak

GOTO label not found

Pretty much. I cannot get the script working at all. I tried to set the variables to garnite club and cloak.

I dunno.

06-22-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Cheslica
The variable for the club and container. It's just, right from the get go it says something like:

(something) %cloak

GOTO label not found

Pretty much. I cannot get the script working at all. I tried to set the variables to garnite club and cloak.

I dunno.

Try this slightly updated script.

06-22-2004, 05:08 PM
this is it exactly:

[Press ESCape key to abort script.]

You are a member of the Warrior Guild.
You are current with your dues.
You currently have 93 ranks out of a possible 144 for your training.

You have 19 ranks in the Disarm Weapon skill.
You need 23 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to practice disarming a partner with an edged weapon.
You have 15 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You have 1 rank in the Berserk skill.
You need 111 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to go out and practice Berserk against creatures.
You have 5 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You have 5 ranks in the Warrior Tricks skill.
You need 40 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to practice Spin for an audience.
You have 17 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You have 8 ranks in the Tackle skill.
You need 64 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to practice tackling creatures.
You have 3 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You are a Master of War Cries.

You have 3 ranks in the Batter Barriers skill.
You need 35 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to break up some slabs of ice.
You will need to do 30 hit points of damage for each repetition.
You have 3 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

Type GLD MENU for additional commands.
[S]>get my %club
Get what?
[Warrior Guild, Courtyard]
This appealing rest spot sits directly before the steps leading to the Guild Hall door. A pair of statues watch over the entire courtyard, including the nearby stone benches and bubbling fountain. The benches invite you to sit and the fountain encourages you to stay. Birds of varying feather keep each other company, stealing an occasional beakfull of the clear fountain water. You also see the Cheslica disk, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some wheat beer, some scattered leaves, an oak barrel, a large mithril plaque, Training Administrator Klidel and a sandwich-board sign.
Also here: Myl, Dethcom, Zallkann, Lithalion who is kneeling, Lord Burak

GOTO label not found!

06-22-2004, 05:09 PM
i am using wizard. if that means anything.

06-22-2004, 05:09 PM
That's you not using SF. You can't do it on the wizard without changing variables.

06-23-2004, 08:00 PM
I suspected that much