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View Full Version : Solhaven's Crooked Way.

08-14-2003, 06:58 AM
Crooked Way is a hell of a lot of fun. Apparently, brawlers have an advantage. Here's some highlights.

>punch bruteYou swing a both your fists in a masterful display of brawling, and both hit the brute directly below the jaw. The force of the blow is so great that he goes flying off to the west!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>You deliver a flurry of kicks to the man, topping it off with a bone-crunching and excruciatingly well-placed kick that sends the man flying northwest!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>punch manWith brute force, you slam your fist square up into the man's nose. The man lets out a harsh scream and suddenly falls silent as blood gushes from his nose and mouth. He looks quite dead.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>l[Solhaven, The Crooked Way]
The road makes another abrupt turn here, and several abandoned buildings stand tightly packed against each other to either side, their windows shattered and their interiors dark and lifeless. Boards haphazardly cover their splintered doors, though most have fallen off from years of shabby upkeep. You also see a large dark-clad man that appears dead.
Also here: Divid
Obvious paths: west, southeast
>Divid says, "Oh... he died."
>l[Solhaven, The Crooked Way]
The road makes another abrupt turn here, and several abandoned buildings stand tightly packed against each other to either side, their windows shattered and their interiors dark and lifeless. Boards haphazardly cover their splintered doors, though most have fallen off from years of shabby upkeep. You also see a large dark-clad man that appears dead.
Also here: Divid
Obvious paths: west, southeast
>The man's corpse is dragged away by a man clad in dark brown robes.
>'What a wuss.You say, "What a wuss."

>kick bruteYou harshly bring down your foot on the brute's face, his face quickly becoming a bloody mess.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>A big dark-complected brute stands up.
>kick bruteYou swing your leg up in a sweeping arc and deliver a brutal, bashing kick to the brute's face, knocking him clean over as blood begins to pour from his nose and mouth.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>punch bruteYou bludgeon the brute brutally with your fists, his face quickly becoming a bloody mess.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Apparently, brawlers have >punch bruteYou bludgeon the brute brutally with your fists, his face quickly becoming a bloody mess.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

So much fun.

08-14-2003, 07:24 AM
First time I explored South Haven I was gassed from behind. I was taken completely by surprise. Three other people, who obviously haven't been there before, walked in and tried to help me out. Soon three of us were lying stunned.

Sneaky little devils.

08-14-2003, 09:14 AM
Simu doesn't oppose CvC, which is why they have the challenge verb and conduct gladiator games. They oppose PvP which is what the duels on the boulder are usually about.

08-14-2003, 11:48 AM
That's debateable, too. Andraste used to send a lot of folks to the boulder.

08-14-2003, 11:52 AM
Meh, I'm betting thats a thing of "Well, he called me a looser who plays GS too much!" "Yah, well, he said my lack of a girlfriend is cause to my temper" Then the GM steps in and says "Bah, you two just go to the bolder and settle it there.."

Why? Because they are already NOT RP'in, whats the point in atempting to settle it? ::chuckles::


08-14-2003, 02:46 PM
If CvC is so opposed, why waste resources on stuff like this and the brawling tavern in icemule; more importantly, why condone this behavior that you supposedly oppose by building these areas and things like the challenge verb (which only functions to take experience from empaths after duels from what I've seen)?

Actually, they support CvC in the policy. It's PvP that's discouraged, which is what you find on the boulder.

08-14-2003, 03:01 PM
They gas you and beat you with boards, but it's embarassing to admit they could kick my ass too.
