View Full Version : SWTOR: First Patch
01-15-2012, 03:28 PM
Looks awesome. If they keep this shit up I have no doubt that this game will be very popular for a long time.
01-16-2012, 09:39 AM
Looks awesome. If they keep this shit up I have no doubt that this game will be very popular for a long time.
Doing a good job of patching up the rush-to-release poor coding?
01-16-2012, 10:13 AM
Doing a good job of patching up the rush-to-release poor coding?
Rush to release? The release date was pushed back a number of times.. not sure how you get the idea that it was "rushed".
And the game had far, far, far fewer 'poor coding' problems than World of Warcraft ever did. If you remember (or maybe you don't) WoW was a nightmare at the beginning month or so to play.
01-16-2012, 10:43 AM
Rush to release? The release date was pushed back a number of times.. not sure how you get the idea that it was "rushed".
And the game had far, far, far fewer 'poor coding' problems than World of Warcraft ever did. If you remember (or maybe you don't) WoW was a nightmare at the beginning month or so to play.
My only real complaint with the game are the ques. Otherwise I think the storylines are remarkably well done and the game is fairly polished for being 1 month old.
I've enjoying the hell out of this game and haven't had any major bug issues. Been stuck a couple of times but thats about it.
Although something weird was happening last night on my space missions. I kept seeing full bodied mobs flashing periodically on my screen during the dog fighting. Really weird.
Seems like they have already set up a weekly patch schedule. A game of this size and nature has to have some ironing time.
01-16-2012, 11:27 AM
Rush to release? The release date was pushed back a number of times.. not sure how you get the idea that it was "rushed".
And the game had far, far, far fewer 'poor coding' problems than World of Warcraft ever did. If you remember (or maybe you don't) WoW was a nightmare at the beginning month or so to play.
I was framing in reference to what I read about GMs resorting to banning players who go to zone "too high level" for them, the splicing nerf, and I saw some reference to QQ about patch fix preventing force-leaping onto the portable dancing holographics.
I played WoW at release... the only horrid thing I can recall is the massive lag and server downage from Blizzard obscenely underestimating the interest level.
01-16-2012, 11:52 AM
I was framing in reference to what I read about GMs resorting to banning players who go to zone "too high level" for them, the splicing nerf, and I saw some reference to QQ about patch fix preventing force-leaping onto the portable dancing holographics.
I played WoW at release... the only horrid thing I can recall is the massive lag and server downage from Blizzard obscenely underestimating the interest level.
Rose tinted glasses. There were tons of bugs all thru vanilla. Still bugs being found/squashed ever since but vanilla was hella buggy. And this is coming from someone that enjoys WoW.
Some Rogue
01-16-2012, 12:06 PM
I was framing in reference to what I read about GMs resorting to banning players who go to zone "too high level" for them, the splicing nerf, and I saw some reference to QQ about patch fix preventing force-leaping onto the portable dancing holographics.
It wasn't only that they went to a place too high for them. They were using bots to log in every 20 minutes, loot a chest and log back out over and over, thus reaping profits they wouldn't normally be able to gain.
The splicing nerf is just QQ. I don't have one at 400 but it still makes more money for you while leveling than crafting does. Crafting will make you go broke.
I have no idea what your third point was even about. I never heard about that.
01-16-2012, 12:09 PM
Not sure if it is rose-tinted glasses @ WoW's release as much as it being the year 2012, and having far greater expectations of present-day MMOs, when it comes to design & coding.
01-16-2012, 12:25 PM
Oh don't get me wrong I agree with you there. I don't think any MMO should come out without mounts, LFG tool, etc. People that say "Well WoW didn't have them when they released" great...that was 7 years ago and those are standard features now...
But to say WoW wasn't as buggy, that's rose tintificated glassertrons.
01-16-2012, 12:49 PM
The nerf to slicing was a knee jerk reaction and a piss poor one at that. These upcoming nerfs to cyber and biochem are equally stupid. This is a great game, it's too bad the MMO side totally ruins it for me. Bioware should have just made this a singleplayer game.
01-16-2012, 01:01 PM
I haven't had any issues with it. I only run shit with people I know so there's been no dumb stuff to deal with (other than PB falling off of platforms).
Some Rogue
01-16-2012, 01:16 PM
there's been no dumb stuff to deal with (other than PB falling off of platforms).
That's just funny..
01-16-2012, 01:17 PM
Well he is playing the blind race. Also Mike picked a black guy.
