View Full Version : Glitter

01-24-2012, 05:06 PM
Let me start by saying yes, I know.

The PC is where I come to for all things advisory. So GLITTER. A singer I am very impressed by, stylistically, tends to have glitter across her cheeks. I am petrified of getting things in my eye, and glitter is basically metal(?) so this is a concern: is that concern unwarranted?

Second, how easy is glitter to wash off? I have heard the Dane Cook bit, but I have reason to believe that comedians are not always entirely truthful. I use a St. Ives facial scrub daily, is that sufficient to remove the bulk of it?

Third, can you just use (like) regular glitter? Is there a special make-up kind?

Finally, have you experienced that color matters or is it just for sparkle/flash? If color does matter, what do you match it to, if anything?

Thank you in advance. :)

01-24-2012, 05:11 PM
Glitter is easy to wash off in the shower. Eyes flush it out easily, don't use metal glitter lol.

01-24-2012, 05:11 PM
I just asked my housemate btw. I don't care who believes me or not :)

01-24-2012, 05:41 PM
Heh, glitter at the Texas Renaissance Festival is known as a Fairy Transmitted Disease (FTD) as such I have some experience with glitter.

It washes off of skin easily. It does not wash put of hair so easily. This includes facial hair.
Any glitter should work fine, if you find it isn't sticking wet the surface and try again.
If you spill it in your car, or your carpet, you will not get it out.

Now, funny story. At the TRF, I witnessed these guys fill a pressurized tube with glitter and mini fake $100 bills. They then gave it to this chick who was in her car (older model, not the end of the world) and she popped it. Glitter everywhere. That was officially known as the money shot. In this instance, it went in her eye (!) and she ended up getting scratches on her eyeball. So yes, it will scratch your eyes in certain circumstances but will not do so if you're just spreading it on your face and not doing anything crazy.

Hope this helps... my sleeping bag still has glitter in it. Tent too. Ugh.

01-24-2012, 05:44 PM
One year at a white elephant party I got a copy of the Glitter soundtrack ON VINYL.

01-24-2012, 07:17 PM
I suggest some high powered weaponry.


01-24-2012, 10:05 PM
Glitter will haunt you weeks later. Shit doesn't go away. You may wash it off your face/body, but it'll find your clothes, sheets, everything.