View Full Version : SWTOR: how's it going?!
01-23-2012, 12:54 AM
Currently being camped by two 50's, a 46, and a 47. Guess me killing their 46 required LOTS of help. Figure I'll do some forum trolling while I wait.
How's it going!?
01-23-2012, 07:36 AM
Currently being camped by two 50's, a 46, and a 47. Guess me killing their 46 required LOTS of help. Figure I'll do some forum trolling while I wait.
How's it going!?
Haha.. that's funny. Can't you just raise up at the medical center though?
As far as SW goes for me.. I'm loving it, but haven't had any real time to power level up as much as I wanted to.
01-23-2012, 08:13 AM
My Combat Medic is lvl 22. Not a bad game thus far.
01-23-2012, 08:15 AM
It was a quest area where the medical center was right next to a set of quests. No big deal - my friend and I found them all in packs of two later and wrecked every single one of them... even wtfpwned 50 assassin that attacked me.
01-23-2012, 08:19 AM
How is the level advantage handled? Can 2-3 level 30 characters kill 1 level 50 character?
01-23-2012, 08:45 AM
How is the level advantage handled? Can 2-3 level 30 characters kill 1 level 50 character?
A 50 geared in PvP gear, no. 20 levels may be too much even for a poorly geared/bad 50.
01-23-2012, 10:35 AM
Apparently people cannot quit SWTOR fast enough!!
Some Rogue
01-23-2012, 12:55 PM
That just proves people are fucking idiots.
I can't count the number of people with "gamebreaking bugs" and problems that make the game "unplayable" who just want to whine and cry about anything and everything on the forums.
Just today I was reading a thread from a guy who said he found hundreds of gamebreaking bugs after all of 10 hours trying to play. Funny that I and several others I know have played well over a hundred and haven't found anything gamebreaking. Go read the wow forums or any game forums, people today are fucking whiny bitches. They will whine and complain about anything. There was actually a thread from someone whining that, even though they had cancelled, they weren't going to get the founder title just from buying the game instead of paying for a month's subscription. Why the fuck do you even care about a title you won't see because you cancelled?
Most gaming forums are like that. Its because of all the 8-12 year olds, the anti-social virgins, and grumpy old gamers like PB.
01-23-2012, 02:08 PM
Hey, we cant all be drunk by the dumpster with some whore talking philosphy
01-23-2012, 02:09 PM
I loathe official forums for all games because of that reason.
01-23-2012, 02:32 PM
That just proves people are fucking idiots.
I can't count the number of people with "gamebreaking bugs" and problems that make the game "unplayable" who just want to whine and cry about anything and everything on the forums.
Just today I was reading a thread from a guy who said he found hundreds of gamebreaking bugs after all of 10 hours trying to play. Funny that I and several others I know have played well over a hundred and haven't found anything gamebreaking. Go read the wow forums or any game forums, people today are fucking whiny bitches. They will whine and complain about anything. There was actually a thread from someone whining that, even though they had cancelled, they weren't going to get the founder title just from buying the game instead of paying for a month's subscription. Why the fuck do you even care about a title you won't see because you cancelled?
It's pretty vile and pathetic. Fortunately, the republic side is way better than the imperial side (general chat). People canceling over things like hi-res textures only being usable in the video. Really? Fucking really? This game looks amazing with mid-res textures and some people are too fucking ignorant to understand that you can't just bump up textures on everything and expect the consumers system to handle it.
Kinda like the Illum debacle. People whining about others getting to rank 100 Valor because the turrets gave SO MUCH VALOR. They didn't give any valor yet the rumor mill was going and no one is smart enough to do their own damn research. They just regurgitate the same bullshit that someone else posts.
01-23-2012, 02:40 PM
Will things like texture packs ever be available? I imagine since the game is stored on your PC you could do lots of cosmetic changes without actually having to mod normal gameplay. I likely fail to understand how MMO installs work. What do they actually put on your computer? Just the FE?
01-23-2012, 02:40 PM
This game looks amazing with mid-res textures and some people are too fucking ignorant to understand that you can't just bump up textures on everything and expect the consumers system to handle it.
Bioware's choice of removing the option entirely (for now, maybe) was a piss poor choice. There are plenty of people with high end videocards that would have no problem running the game with the high res textures.
I think it looks great right now. My new video card heats up a bit but my hard drive is even hotter.
01-23-2012, 03:24 PM
I think it looks great right now
Compared to what? The games graphics are pretty average.
01-23-2012, 03:30 PM
Compared to what? The games graphics are pretty average.
Compared to just about any MMO on the market. It's easier to list graphics better than this game than it is to list those that aren't.
Compared to what? The games graphics are pretty average.
I know what you are saying. I d/led Arkham Asylum and its sick in comparison. Considering the scale and compared to other MMORPGs I think the lighting, textures, reflections, and environmental effects are above average. The shadows are a bit pixelated when you stare right at them up close but when you are running around the eye forgives and the effect is pretty good.
01-23-2012, 03:33 PM
I know what you are saying. I d/led Arkham Asylum and its sick in comparison. Considering the scale and compared to other MMORPGs I think the lighting, textures, reflections, and environmental effects are above average. The shadows are a bit pixelated when you stare right at them up close but when you are running around the eye forgives and the effect is pretty good.
There's a difference between games like that and MMO's. Developers of other genres (single player, specifically) can set a discrete limit to the number of objects displayed on the screen at a single time and can use this to greatly bump video/graphic performance. MMO's are far too dynamic (in player count, specifically) to be able to do this.
*edit* grammar fail
*edit* i specifically said specifically one too many times, specifically
Some Rogue
01-23-2012, 04:14 PM
So I just found something that is kinda fail if you aren't paying attention..(which I wasn't)
30 warzone commendationas = 10 mercenary commendations..
1 medpac is either 10 merc or 10 warzone commendations..
converted my wz commendations to merc ones and clicked a couple extra times and accidentally bought I bought 3 medpacs for 30 merc commendations which equals 90 wz ones.
So basically I lost 60 wz commendations. :(
Not a huge deal in the big picture I guess but since I just started pvp'ing on this guy, it kinda sucks heh.
01-23-2012, 04:18 PM
So I just found something that is kinda fail if you aren't paying attention..(which I wasn't)
30 warzone commendationas = 10 mercenary commendations..
1 medpac is either 10 merc or 10 warzone commendations..
converted my wz commendations to merc ones and clicked a couple extra times and accidentally bought I bought 3 medpacs for 30 merc commendations which equals 90 wz ones.
So basically I lost 60 wz commendations. :(
Not a huge deal in the big picture I guess but since I just started pvp'ing on this guy, it kinda sucks heh.
You're also capped at mercenary commendations at 1000 but it will let you keep trying.
01-23-2012, 04:19 PM
So I just found something that is kinda fail if you aren't paying attention..(which I wasn't)
30 warzone commendationas = 10 mercenary commendations..
1 medpac is either 10 merc or 10 warzone commendations..
converted my wz commendations to merc ones and clicked a couple extra times and accidentally bought I bought 3 medpacs for 30 merc commendations which equals 90 wz ones.
So basically I lost 60 wz commendations. :(
Not a huge deal in the big picture I guess but since I just started pvp'ing on this guy, it kinda sucks heh.
Should be an easy fix, open a ticket and get your shit back.
01-23-2012, 04:23 PM
A few warzone commendations aren't worth the effort.
01-23-2012, 04:33 PM
They're worth wasting 5 seconds making a post about losing them but not worth the 5 seconds to get them back? Interesting.