01-16-2012, 01:45 PM
Doing a good job of patching up the rush-to-release poor coding?
Hah. This game is so polished I can see my reflection.
01-16-2012, 01:45 PM
My only real complaint with the game are the ques. Otherwise I think the storylines are remarkably well done and the game is fairly polished for being 1 month old.
I had a queue for a few days after lunch and since then haven't had any problems.
01-16-2012, 01:47 PM
I was framing in reference to what I read about GMs resorting to banning players who go to zone "too high level" for them, the splicing nerf, and I saw some reference to QQ about patch fix preventing force-leaping onto the portable dancing holographics.
I played WoW at release... the only horrid thing I can recall is the massive lag and server downage from Blizzard obscenely underestimating the interest level.
First off, that ban was a result of the player being auto-banned because he was raking in cash at unbelievable levels and it triggered their "chinese gold farmers gtfo" algorithm somehow. Second, it's slicing, not splicing, and it needed nerf. I still have it on all my characters despite the "nerf." I don't even know what the third thing is.
01-16-2012, 01:49 PM
The nerf to slicing was a knee jerk reaction and a piss poor one at that. These upcoming nerfs to cyber and biochem are equally stupid. This is a great game, it's too bad the MMO side totally ruins it for me. Bioware should have just made this a singleplayer game.
The nerf to slicing was 100% warranted as are the nerfs to Biochem and Cybertech. Leveling a profession to 400 just to get the BoP so you can drop it is fucking stupid and anyone who thought that would last long is far too full of wishful thoughts.
01-16-2012, 02:16 PM
Please explain to me how the nerf to slicing was warranted. Ooooh, it allowed you to make credits faster than other people, big fucking deal. Credits are USELESS. Again, a knee jerk reaction.
They could have easily fixed biochem and cybertech to make it so the bops required the skill to use, easy fix.
01-16-2012, 02:29 PM
I never liked how WoW changed the top BoP stuff crafted by professions to require the skill to continue using...
If someone is willing to invest all that time and effort to skill up enchanting to enchant the rings and then skill up blacksmithing to add sockets and then skill up leatherworking for the wrist enchants...
Let them?
If top guild utilize this, then so be it, they are "top guilds" for a reason... and casuals play casually, so it would not necessarily be a blatant advantage for the more dedicated players who do that.
Some Rogue
01-16-2012, 02:32 PM
If they're so useless...then why be mad you're not making as much? (But still a profit)
I know when I was ranking my crafting, I was so low on money that I couldn't train some skills at the higher levels. I bet straight up gatherers don't have that problem.
01-16-2012, 03:41 PM
I haven't had any issues with it. I only run shit with people I know so there's been no dumb stuff to deal with (other than PB falling off of platforms).
As I explained in great detail last night.... I play a Jedi Knight and used the leap thing to attack a group on the ramp.. and as a result ended up at the bottom of the pit. Clearly I didn't "fall off" or I would have been dead. It was a result of SWTOR being a buggy piece of shit that was hurried into release.
01-16-2012, 03:48 PM
Whatever; you play the blind race, you didn't have your companion (seeing eye dog) out and your light saber (aka your red and white feeler stick) wasn't out either. You wandered off the damn ramp, fell down and broke both of your hips.
01-16-2012, 04:02 PM
Whatever; you play the blind race, you didn't have your companion (seeing eye dog) out and your light saber (aka your red and white feeler stick) wasn't out either. You wandered off the damn ramp, fell down and broke both of your hips.
01-16-2012, 04:04 PM
At least he fell off the ramp and not down the hill!
01-16-2012, 10:55 PM
Please explain to me how the nerf to slicing was warranted. Ooooh, it allowed you to make credits faster than other people, big fucking deal. Credits are USELESS. Again, a knee jerk reaction.
They could have easily fixed biochem and cybertech to make it so the bops required the skill to use, easy fix.
50k repairs, 300k+ for inventory slots, again for the bank, speeders, 1.5 million for vip access. BUYING ANYTHING YOU WANT FROM THE GTN.
Yep, credits are entirely useless.
01-16-2012, 10:57 PM
I never liked how WoW changed the top BoP stuff crafted by professions to require the skill to continue using...
If someone is willing to invest all that time and effort to skill up enchanting to enchant the rings and then skill up blacksmithing to add sockets and then skill up leatherworking for the wrist enchants...
Let them?
