View Full Version : Some bows for sale

02-21-2012, 05:02 PM
a gold-traced mossbark composite bow with a feather-tied nock- 50k
a darkly varnished mossbark long bow with carved finger-grooves- 50k
a pale yellow ruic short bow carved with several stylized suns-50k

a feather-carved ruic long bow with a taut catgut string- (scripted)- 200k

Pull my bow
You raise your bow and draw back on the bowstring, pulling until your fingers are even with your ear, to test the strength of the draw. After satisfying yourself that the draw is correct you slowly release the tension on the bowstring, lowering your bow.

Push my bow
Carefully planting your foot firmly on the ground, you brace the lower limb of your bow against it securely. With the ease of long practice you slip the top loop of the bowstring from the nock, twist it several times, and slide the knot's loop back into position.