01-23-2012, 06:44 PM
They're worth wasting 5 seconds making a post about losing them but not worth the 5 seconds to get them back? Interesting.
I think Spiffyjr is saying that warzone commendations are pretty easy to come by and not worth the trouble. Hell, I had 1000 for a long time and didn't realize they were capped.
Question. Is PVP gear pretty much the best gear you can get like level?
01-24-2012, 02:46 AM
Question. Is PVP gear pretty much the best gear you can get like level?
No, there's raid gear for PvE that is better (in most cases - implants are pretty good).
01-24-2012, 12:07 PM
Heh, now I know the inspiration for that comic:
Oh and then there is:
Electronic Arts' stock appears to be in a bit of trouble following Star Wars: The Old Republic's launch. The company's shares fell by almost 3% to $17.75 US this morning after a stock analyst working with Brean Murray Carret & Co. "cut his price target on the stock to $22 [US] from $28 [US]." In a note to his clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that he felt some "creeping concerns" regarding The Old Republic's performance so far; he added that "initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions." Now we just get to sit back with some popcorn and see whether BioWare can get its business together in time to make a recovery, so take a seat.
Some Rogue
01-24-2012, 12:14 PM
Macquarie Securities analyst Ben Schachter has said concerns over sales figures for Star Wars: The Old Republic and the resulting drop in EA stock prices are due to outside “speculation”, as NPD’s sales figures don’t show a complete picture. According to Schachter, the majority sales for the MMO were likely through Origin, and since NPD doesn’t track the service, the figures weren’t taken into account.
Wall Street Journel reports, as of Friday 01-20-12, EA gaining back 2% of it's 3% loss
EA stock had a 3% loss on Thu due to one brokerage reporting stating that "initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions.”
EA stock gained 2% on Fri due to three brokerages reporting that they dispute the other brokerages report stating that "We believe that these concerns are overblown, and that the company’s revenues are tracking ahead of the high end of guidance for the fiscal year.”
You're trying awfully hard and not showing the full story....
01-24-2012, 10:10 PM
Well.. unless they fix the Patch server so I can patch the game and play again.. I may cancel my subscription as well.
01-24-2012, 10:41 PM
Well.. unless they fix the Patch server so I can patch the game and play again.. I may cancel my subscription as well.
Interesting. Haven't heard of that one.
Well.. unless they fix the Patch server so I can patch the game and play again.. I may cancel my subscription as well.
can i hav ur stuff
01-24-2012, 11:19 PM
lol @ my new build... it needs nerfed - way too easy
01-24-2012, 11:31 PM
What tree is your guardian focusing in?
01-25-2012, 01:07 PM
What tree is your guardian focusing in?
I was Defense/Vigilence in Soresu form but I switched to Focus to see what all the hype was about. The build does insane amounts of burst (king in PvP) but I die really f'in fast and I can't guard my friend (healer) near as well before. I can still throw out taunts which help but without being in Soresu and throwing a guard on him it doesn't do as much good. Even if I did throw a guard on him I'd die so damn fast.
The screenshot I posted was pretty much optimal situations. Dropping the AoE "bomb" on people in Voidstar gathered around the door. That's ~3k crit (guaranteed) to however many people happen to be near me. You can only "drop the bomb" four times a minute assuming you execute everything flawlessly. I'm pretty new to the build so I only get it off every 30 seconds or so.
I felt dirty - on Defense/Vigilence I'm doing so much work to get medals. With Focus I faceroll three buttons and damage my way to victory. Medals need to be reworked somehow to grant more bonuses for objective scoring and healing and reduce them for pointless damage. "Pointless" damage would be hard to code for so I'd just up the damage caps and/or remove the number of medals you can get from doing just damage.
Some Rogue
01-25-2012, 01:47 PM
Some of the objectives scoring makes no sense at all....I've planted the bombs that blew open 2 of the doors on Voidstar and I got zero points for that. Isn't that the whole point of the game!?
I just got my key and set it up. Now I am really pissed. I have to have my key, which displays different 9 digit numbers, and put that in every time I want to log in?
01-25-2012, 02:34 PM
Yes. You have to do that everytime.
Some Rogue
01-25-2012, 02:38 PM
I just got my key and set it up. Now I am really pissed. I have to have my key, which displays different 9 digit numbers, and put that in every time I want to log in?
That's kind of the point....if someone got your Username and PW, they still couldn't log in because you have the key....
Its actually an 8 digit number. I recorded 20 sets before seeing any repeat. All of them should work so I just memorized one.
01-25-2012, 03:11 PM
...... No, the number constantly changes.
I seriously doubt this cheap plastic Chinese junk is wirelessly connected to Bioware's systems in real time. So far the set I memorized has worked every time. If that changes I'll post about it.
01-25-2012, 03:41 PM
You don't know how a random number generator with a unique seed works, do you?
01-25-2012, 03:43 PM
I seriously doubt this cheap plastic Chinese junk is wirelessly connected to Bioware's systems in real time. So far the set I memorized has worked every time. If that changes I'll post about it.
Perhaps you can figure it out now.
Here is more reading, because Paypal, and a few MMOs have the same thing.
01-25-2012, 04:02 PM
I'm not sure how someone can spend as much time on computers as we do and not know how one of those works, but his obtuseness might have stumbled onto something we take for granted. He's putting the same 8 digits in every time he logs in. It's working. How? He recorded 20 different strings of numbers before he found a repeat. How many of these tokens that you know of actually repeat their sequence in only 20 iterations? Something seems fishy here, and those of us who use these things properly probably would never notice it.
01-25-2012, 04:06 PM
It might work for a little bit because of time drift(The website knows what code you had at what time, which it gets from the first few numbers). It won't work for long though.
01-25-2012, 04:35 PM
The Android app has a bar that shows the time remaining. It looks to be ~1.5-2 minutes.
01-25-2012, 04:37 PM
The Android app has a bar that shows the time remaining. It looks to be ~1.5-2 minutes.
Yeah, it is a lot slower than the WoW one was.
You don't know how a random number generator with a unique seed works, do you?
I love this argument. You have learned about something that I have not so you deride me for my lack of knowledge on the subject. Were you born knowing how a random number generator with a unique seed works? Of course not.
It would be like me making fun of you for not knowing how to please a woman when you simply had no experience in it.
I'm not sure how someone can spend as much time on computers as we do and not know how one of those works, but his obtuseness might have stumbled onto something we take for granted. He's putting the same 8 digits in every time he logs in. It's working. How? He recorded 20 different strings of numbers before he found a repeat. How many of these tokens that you know of actually repeat their sequence in only 20 iterations? Something seems fishy here, and those of us who use these things properly probably would never notice it.
Ok ok I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but I like to think of myself far from obtuse. I've never had occasion to need to know how things like this work. Now that I am curious I am checking it out.
I was wrong about my assumption that there were a set amount of sets of numbers that would work all the time. The one I memorized did work but not twice.
When I tried one of the other numbers I had written down before that set it did not work. I only stopped at 20 because I was tired of writing down sets of 8 digit numbers.
It might work for a little bit because of time drift(The website knows what code you had at what time, which it gets from the first few numbers). It won't work for long though.
This is how it actually works after some testing. When I got home tonight I logged in by using the current number on the fob. Then I pressed the button on the fob and wrote down the next three sets of numbers.
After playing for 15 minutes I logged out and used the first number I wrote down and got in. Then I played for a while. Logged out. Used the next number and it worked. Each 8 digit number can only be used once and only in a certain order.