If top guild utilize this, then so be it, they are "top guilds" for a reason... and casuals play casually, so it would not necessarily be a blatant advantage for the more dedicated players who do that.
The crafting skills in this game are incredibly easy to level. If it was a large investment and a large amount of time it wouldn't be as big of a deal. As it is - once you hit 50 you can level 400 in any crafting skill in a day pretty easily.
01-16-2012, 10:59 PM
As I explained in great detail last night.... I play a Jedi Knight and used the leap thing to attack a group on the ramp.. and as a result ended up at the bottom of the pit. Clearly I didn't "fall off" or I would have been dead. It was a result of SWTOR being a buggy piece of shit that was hurried into release.
I had that happen once - as a powertech (with leap). Name all the bugs that have been a show-stopper or a major inconvenience. I can count them on one hand.
1) Jedi Knight story quest bug preventing them from continuing.
2) ????
01-16-2012, 11:21 PM
50k repairs, 300k+ for inventory slots, again for the bank, speeders, 1.5 million for vip access. BUYING ANYTHING YOU WANT FROM THE GTN.
Yep, credits are entirely useless.
They are.
01-17-2012, 08:15 AM
I had that happen once - as a powertech (with leap). Name all the bugs that have been a show-stopper or a major inconvenience. I can count them on one hand.
1) Jedi Knight story quest bug preventing them from continuing.
2) ????
That second bug really, REALLY bothers me and ruins my enjoyment of the game.
01-17-2012, 09:32 AM
Patch delayed.
01-17-2012, 10:09 AM
I don't really get the nerf to cyber, currently a 5 min shared cooldown on your all grenades that deal a few K dmg. They could have fixed the stacking of buffs from bio & PvP in a different way.
01-17-2012, 12:02 PM
It's pretty simple - if you want the benefits of a profession then get (and keep) that profession. I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about that.
01-18-2012, 07:43 AM
Someone is fucking punking me. The patch is today? WTF!
01-18-2012, 08:12 AM
Someone is fucking punking me. The patch is today? WTF!
Did you not read the splash screen when you logged on anytime yesterday where it said "Hey we're going to do this 1/18/11 between the hours of X and Z"?
01-18-2012, 08:30 AM
Its that blind thing again
01-18-2012, 08:37 AM
Did you not read the splash screen when you logged on anytime yesterday where it said "Hey we're going to do this 1/18/11 between the hours of X and Z"?
No. :(
01-18-2012, 09:00 AM
My First chars, Sentinel I went Biochem, cause I knew I would seriously need those reuseable medpac. I never planned to drop it, nor did I do the Biochem/Bioanalysis/Slicing route everyone else did. Getting diplomacy has made me OODLES of credits now that I make Purple level 37+41 Implants.
Getting to that point.. well.. I didnt train any skills for 3 levels.. didn't get bike till 29, and still havent upgraded my storage to full.
Was I considering getting the rakata packs then dropping it? Not for a second.. well.. at least not a minute. Cause eventually levels will be increased, and there will be new tiers to craft. Also, I like making blue medpacs for my alts. and implants.
As far as them needing to be nerfed... tweaked yes. Including Slicing. It's a GATHERING skill. It Gathers credits. Even gathering tier 5-6 crafting regs doesnt net you nearly what slicing did. Not to mention the insane costs of the mission items now adays.
on a side note.. Funniest thing I have heard all week...
Someone in Star Trek Online this morning claimed that it going F2P is going to Sink ToR.
STO is like ToR in reverse.. almost no one plays klingons, almost never is pvp, and the graphics and voice acting suck ass.
01-18-2012, 10:20 AM
Game's up. When did Blizz ever get a patch up early? Pah!
01-18-2012, 10:58 AM
didn't get bike till 29,
You poor bastard. Did you not know where it was?
01-19-2012, 08:30 AM
Bioware has such a clusterfuck on their hands right now.
01-19-2012, 08:47 AM
You poor bastard. Did you not know where it was?
Didnt have 40k.
also was waiting for my hard copy so I didnt have to spend 8k on a bike I got for free.
As for the patch, we all knew PvP was going to be skewed to the Empire side. Anyone who thought there would be more Repub then Sith should be institutionalized.
01-19-2012, 08:56 AM
This game will be f2p before the end of 2012. Count on it.
01-19-2012, 09:08 AM
This game will be f2p before the end of 2012. Count on it.
Certainly not.
