View Full Version : Is there a need for empaths on teras?

06-17-2004, 02:25 PM
If so I will use the dwaven pagent (see note below) to send mine there


The Dwarven Cultural Association has released the following schedule for the Dwarven Cultural Pageant in Kharam-Dzu. The pageant will take place beginning day 17 of Lumnea and through day 19. (June 17-19)

The DCA reminds all that experience restrictions on Teras Isle have been relaxed for these days and that the Glaesen Star will be running faster than usual.

Niiman (Thursday)
6 pm - Opening Ceremony honoring Lord Eonak

Day of the Huntress (Friday)
5 pm - Treasure Hunt Begins
6 pm - A Talk on Dwarven Distilling Techniques by Ioeth
Midnight - Ale tales with Brother Drimble

Feastday (Saturday)
Noon - Dwarven Fashion Show
5 pm - Scavenger Hunt Ends
Evening - Melli's Games
Midnight - Closing Ceremonies

All times are Elven.

06-17-2004, 02:28 PM
is there ever NOT a need for more empaths on teras?

06-17-2004, 02:31 PM
The idea of a dwarven fashion show makes me glad the game is text based.

06-17-2004, 02:35 PM
Isn't a dwarven pagaent like an oxymoron? I didn't even know dwarves cared about that sort of thing. Must be Kadesha-encouraged. :D

06-18-2004, 02:50 AM
my empath is on teras now if any have a need in the future

my IM is yahoo theotherjohn