Lets say you were not logged into the game and pressed the button on the fob to get twenty, or ten, or three, or however many sets of the 8 digit numbers in order. You could use every one of them if you started with the first and worked your way through no matter what time or day it was. If you used one of the numbers half way through, all the numbers that came before that would be useless, but all the numbers after that could still be used.
01-26-2012, 07:58 AM
Its actually an 8 digit number. I recorded 20 sets before seeing any repeat. All of them should work so I just memorized one.
I'll let the math nerds calculate the chances of a randomly selected 8 digit number repeating itself within 20 generations. It's pretty low.. like really, really, really, really, really, really low.
I seriously doubt this cheap plastic Chinese junk is wirelessly connected to Bioware's systems in real time. So far the set I memorized has worked every time. If that changes I'll post about it.
I was wrong about my assumption that there were a set amount of sets of numbers that would work all the time. The one I memorized did work but not twice. 520thumbs_up.gif
01-26-2012, 12:30 PM
I'm sad I hit 50.
Level 50 PvP is pure shit and 10-49 was so much fun.
01-26-2012, 12:37 PM
I'm sad I hit 50.
Level 50 PvP is pure shit and 10-49 was so much fun.
01-26-2012, 04:22 PM
People have extremely good gear so you get utterly destroyed. I went into a BG as a tank spec juggernaut and died in seconds, literally. I had to switch back to that "bomb" spec so now I leap in, bomb, and leap out to taunt from range. It's the best I can do.
01-26-2012, 05:02 PM
People have extremely good gear so you get utterly destroyed. I went into a BG as a tank spec juggernaut and died in seconds, literally. I had to switch back to that "bomb" spec so now I leap in, bomb, and leap out to taunt from range. It's the best I can do.
Yea.. remember when the 50's were in the same bracket as everyone else? It was 100x worse.
Some Rogue
01-26-2012, 05:10 PM
So it was fun when you outgeared/leveled people but not so much on the other end??
01-26-2012, 05:33 PM
So it was fun when you outgeared/leveled people but not so much on the other end??
10-49 has nothing to do with gear and everything to do with skill. I raped in that bracket from 14 all the way up using nothing but quest rewards. I know it's hard not to be a raging dick but I'm sure you'll manage.
Some Rogue
01-26-2012, 06:56 PM
10-49 has nothing to do with gear and everything to do with skill. I raped in that bracket from 14 all the way up using nothing but quest rewards. I know it's hard not to be a raging dick but I'm sure you'll manage.
I bow to your leetness....ROFL.
Maybe you could try to stop bragging on yourself constantly and people wouldn't feel the need to bring you down a peg.
So did you not use those abilities that you get at higher levels that the noobs don't get? And since the low level gear only has your main stat on it, did you give up all your gear with the all the secondary stats that you get at higher levels? And I am sure the pocket healer had no effect either.
01-27-2012, 12:36 AM
I bow to your leetness....ROFL.
Maybe you could try to stop bragging on yourself constantly and people wouldn't feel the need to bring you down a peg.
So did you not use those abilities that you get at higher levels that the noobs don't get? And since the low level gear only has your main stat on it, did you give up all your gear with the all the secondary stats that you get at higher levels? And I am sure the pocket healer had no effect either.
Some Rogue
01-27-2012, 06:51 PM
That's slang for...I have no counter for your points. You are 100% correct.
01-28-2012, 10:05 AM
Too many healers... and yes, that guy got 13 medals.
Aww look at their little adorable names!
01-28-2012, 01:45 PM
Aww look at their little adorable names!
Heh, didn't even notice that.
01-28-2012, 01:58 PM
What is protection?
01-28-2012, 03:09 PM
What is protection?
Protection is kind of like WAR where tanks can protect people. For example, if I taunt someone (single or AoE) all targets affected deal 30% less damage unless they attack me. There's also guard that I can put on one person that, as long as they remain in range, reduces the damage they take by 5% and gives 50% of the damage they take to me - mitigated by my shield/armor. Being a "tank" spec in this game is actually viable. Guardians/Juggernauts (which I am) have another ability that lets me leap to a friendly unit and reduce their damage taken by 20%. Any damage that I prevent will be added to my protection score.
01-28-2012, 03:11 PM
We were having such a good fight on Ilum before we got outnumbered.
01-31-2012, 09:50 AM
What do you guys who have played both SWTOR and Rift think of this article's comparison of the two?
Basically outlined Rift being a more thoroughly nurtured game with bugs quickly addressed while with SWTOR there is a lot of doubt due to numerous issues as to longevity.
01-31-2012, 10:37 AM
I think it is horribly biased from a Rift fanboy just like if I tried to outline the same only using WoW, it would be biased unless I forced myself to be objective (and I don't think the author is forcing himself to be objective at all).
I've played Rift it was ok. I was bored as shit at cap.
I'm playing SWTOR and I have experienced exactly ZERO of the bugs/issues that make the game ZOMG UNPLAYABLE.
I would like a combat log and a UI mod but it's not breaking the game for me.
Some Rogue
01-31-2012, 10:42 AM
I played game A for almost a year, I've played game B for a month. I wonder which one I am gonna know more about and be biased towards...
Anyway, some of the things he complains about, Rift didn't have at launch either. (Addons)
I don't know what he's talking about when he says he can't bind things to his mouse. It works for me. I've never had the respawn bug in warzones. I've never had a corrupt patch. He's obviously just making up stats for those.
01-31-2012, 10:46 AM
Dear Bad Tie:
You seem Hell bent on attempting to turn people off from playing SWToR for some reason. I'm not sure what your personal motivation is, but here's the thing: You don't have to play SWToR. We're not forcing you to. In fact, we would ask that you don't play it since we don't want to hear what a horrible game it is.
01-31-2012, 11:24 AM
PB, you guys have been playing SWTOR, so I figured you'd be more reliable in affirming or disputing the "factoids" put out.
I'm wondering if a lot of the apathy towards SWTOR that seems to be out there is due to MMO-gamers having increasingly higher standards of expectations of the games that they play.
01-31-2012, 11:26 AM
PB, you guys have been playing SWTOR, so I figured you'd be more reliable in affirming or disputing the "factoids" put out.
I'm wondering if a lot of the apathy towards SWTOR that seems to be out there is due to MMO-gamers having increasingly higher standards of expectations of the games that they play.
Look back at your posts on the subject of SWToR.. it seems like you are trying awfully hard at changing our mind about playing the game. At least, that's the way you are coming across to me.
01-31-2012, 01:56 PM
PB, you guys have been playing SWTOR, so I figured you'd be more reliable in affirming or disputing the "factoids" put out.
I'm wondering if a lot of the apathy towards SWTOR that seems to be out there is due to MMO-gamers having increasingly higher standards of expectations of the games that they play.
SWToR is a very solid game. Sure, it's WoW'ish with a new skin but that's exactly what some people (myself included) want. I'm tired of fireballs and swords - give me fucking lightsabers and blasters anyday. I've done some hard modes and the content is pretty cool. I'm an avid PvPer and the balance is pretty damn good. I didn't read the article because I don't really care what other people think as long as I like the game. I've never had issues with "game-breaking" bugs, I have 5-6 keys bound to my mouse, and the game runs very smooth except for the 25v50 Ilum battles (I'm stuck at ~ 20 FPS).
I only managed to get to ~25 on Rift before I quit. That's enough to tell me I like SWToR more.