01-19-2012, 10:05 AM
This game will be f2p before the end of 2012. Count on it.
Not a chance in hell.
Took STO 2 years to go F2P, and that game sucked and had no where near as many subscribers.
01-19-2012, 10:23 AM
Bioware has such a clusterfuck on their hands right now.
PvP was dead the minute I found out there are no level brackets, and level 10-49 players can get queued against level 50s. Lower level players get buffs to health and damage, sure, but they don't have the same abilities as a level 50, and don't possess equivalent gear. Really, really bad decision on their part.
01-19-2012, 10:28 AM
PvP was dead the minute I found out there are no level brackets, and level 10-49 players can get queued against level 50s. Lower level players get buffs to health and damage, sure, but they don't have the same abilities as a level 50, and don't possess equivalent gear. Really, really bad decision on their part.
I actually like that system.
Are people really expecting WoW-like perfection after only one patch and just a short time from the entire game being released?
01-19-2012, 10:49 AM
Are people really expecting WoW-like perfection after only one patch and just a short time from the entire game being released?
No, they were just expecting a better game.
01-19-2012, 10:58 AM
I actually like that system.
Why, faster queues? I'd rather have a system where players of like level (and therefore, similar gear and abilities) are matched against each other.
01-19-2012, 11:01 AM
Well, that system exists now. I was still useful in the 50bgs but now that it's 10-49 my friend and I completely dominate every one we're in. I happen to love the patch but I'm on my level 39 main and not my 50 alt.
01-19-2012, 11:11 AM
Why, faster queues? I'd rather have a system where players of like level (and therefore, similar gear and abilities) are matched against each other.
Faster ques are a big benefit.
In other systems, I found that you couldn't really pvp at lower lvl ranges. For example, in a 10-19 bracket, pvp was only viable at 17-19 and if you were 10, it wasn't worth your time. As the game matured, less people would be in the middle brackets making for even longer que times.
I actually prefer a realm pool v realm pool for pvp, but that's a separate issue.
There are pluses and minuses to both systems, but I prefer a more inclusive one.
They do have open pvp areas and FFA pvp areas, though I don't really see them utilized yet.
01-19-2012, 11:20 AM
I haven't played Rift for awhile, but last I recall, it handled the brackets well... for same "every 10 levels" bracket as in WoW (10-19, 20-29, etc) but buffs the lowbies in the bracket up to the higher ones... so if you have 22, 24, 28, 27 on your team, the 22s are functioning as if high 20s (minus having all the abilities available at say L29).
THAT would had been a good fix for WoW to implement instead of "best time to BGs is when you're at the max level for the bracket with exp turned off" (ie 29 for 20-29)
I was able to log in. They said it wouldn't be ready until 3:30 EST today but I am in at 1:50.
01-19-2012, 02:19 PM
I was able to log in. They said it wouldn't be ready until 3:30 EST today but I am in at 1:50.
I like how they usually give themselves extra time to patch things/do maintenance.. they are generally always beating expectations.
Which is far better than saying you will be able to log in at 1PM and it's 2PM and you are irritated.
01-19-2012, 02:35 PM
Why, faster queues? I'd rather have a system where players of like level (and therefore, similar gear and abilities) are matched against each other.
Everyone in the same gear? I like that. Never happen.
01-19-2012, 02:37 PM
I haven't played Rift for awhile, but last I recall, it handled the brackets well... for same "every 10 levels" bracket as in WoW (10-19, 20-29, etc) but buffs the lowbies in the bracket up to the higher ones... so if you have 22, 24, 28, 27 on your team, the 22s are functioning as if high 20s (minus having all the abilities available at say L29).
THAT would had been a good fix for WoW to implement instead of "best time to BGs is when you're at the max level for the bracket with exp turned off" (ie 29 for 20-29)
I loved the BGs in Rift. The rest of the game sucked, but I thought the BGs were great.
01-19-2012, 03:08 PM
Rift instant grouping, and BG's were my two favorite things about it, with multiple specs being a distant third.
01-19-2012, 03:37 PM
I liked a lot about Rift. The multiple specs was awesome and I think they had great community feedback. When they introduced free, instant server transfers though I was done.
That said, they didn't hold a candle to SW when it comes to story lines and I prefer SW's approach to pvp, but I know many others liked what Rift did.
01-19-2012, 05:58 PM
Yes please (
01-19-2012, 06:50 PM
Everyone in the same gear? I like that. Never happen.
Same != similar.
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