View Full Version : Rogues sent me here

01-15-2012, 08:28 PM
I posted the below message below in the rogue folder, the sent me here as they said i was looking more like a warrior. Please give me a hand.

Looking for some help on some finishing touches for an Erithian Rogue.
I would like to focus on using MIU (ewave, Haste) and Arcane Symbols to aid in battle and rp. Non picking, non hiding, stats set for cap.

Mainly looking at open fighting using cmans and magic items to aid in battle.
Need help with weapon training and cmans. This is what I have so far.

1x armor till brig (if getting beat to hell will up it)
2x cman (using cmans combos for battle)
2x PF (light armor in the open)
2x dodge (will squeeze 3x if i ever get that far)
2x perception
1x first aid
1x surv
1x MIU til ?
1x AS til ?

Also what society would you reccamend?

01-15-2012, 09:45 PM
Heh, you want to 2x armor to full plate.

I good general warrior plan is:
2x Armor use (Even possibly 2.5-3x until in plate)
2x THW
2x CMan
1x MOC (For berserk)
2x-2.5x PF
I 3x dodge personally, 2x-2.5x is probably fine.
1x perception
I went with 1xing survival, but you could also go first aid. I'd do one or the other, not both.
1x MIU until about 40, then switch to 1xing AS. You'll get a lot more use out of MIU.
Make sure you have climb and swim figured in, I usually alternate them once per level.

Society is up to you, Voln is pretty crappy right now. CoL has the best AS boosts and is easiest. GoS is fun and has great benefits, although you will want to train about 10 ranks of mana.