02-01-2012, 01:13 PM
Starting my 3rd alt - Sage this time.
02-01-2012, 01:32 PM
Playing on my laptop at work I can't go for to long before I start getting sick. Not sure if I've got a graphic setting wrong, if it's the angle I'm playing at or what but holy hell it blows. On my desktop at home I don't have this issue at all. Clearly this is a game breaking bug and it's unplayable.
02-01-2012, 01:49 PM
Playing on my laptop at work I can't go for to long before I start getting sick. Not sure if I've got a graphic setting wrong, if it's the angle I'm playing at or what but holy hell it blows. On my desktop at home I don't have this issue at all. Clearly this is a game breaking bug and it's unplayable.
I lol'd.
How about a SWTOR dedicated folder or sticky, Mr. Admin? I guess you could make this thread the general thread since it already is.
02-01-2012, 04:31 PM
That sounds like a lot of work.
Some Rogue
02-01-2012, 05:56 PM
Why would you need a folder for an unplayable game that's going to fail?
That sounds like a lot of work.
02-01-2012, 09:01 PM
Got my fourth pair of champ boots and fourth pair of champ legs today. Fun stuff.
02-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Why would you need a folder for an unplayable game that's going to fail?
Don't forget it will be F2P in a month or whatever he said.
I played WoW when it first came out. It was pretty cool. But it was all thwords and thorthery. I am tired of elves and orcs and runes and magical spells and all that crap. FFS.
02-01-2012, 11:57 PM
I feel like WoW is much less swords and sorcery and RP based than most of the games in its genre. Hell, the game is widely known for its constant pop culture references. There's a whole questline in one of the Alliance starting zones where you help out John J. Keeshan, who's just Rambo with a different name,
I feel like WoW is much less swords and sorcery and RP based than most of the games in its genre. Hell, the game is widely known for its constant pop culture references. There's a whole questline in one of the Alliance starting zones where you help out John J. Keeshan, who's just Rambo with a different name,
I liked the whole gnomish/goblin steampunk aspect... but it was wildly Tolkein. Love Tolkein but its 2012.
02-02-2012, 10:35 AM
I feel like WoW is much less swords and sorcery and RP based than most of the games in its genre. Hell, the game is widely known for its constant pop culture references. There's a whole questline in one of the Alliance starting zones where you help out John J. Keeshan, who's just Rambo with a different name,
I dare say that WoW has gotten *less* swords & sorcery over the last few expansions, due to Activison's thinking that pop culture = more engaging of a game.
I dare say that WoW has gotten *less* swords & sorcery over the last few expansions, due to Activison's thinking that pop culture = more engaging of a game.
::inhale:: ::exhale:: ::inhale:: ::exhale:: COME TO THE DARK SIDE ::inhale:: ::exhale:: ::inhale:: ::exhale::
Some Rogue
02-07-2012, 02:59 PM
Ugh, this "new and improved" UI/cooldown/GCD thing reallllllly blows.
I have no idea if an ability is unusable because it's on cooldown or if it's because I don't have enough focus or didn't meet some other requirement. I hope they change it again.
02-07-2012, 03:00 PM
I must not pay attention, what ui/cooldown/gcd thing?
Some Rogue
02-07-2012, 03:07 PM
This guy from the forum explains it better than I do
In the previous iteration (before 1.1.2), abilities that were usable still appeared "lit up", even though they were on CD/GCD. The cooldown indicator still scrolled down the ability, but the ability itself was actually lit up, indicating it is usable the instant it comes off CD.
This was PERFECT for me. It let me actually predict the next ability I would use before I used it. Since I play rage/focus based classes, it's not as simple as knowing the next ability to press and pressing it; I had to know if I even had enough rage/focus to press it, and if I didn't I would have to change my rotation. With the previous iteration I KNEW I could use an ability because the ability was lit up, even if on GCD or CD. For other classes this might not be a big deal, but for a rage base class that needs to build our own rage through abilities, it helps immensely if we know it the split second we look at an ability if we have enough rage to use it.
Now with this new iteration, the ability goes dim (and has a white border around it) if it is on CD or GCD.
02-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Ugh, this "new and improved" UI/cooldown/GCD thing reallllllly blows.
I have no idea if an ability is unusable because it's on cooldown or if it's because I don't have enough focus or didn't meet some other requirement. I hope they change it again.
I liked the change this morning but I was playing on my Sage and not my Guardian.
02-08-2012, 01:21 PM
And I thought my guardian was fun...
Curious about where people get the best gear?
All of my gear, armors and weapon, are modable so I have been doing missions mostly for that planet's credits to get the best mods and or companion gear.
This seems like the best route. As a bounty hunter I am still wearing the TD-17A Imperator Body Armor at level 31 with all Comando 11 mods.
02-16-2012, 10:16 PM
Just take quest greens/blues and drops from flashpoints until you hit 50. That's when the gear matters.
Almost everything I have is orange. Adding armoring, mods, and enhancements to them seem far superior to any greens or blues I have found.
Granted, I am playing PVE to get the most out of the content, then will go PVP. I have not looked at the PVP gear now that I think on it.
02-17-2012, 06:56 AM
I wouldn't worry about armor until level 50. Just do flashpoints and heroics if you want good quality gear as you are leveling up.
02-17-2012, 08:07 AM
HOW ABOUT YOU LOG THE FUCK IN SOMETIME OLD MAN BALLS! (And logging in is more than doing a quick hop on vent and then falling asleep before we do a flashpoint holy shit).
02-17-2012, 08:52 AM
HOW ABOUT YOU LOG THE FUCK IN SOMETIME OLD MAN BALLS! (And logging in is more than doing a quick hop on vent and then falling asleep before we do a flashpoint holy shit).
Mon - work
Tues - Valentines day
Wed - work
Thurs - exhausted
Fri - I'M ON RIGHT NOW!!!!
I told you last year when the energy company was forcing me to take on more contracts than I wanted that this was going to suck... guess what.. IT DOES!
Instead of 1 contract that would make me money and keep me happy, we now have 4 contracts... and 4 more on the way. And 2 of them make me very little money and take up a great deal of my time... which sucks.
Some Rogue
03-06-2012, 12:33 PM
Dear writers of the Trooper class quest,
03-06-2012, 12:43 PM
LOL yeah I read it kind of turds out at the end.
03-06-2012, 12:44 PM
Dear writers of the Trooper class quest,
I thought that was supposed to be one of the better stories.. no?
Some Rogue
03-06-2012, 12:51 PM
No, it's probably the worst.
Jedi Knight was really good.
I had to wait til 50 to finish the Jedi one, it was actually difficult in a few places. It was fun and had an epic story and ending.
Trooper was easy enough to solo at 48 with no deaths and basically the ending was just....ok, all that work you did was for nothing. It's the end of the line.
I get that it might be how someone in the military might feel about the bureaucrats and all, but this is a game. Don't shit on me at the end after going through 50 levels.
03-06-2012, 12:51 PM
I thought that was supposed to be one of the better stories.. no?
I only got about halfway through it but thought it was pretty dull compared to some of the other classes.
03-08-2012, 10:26 AM
Level 40 full level 40 pvp gear = night and day with my mish-mash outfit I was using. I increased my health by almost 3K (from just under 8K). Warzones are now easy to stay alive unless I'm focused on.
50 more badges and I'll have the pvp level 38 lightsaber.
03-08-2012, 11:34 AM
This post on the SWTOR forums has some great tips for increasing performance.
Provided are tips that are less known, and have a dramatic effect on quality and performance in the game. These come from our research group members internal testing that are fans of SWTOR and are computer engineers and OS theorists.
Provided below each tip is a detailed explanation of why the setting improves performance.
1. Launching the Game
Requirements: (Windows 7 & Vista Users)
Video Card: (Both NVidia and AMD/ATI)
Right click on the SWTOR icon on your desktop or in Start Menu program files, select Properties. In the window that appears select the Compatibility tab. Under Compatibility Mode check Run this program in compatibility mode for: From the box below select Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and then click OK
(This setting is very important when your video card has under 1GB of dedicated VRAM.)
---Technical Details---
Currently the engine/game is turning off the GPU RAM virtualization features of Vista and Windows 7 which is a major feature of the WDM/WDDM technology. This technology allows Windows to manage GPU RAM, by prioritizing textures and assets as needed without saturating the video card’s onboard RAM.
Quality Gain:
Allows medium and high resolution textures, better antialiasing, and various other features to remain enabled for a higher quality image on video cards with lower amounts of RAM. It also allows the higher quality textures to be used on objects in the distance which helps with the terrain, grass, building flaws as you are moving in the game.
Performance Gain:
Increases FPS even with higher Quality settings enabled and reduces the GPU stress by not having to load in and out lower resolution textures. This will even reduce GPU temperatures, as the Memory Controller on the GPU has to do less work with constant loading, unloading, and reloading of game textures and other assets.
By setting the game to Windows XP Service Pack 3 in the compatibility tab, the game/engine doesn’t override this feature of Windows, and this lets Windows manage the GPU RAM, and even if you have 256mb or 512mb of GPU RAM, Windows will tell the game you have 1024mb or more GPU RAM based on how much system RAM you have available and Windows can allocate to the game.
2. Scaling – Display Override
Requirements: (Windows 7 & Visa – Desktop Computers)
*Some laptops may also allow/benefit from this setting.
Video Card: (NVidia)
In the NVdia Control Panel, select Adjust Desktop Size and Position, on the Right under the Scaling tab change Select scaling mode: to No scaling – then change Perform scaling on: to Display. Below this check Override the scaling mode set by games and programs
(This setting is very important when you are running a lower resolution in game than your monitor’s native resolution.)
---Technical Details---
On desktop displays (*Some Laptops), the monitor is capable of ‘resizing’ the image to fit the screen, with its own onboard controller. However, unless this is ‘forced’ to be done on the display, the NVidia GPU often takes on the Task, which requires additional GPU processing to scale the image to the screen.
This has a side effect of reducing ‘pixilation’ and helps antialiasing, as most monitors do up-scaling. So if your monitor is 1680x1050, and you are running the game at 1440x900 or 1280x800, the monitor will do a quick and dirty ‘antialiasing’ effect on the image when it up-scales to fit on the higher resolution 1680 monitor.
When running the game at a lower resolution, the performance should jump; however, without this setting, the GPU is taking on additional processing and this removes a large portion of the performance benefit of the lower resolution setting.
3. Antialiasing Tricks
Requirements: (Windows 7 & Visa – Desktop Computers)
Video Card: (NVidia & AMD/ATI)
As it has been posted before Antialiasing can be forced on, I’ll repost them along with the additional tip.
On AMD/ATI cards this is easy, can you turn on Antialiasing in the Catalyst Control Center.
--- Additional Tricks---
If you are using a desktop computer, and need more performance but would like a higher level of Antialiasing and having completed the ‘Desktop Scaling’ setting above, you can use your monitor to give you a bump in smoothing out the screen by simply dropping your in game resolution a slight notch below your monitors native resolution.
For example, if your Monitor’s resolution is 1680x1050, in game select a close setting of: 1600x1000 or 1600x1025 for example. Try to select one that has a ‘close’ aspect ratio or images will be too wide or skinny.
Quality:This uses the Monitor’s up-scaling controller to give the illusion of an additional level of antialiasing. For example if you normally run 4X antialiasing, and you change from native 1680x1050 to 1600x1000 your can reduce your antialiasing setting to 2X and get almost the exact same image quality. Or if you leave it at 4X it will be closer to 6x/8x.
By using the lower resolution this will increase FPS even if you don’t adjust your Antialiasing setting, and if you do adjust down your Antialiasing down a notch, it is an additional gain in FPS.
Final Results and Notes…
We were able to use these setting to get better quality from the game and better performance on all our various test systems, but for a baseline reference I will use the system that had the most substantial increases as it is a lower end system that not only got a FPS boost but a graphics boost as well.
Athlon X2 5000+ w/4gb of RAM
Geforce GTS 250 w/512mb VRAM
Original performance:
Game Settings:
Resolution: 1680x1050
VSync: On
Textures: Low
Shader: High
Character Detail: Low
Anisotropy: Medium
Shadows: Off
Antialiasing: 2xThe game looked ok, and was marginally playable.
Tips & Settings Applied:
Game Settings:
Resolution: 1600x1024
VSync: On
Textures: High
Shader: High
Character Detail: High
Anisotropy: High
Shadows: High
Antialiasing: 2xNow the game is above the 30fps playable range all the time, with the added benefit of all the settings on the higher settings. The GPU temperature stays 10°C cooler and textures are no longer dropping to lower quality from a distance.
Additional notes since this was originally posted to clarify:
1) Get the latest drivers for both NVidia and ATI. The beta drivers from NVidia and AMD/ATI seem to work the best, but you have to look for the 'beta' drivers when you visit their websites.
2) Not all video cards will have the scaling options in the NVidia control panel, especially on laptops, the built in display often does not have its own controller to do scaling well, or is disabled by the OEM.
3) The "Windows XP Compatibility" setting is the biggest jump in performance out of the tips, and most users can stop there.
4) Even if you have a fast Video card with 1GB of RAM, this will help the performance, and also give you much better 'distant' textures on objects.
5) The more system RAM you have, the bigger the jump in quality and performance will be, as Windows Vista/Windows 7 has to manage the System RAM and have extra to allocated to the GPU.
(If you have 2GB of system RAM, this is will give you a boost. However, if you have 3GB or Windows 64bit with more RAM, this boost increases. The numbers I posted above on the test system is runnng Windows 7 64bit with 4GB of RAM. Yesterday I had a tech increase the RAM in the system to 6GB, and the FPS almost lock at 60fps full time now, with few dips to the 45fps range.)
I skipped over a few common settings, that should be noted for users:
Turn these off if you are still not getting the performance you want:
If your video card is a DX9 class card, like a Geforce 7900 or older set...
Shader to low, and see if this doesn't help performance considerably.
Even if you have the fast system, if you get in a highly populated area, your FPS can drop, ths is especially true in PVP. Try turning down these settings one at a time in this order and then turn them back up when you are in a less congested area:
Shadows: Off
Bloom: Off
Character Detail Level: Low
VSync: Off
Textures: Low
Shader: Low
One example is on the Fleet, where you have a lot of indoor light sources and lots of people at times any video card can have FPS issues. This has to do with the complexity of the scene and the loading of the various character details from ther server and your computer finding the 'texture' and getting it loaded. Often this is as you are loading in, and will catch up, but sometimes it doesn't.
03-13-2012, 08:02 AM
If you've just purchased a new computer within the last year, you won't have to worry about scaling down the game to increase performance.
oh... sorry.
03-13-2012, 08:49 AM
Taking the side off the case helps.
Taking the side off the case helps.
If I wanted to ignore your advice I would have asked for it.
03-13-2012, 05:55 PM
I've got a level 50 powertech, level 50 operative, level 50 sorcerer, level 50 marauder. I only really leveled the powertech, I cheated with the rest. None of them are geared very well (basic level 50 purples from the GTN, no raid gear except pants on the marauder and powertech.) Unfortunately, that means I suck in warzones, as I'm going up against fully geared people with 4k to 7k more health.
Currently working on getting my gunslinger, commando, shadow, and guardian up to 50 (all in their 20's & 30's.)
I figure once I have all classes at 50 and play through their storylines, I'll likely quit the game.
I think the best storyline by far is the imp. agent. Most fun class to play has been the marauder and operative.
03-13-2012, 06:17 PM
I've got a level 50 powertech, level 50 operative, level 50 sorcerer, level 50 marauder. I only really leveled the powertech, I cheated with the rest.
You shared the account.. or you paid for a leveling service?
03-13-2012, 06:50 PM
You shared the account.. or you paid for a leveling service?
Space combat. Mouse recorder.
03-13-2012, 07:05 PM
Space combat. Mouse recorder.
Not much of a challenge that way I guess. Been playing since release and I have 3 chars at 10 and my main at 38. I figure at an average of 30 minutes a day I've played 46 hours.
03-13-2012, 07:32 PM
Not much of a challenge, no. But I leveled 3 characters to 50 in beta, and 1 to 50 live. I've played through both sides questlines, seen the light and dark side choices in each. Just couldn't do it anymore, stopped being fun.
But really, the game isn't much of a challenge anyway, is it? Have you ever had a quest that was even remotely difficult if you were leveled and geared for it? The only challenge I've ever had was in a few class quests where they restrict you to a specific companion that you may not have kept geared (the end of the Jedi Knight story comes to mind, as does the IA questline where you lose access to Kaliyo for a while.) And even then, a quick trip to the GTN to gear another companion up fixes that.
04-02-2012, 07:23 PM
So, yeah...
04-02-2012, 07:41 PM
Gratz. now what?
04-02-2012, 07:52 PM
Damned if I know. Play through all the class stories and cancel sub? Not much else to do. I've never been a fan of raiding. Maybe lots of warzones? I get stomped in the 50's bracket, but I guess once I start gearing up in battlemaster gear, it might not be so bad. I'm just so unbelievably sick of Huttball, which seems to be the only warzone I ever get into.
Some Rogue
04-02-2012, 08:12 PM
Yeah, I could see getting your ass kicked in warzones since you probably don't know how to play half of those or have any gear...
what was it? Space missions?
04-03-2012, 12:48 AM
Space botting, yeah.
It's mostly the gear that's a problem. Even with the best gear I can find on the GTN mixed in with purples from the fleet comm boxes, my gear still gets blown away by people in full rakata or battlemaster. They literally have anywhere from 4,000 to 7,000 more HP than I do. Hard to be competitive in an environment like that. I'm hopeful they'll add some sort of standardized gear warzones, but I'm not holding my breath.
I tried gearing up in battlemaster for my powertech, which was my first main. But the system they have in place is an idiot, and I got sick of the crapshoot randomness of the battlemaster bags. The grind is what got me to start my alts, and then the repetitiveness of doing the same quests over and over again is what got me to look into botting. Apparently patch 1.2 will address the battlemaster randomness, but it'll still be an annoying Huttball grind (I detest Huttball.)
The only classes that are giving me a tough time in playing is the gunslinger and shadow. I can't really seem to get a feel for them. The rest are pretty simple to master, especially classes like the commando and sorcerer.
04-03-2012, 12:58 AM
Not any better in WoW. Just hit 85 going into bg's with 120k hp and getting crit for 50k+. Fun times. I'm going to wait until MoP is out before I keep playing.
Some Rogue
04-10-2012, 10:24 AM
Trying out other servers since Sword of Ajunta Pall is dead (like lots of servers).
Today at 10:23 AM
Sword of AP Imp fleet 22
Sword of AP Rep Fleet 10
Fatman Imp Fleet 100+
Fatman Rep Fleet 83
Only problem is queue times on was a half hour last night at around 10 PM.
Some Rogue
04-10-2012, 12:18 PM
Now he plays a real game.
Awww, look at the little vagina who has to talk shit about this game and leave red reps for people who play it.....
If you don't like it, ignore its forums. Problem is though, you think people actually care and respect your opinion on it. Care to show us on the doll where the bad wookie touched you?
04-10-2012, 12:21 PM
I'll take a 30 minute queue time over the dead space of our old server.
Though, I don't know why we had to go to the server named after Some Rogue... fucking narcissist.
04-10-2012, 12:24 PM
Awww, look at the little vagina who has to talk shit about this game and leave red reps for people who play it.....
If you don't like it, ignore its forums. Problem is though, you think people actually care and respect your opinion on it. Care to show us on the doll where the bad wookie touched you?
Someone suuuure is sensitive. It's ok, let out all those tears.
Some Rogue
04-10-2012, 12:55 PM
Someone suuuure is sensitive. It's ok, let out all those tears.
Just curious why someone has to make themselves feel better by going in and crapping on people who enjoy a game they don't. It's not the first time you've done it or the only game.
04-10-2012, 01:10 PM
Just curious why someone has to make themselves feel better by going in and crapping on people who enjoy a game they don't. It's not the first time you've done it or the only game.
Certainly won't be the last time either, I'm an opinionated person, if you don't like that don't read my posts.
04-10-2012, 01:12 PM
Certainly won't be the last time either, I'm an opinionated person, if you don't like that don't read my posts.
It's a little more difficult to "just not read" rep though. Is there really a point to "OMG, this game sucks!!" red rep?
04-10-2012, 01:16 PM
It's a little more difficult to "just not read" rep though. Is there really a point to "OMG, this game sucks!!" red rep?
Not as difficult as large images in your rep.
I wonder who left me that today?!
04-10-2012, 01:23 PM
Not as difficult as large images in your rep.
I wonder who left me that today?!
Not guilty. I only put out the effort to google up pictures when I think it's funny. Annoying people aren't worth the time. I have to give whoever did leave it credit though - at least it's a comment about you and your posts, instead of, "I don't like the game you play so I'm going to shit all over your rep, waaaaah"
04-10-2012, 01:26 PM
Not guilty. I only put out the effort to google up pictures when I think it's funny. Annoying people aren't worth the time. I have to give whoever did leave it credit though - at least it's a comment about you and your posts, instead of, "I don't like the game you play so I'm going to shit all over your rep, waaaaah"
Sorry but you weren't the person I was talking about. You also don't know what you're talking about. I got that for a comment where I was making a jab at Numbers.
04-10-2012, 01:29 PM
Also, i've left some rogue exactly one neg rep (signed) concerning SWTOR, I would HARDLY call that shitting on someone's rep, but if it means that much to him maybe he should refrain from posting on the PC until the scabs on his vagina heal over.
Some Rogue
04-10-2012, 02:02 PM
I wonder who left me that today?!
I thought that was pretty obvious even for someone like you since I repped the same post I quoted.
You also don't know what you're talking about. I got that for a comment where I was making a jab at Numbers.
You were making a jab at Numbers playing the game then days later felt the need to pretty much tell me I am an idiot for not playing "a real game" too. We get it, you don't like the game now stfu about it or should I come into the Battlefield 3 thread over and over and say how much I thought it sucked and anyone who plays it must be stupid?
04-10-2012, 02:13 PM
I thought that was pretty obvious even for someone like you since I repped the same post I quoted.
You were making a jab at Numbers playing the game then days later felt the need to pretty much tell me I am an idiot for not playing "a real game" too. We get it, you don't like the game now stfu about it or should I come into the Battlefield 3 thread over and over and say how much I thought it sucked and anyone who plays it must be stupid?
I was making a jab at him for having so many capped toons. You're free to come into the BF3 thread and say whatever you like. My vagina is relatively sand free so it's not like its going to bother me any.
04-10-2012, 05:58 PM
I was making a jab at him for having so many capped toons.
Not sure what I did to deserve that jab, but okay...
And just to be clear, those capped toons were leveled overnight and while I was at work. I only leveled one toon to 50 manually.
04-10-2012, 06:11 PM
Not sure what I did to deserve that jab, but okay...
And just to be clear, those capped toons were leveled overnight and while I was at work. I only leveled one toon to 50 manually.
04-10-2012, 06:52 PM
How bad is the SWTOR population these days? I've gotten a lot of "free to play for a month" spam in my e-mail.
I just couldn't get into the game - it seemed to be a lot of fun, but star wars (movies, games, etc) is meh to me.
04-10-2012, 07:34 PM
How bad is the SWTOR population these days? I've gotten a lot of "free to play for a month" spam in my e-mail.
I just couldn't get into the game - it seemed to be a lot of fun, but star wars (movies, games, etc) is meh to me.
Like most games, it came out like gangbusters and then the "shine" wore off.
And yea, I don't expect people who don't like the whole Star Wars genre to enjoy the game.. but since I do, I'm still enjoying the shit out of it. I have been busy as fuck at work for the past 4-5 months.. but I play whenever I have time.
04-10-2012, 08:26 PM
How bad is the SWTOR population these days? I've gotten a lot of "free to play for a month" spam in my e-mail.
It's fairly bad at this point. There's a dozen or so highly populated servers, and it drops off very quickly. I think they launched with way too many servers.
Apparently one of their top priorities is figuring out how to get server transfers working with the legacy system.
It also doesn't help that the Hero Engine is shit, and craps out whenever you have more than 30 players in one place. But it was developed by Simutronics, after all.
04-11-2012, 09:19 AM
It also doesn't help that the Hero Engine is shit, and craps out whenever you have more than 30 players in one place. But it was developed by Simutronics, after all.
Apparently SIMU licensed out their 'superb' game management techniques as well.
It also doesn't help that the Hero Engine is shit, and craps out whenever you have more than 30 players in one place. But it was developed by Simutronics, after all.
I've been playing PvE on a low population server just to take my time and get a feel for the game while enjoying the storyline content. As graphical games go I think this one is gorgeous. Its really visually amazing. Smoke, fire effects, metallics, water reflections, flora... the shadows need a little smoothing but otherwise Hero Engine is pretty fucking sweet.
It may not handle crowds well, I have yet to experience it myself, but it is beautiful.
04-11-2012, 01:35 PM
I've been playing PvE on a low population server just to take my time and get a feel for the game while enjoying the storyline content. As graphical games go I think this one is gorgeous. Its really visually amazing. Smoke, fire effects, metallics, water reflections, flora... the shadows need a little smoothing but otherwise Hero Engine is pretty fucking sweet.
It may not handle crowds well, I have yet to experience it myself, but it is beautiful.
Oh, I won't deny that at all. It's a very stylistic game. They certainly could do with some higher res textures, but I have no complaints about the appearance of the game. It's definitely not next-gen (or even current gen,) but it's still very attractive.
The problem with the engine, as I said, is that it can't handle a lot of people in one place very well. Once you start hitting 20 people, even on top end machines, the framerate starts chugging. For an MMO, that's not really ideal. That's why they put such low caps on some of the servers. Even busy servers have a population cap of a couple of thousand.
That's why they ended up with two or three very busy servers, while the rest tend to be ghost towns. That's not a server issue, it's an engine issue. I remember in beta they had us do a couple of stress tests by asking everybody online to go to Coruscant/DK or the fleet. We're talking about maybe 50 to 60 people in one place? My FPS dropped to about 0.6.
04-16-2012, 11:13 PM
I got an email saying I get a Tauntaun pet. I haven't logged in a while
05-02-2012, 07:23 AM
I got an email saying I get a Tauntaun pet. I haven't logged in a while
I assure you the Tauntaun doesn't make up for the pain of logging in again.
05-02-2012, 10:23 AM
I'm still enjoying the shit out of this game. I miss the people I generally game with (they are dead to me now) but I really love the story lines and game play. My plan is to level up another toon to 50 and then do some raids to see if I want to stick it out or not. The guild I got into merged with another <BLOOD Gz> or something along those retarded lines.. but the guild seems to be very active in raiding and level 50 pvp... so I'll stick it out.
I'm currently playing a Sith Sorcerer (aptly named Falgrin.........) who last night killed his master, trapped her "force" in a really ugly monster, tracked down a Jedi Padawan, killed her masters, then turned her to the dark side to be my love interest. That's a pretty successful night in my mind.
Some Rogue
05-02-2012, 10:43 AM
Way to ruin the story for me asshole!
(Btw, I am probably unsubbing for awhile. Too much other shit going on and getting tired of nothing but pvp anyway)
05-02-2012, 11:18 AM
Way to ruin the story for me asshole!
Oops? I thought you already went through this storyline. My bad! So far, I like this storyline better than any of the ones I've done so far.
(Btw, I am probably unsubbing for awhile. Too much other shit going on and getting tired of nothing but pvp anyway)
Yea.. I figured since I haven't seen you on lately you were probably playing other things. I tried to stick around your level, but finally I said "Fuck Anticor, that asshole!" and started doing more quests.
05-02-2012, 11:35 AM
I'll kill you.
05-02-2012, 12:06 PM
I'll kill you.
Not you.
SomeRogue rolled "Anticor" and roleplays a queer Sith Ass.
Some Rogue
05-02-2012, 12:11 PM
The Pink Lord of the Sithhhhh
05-02-2012, 12:13 PM
The Pink Lord of the Sithhhhh
05-02-2012, 12:23 PM
Mother fuckers.
05-02-2012, 01:15 PM
Mother fuckers.
Hey.. it was almost worse. I said I would roll a toon named Survain and we would always, always be together to the point where people would make fun of us for being attached at the hips.
05-02-2012, 01:27 PM
That's it I'm starting a guild called NAMBLA and the only two people in it will be Falgrin and Chumae.
Some Rogue
05-02-2012, 01:28 PM
Hey.. it was almost worse. I said I would roll a toon named Survain and we would always, always be together to the point where people would make fun of us for being attached at the hips.
And start a guild named Life Partners.
Just capped by Pyro BH last week on a low pop PvE server. The way I spec'ed allowed for a pretty easy combo of 5 different attacks using Mako as a healer. There is only one mob, a like-level Jedi Assassin, that I have yet to take out.
Now that the BH is capped I am doing more content but concentrating on gearing out the rest of my companions and trying different companion combinations. I have not even touched PvP.
I started a Sith Maurader on a low pop PvP server to see how that goes. Totally different play style using melee. I've decided to try to max willpower along with strength and endurance to see how it works out.
Georgeous game over all, love the genre, and hate people who call the different attacks "spells". GTFO with that elven bullshit.
05-03-2012, 12:44 PM
I'm still on SoAP.
At some point I may actually try to play on The Fatman again. I was getting pissed at the queue times so I stayed parked in SoAP.
Got all my BM gear, starting the grind for war hero gear now. Did hard mode EV up to the last boss in mostly BM gear too.
I've been getting all my pvp dailies/weeklies done. Started using mumble with the guild <CIA>.
I'm not sure if the imperials we use to play quit or we got better now that more people on the republic side of the server hit 50. I'm usually in a pug that wins 1 out of 3 or 4 times now.
Someone should log in and make me guild leader of <The Away Team>.
Some Rogue
05-03-2012, 12:53 PM
Anticor would have to make you guild leader if he is still subbed.
05-03-2012, 12:57 PM
F2P coming soon.
05-08-2012, 12:21 AM
I started a Sith Maurader on a low pop PvP server to see how that goes. Totally different play style using melee. I've decided to try to max willpower along with strength and endurance to see how it works out.
FWIW, willpower does absolutely nothing for marauders. You'll want to go strength/end/power/crit/surge. I'd also recommend the Annihilation tree... the other two are kind of crummy.
I've finished the storylines for Agent, Jedi Knight, Inquisitor, BH, and Sith Warrior. I'm almost done with the trooper storyline, on act 2 for smuggler, and act 1 for consular.
Agent has, by a huge margin, the best storyline. I'd then follow it up with jedi knight, sith warrior, inquisitor, and BH. Trooper storyline is kind of meh, smuggler is getting a bit interesting, and consular is shit.
05-08-2012, 12:40 AM
Agent story was awesome.
05-08-2012, 01:35 AM
Just capped by Pyro BH last week on a low pop PvE server. The way I spec'ed allowed for a pretty easy combo of 5 different attacks using Mako as a healer. There is only one mob, a like-level Jedi Assassin, that I have yet to take out.
Now that the BH is capped I am doing more content but concentrating on gearing out the rest of my companions and trying different companion combinations. I have not even touched PvP.
I started a Sith Maurader on a low pop PvP server to see how that goes. Totally different play style using melee. I've decided to try to max willpower along with strength and endurance to see how it works out.
Georgeous game over all, love the genre, and hate people who call the different attacks "spells". GTFO with that elven bullshit.
BH your going to be using Mako pretty much constantly PvE unless you've got a actual Player healing for you then I'd recommend Blizz suited up for Tanking.
In PvP Pyro will net you incredible damage but very little of it is burst damage unless you get lucky with your Railshot resets.
Maurader's are superb for quick takedowns when their cooldowns are up, and if your failing to finish the job you can vanish and bail.
05-08-2012, 07:32 AM
I'm still on SoAP.
At some point I may actually try to play on The Fatman again. I was getting pissed at the queue times so I stayed parked in SoAP.
Got all my BM gear, starting the grind for war hero gear now. Did hard mode EV up to the last boss in mostly BM gear too.
I've been getting all my pvp dailies/weeklies done. Started using mumble with the guild <CIA>.
I'm not sure if the imperials we use to play quit or we got better now that more people on the republic side of the server hit 50. I'm usually in a pug that wins 1 out of 3 or 4 times now.
Someone should log in and make me guild leader of <The Away Team>.
Dude, come play on Fatman. I know it sucks to switch servers.. but on a high population server like Fatman, you can actually get 4 man pugs going pretty easily as well as pre-50 WZ premades. I'm in a pretty active guild called <Dark Blood Gz> (yea, stupid name.. but they do raiding and premades all the time.) Last night we went 6-6 in pre-50 WZ and we completely dominated.
Man... I just turned in 36 Corellia commendations for a level 6 purple box and all I got were Willpower bracers. They aren't even moddable. THAT SUCKETH!
05-10-2012, 03:52 PM
Alright, I now have a 14 marauder and a 14 powertech on The Fatman.
Marauder's name is Ganjoda'son and the Powertech's name is Unlife.
I by far enjoy the powertech more than the marauder.
So keep an eye out for me and invite me to your guild when you do see me, for the time being I joined <Ruin>. So far it just seems like a super massive guild with different divisions for leveling, pvp, and pve.
I haven't actually done any pvp with the PT yet, kinda waiting to get my spaceship so I can level strictly by space missions and pvp. Haven't tried that style yet.
05-10-2012, 04:07 PM
Alright, I now have a 14 marauder and a 14 powertech on The Fatman.
Marauder's name is Ganjoda'son and the Powertech's name is Unlife.
I by far enjoy the powertech more than the marauder.
So keep an eye out for me and invite me to your guild when you do see me, for the time being I joined <Ruin>. So far it just seems like a super massive guild with different divisions for leveling, pvp, and pve.
I haven't actually done any pvp with the PT yet, kinda waiting to get my spaceship so I can level strictly by space missions and pvp. Haven't tried that style yet.
I should be on tonight if I finish up with this pile of paperwork. I selected an original name for my sith: Falgrin. So add me to your friends list and send me a tell when you see me on. <Dark Blood Gz> is a terrible name for a guild.. but they seem to be pretty active in premade pvp and raiding.. so at worse, we'll have a good guild to level up with.
01-03-2013, 02:46 AM
Anyone still playing this? I just randomly decided to DL it again.
01-03-2013, 02:22 PM
I keep meaning to finish some of the storylines, but I have too many other games I'd rather play on my list that I never get around to it.
01-03-2013, 02:39 PM
I keep getting the itch to go hit up some huttball but I never do. Huttball was/is the shit.
01-03-2013, 02:42 PM
well, if you don't sub, you can only huttball 3 times a week anyways.
01-03-2013, 02:48 PM
Which is why I won't play, 3 times a week wouldn't satisfy the jones.
01-04-2013, 04:59 PM
They have a F2P service now, I haven't done it.. I went ahead and just subbed. From the way it looks though, the F2P service is a giant tease... With the game nearly unplayable unless you do sub. I guess if you only did the single player stuff it'd be okay.
01-05-2013, 04:10 PM
For some reason, I've kept my sub active, but like others I dont play very often lately. Too many other games I want to play at the moment. I love the story lines for the professions, but other than that, it is so far mostly just soso for me when I do spend some time in game. I think I read somewhere that they are going to release their first official expansion pack too.
01-05-2013, 04:30 PM
Yeah, this spring.
01-09-2013, 01:56 PM
are you guys still active? I have a Full War Hero Sentinel that is almost war lord and a bunch of 50's.
what server are you all on?
01-09-2013, 02:15 PM
I think we were on Fat Man. I had a commando COMMANDO COMMANDO COMMANDO
01-09-2013, 02:54 PM
We have a pretty good guild on Bergeron Colony or whatever. A few old GS players on there.
01-09-2013, 02:57 PM
I miss my wookie teras kasi master/commando.
01-09-2013, 03:09 PM
You can be a wookie now?
01-09-2013, 03:16 PM
We have a pretty good guild on Bergeron Colony or whatever. A few old GS players on there.
that's cool, it's a great game! story line is fun and the pvp stages were pretty unique. It's a shame the player base took a dive, they promised things they couldn't deliver. Like Server vs Server pvp. I got out because too much time was spent on a failing game. Plus they promised to ring in the Kitty race and never did...
not like that's something simu wouldn't do...
01-09-2013, 03:20 PM
You can be a wookie now?
01-09-2013, 03:22 PM
DR has a cat race I think.
01-10-2013, 01:00 AM
I got out because too much time was spent on a failing game.
Yea because Gemstone is not a failing game too....and does not take any time either...Especially when you are claiming to be tryin to learn Ruby.
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