View Full Version : When does Roleplay go too far?

06-14-2004, 07:01 PM
I've experienced several incidents now since I returned to GS which got myself asking the question, "When is roleplay taken too far?"

Some might argue that you can never go too far with your character's roleplay, and most of the time I will agree... however, I'll list some scenarios in which I feel it does indeed go too far:

1. According to the Halfling Histories, the Ardenai elves were responsible for exterminating all of the Halfling's beloved ponies. A person makes a brughan Halfling, and decides to attack any Ardenai elf on sight to avenge their dead ponies. If confronted by a GM, the player of the halfling character will say "It is in-character for me to do so, and therefore not against any policy."

2. A person chooses Selanthia as their Human culture. Selanthians are renowned for their anti-everyracebuthuman beliefs. So while in the territory of the Human Empire, the character starts harassing any non human character they see, making their lives in game a living hell. The person says that it's all in the spirit of roleplay, so does that make it legal if he or she is the only person enjoying themself?

3. A person roleplays that they were captured and enslaved by krolvin for hundreds of years. In their escape, they vowed to kill on sight and destroy everything that resembles the Krolvin. In come the half-krolvin. A little level 2 half-krolvin walks into the room, and the vindictive roleplayer blasts the little guy to oblivion. The little player has no idea what just happened, and the killing resumes.

How does everyone else feel reguarding this issue?

06-14-2004, 07:10 PM
Those types aren't so much roleplayers, but snerts who are 'cleverly' disguised.

06-14-2004, 07:11 PM
I have a feeling a nice whisper can go a long way in most of those cases.

Walking into a room and being NUKED just isn't fun and doesn't promote a sense of a well played scenario.

06-14-2004, 07:16 PM
The 1st 2 examples can be fun and worked out without just using that attack or cast commands. Which might be good roleplay. The last one is just someone being a jackass.

06-14-2004, 07:35 PM
How about for the second instance? It doesn't necessarily qualify as snertism... It's a person using roleplay to justify being a jackass, making another person's life a living hell.

Is this person justified, as he or she claims it is in the spirit of roleplay, or is the person going to far?

06-14-2004, 07:41 PM
If both parties aren't satisfied, it's hardly roleplay.

06-14-2004, 08:08 PM
As I see it, Bob hit the nail on the head. Roleplay involves more than one person; therefore, if all persons involved are not in agreement that it is, indeed, roleplay...it probably is not.


06-14-2004, 08:23 PM
There a lot of ways to play a racist character that do not involve blasting/attacking every halfling that walks in. That's a long ways from roleplay.. and reguardless of how "in character" it supposedly may be, is against policy.

06-14-2004, 08:49 PM
In any of those cases, I wouldn't consider it roleplay unless both parties involved understand whats going on, and the reasons why they are being harassed, attacked or targeted for being a particular race. If their enjoyment of the game is being inhibited by another player, its no longer roleplaying but unwarranted harrassment as I see it.

06-14-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I've experienced several incidents now since I returned to GS which got myself asking the question, "When is roleplay taken too far?"

Some might argue that you can never go too far with your character's roleplay, and most of the time I will agree... however, I'll list some scenarios in which I feel it does indeed go too far:

Just want to say here that RP is a very grey area with many different facets. Primary to roleplay is keeping it IC (in character.) I will offer my observations though I do not play any RP games any longer. Take it as you will.

Originally posted by Izalude
1. According to the Halfling Histories, the Ardenai elves were responsible for exterminating all of the Halfling's beloved ponies. A person makes a brughan Halfling, and decides to attack any Ardenai elf on sight to avenge their dead ponies. If confronted by a GM, the player of the halfling character will say "It is in-character for me to do so, and therefore not against any policy."

Bad roleplay. The halfling can be ornery as hell, and try to provoke through serious attitude and words to confront Ardenai, but just walking into a room and wailing on someone is poor. At the very least make your attitude and intention known. RP is a two way street.

Originally posted by Izalude
2. A person chooses Selanthia as their Human culture. Selanthians are renowned for their anti-everyracebuthuman beliefs. So while in the territory of the Human Empire, the character starts harassing any non human character they see, making their lives in game a living hell. The person says that it's all in the spirit of roleplay, so does that make it legal if he or she is the only person enjoying themself?

Consider that this is a documented trait of said race. To me, this is good RP and true to character. Its every bit as difficult for the person choosing to RP this way as it is for the non-human races considering the unusual harmony enjoyed by Gemstone players who have complete disregard for racial seperatism. Yes, I mean the halfling/giant couples with adopted dark elf children.

Originally posted by Izalude
3. A person roleplays that they were captured and enslaved by krolvin for hundreds of years. In their escape, they vowed to kill on sight and destroy everything that resembles the Krolvin. In come the half-krolvin. A little level 2 half-krolvin walks into the room, and the vindictive roleplayer blasts the little guy to oblivion. The little player has no idea what just happened, and the killing resumes.

Again, bad RP. See 1.

Originally posted by Izalude
How does everyone else feel reguarding this issue?

Roleplaying a bad guy/gal is a tough road. The best that I've met are the ones who taunt you to no end testing your temper hoping you'll slip up, and who when they know they can kill you easily, laugh when you can't hit them and rub it in your face.

06-14-2004, 09:37 PM
Bad roleplay. The halfling can be ornery as hell, and try to provoke through serious attitude and words to confront Ardenai, but just walking into a room and wailing on someone is poor.

Keep in mind, also, that while we the player may see "Such and such the Ardenai Elf", I imagine it's very difficult to distinguish race on sight, at least among elves.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-14-2004, 09:38 PM
When does roleplay go too far...

I put on my robes and wizard hat...

06-14-2004, 09:58 PM
SHM wins.

06-14-2004, 10:03 PM

06-14-2004, 10:10 PM
When someone gets hurt out of game. I got involved in a couple scenarios that really hurt someone and I feel real bad about that even years later.

06-14-2004, 10:24 PM
Wow, Galleazzo must've been drinking. I thought I'd see a typical wise ass crack about a monkey wanting to be a power monger but instead see a soft side.

Just when ya think you know a person's posting style!

06-15-2004, 01:34 AM
Roleplay is like sex.. if its not consentual then its not good.

06-15-2004, 08:42 AM
I agree with the majority of statements listed above. The difference between instantaneous conflict driven RP and harassment is a fine line to walk.

I would imagine trying to use the justification of "I Killed/Attacked this person I have never seen before because he is Such-and-Such race, Mr. GM" isnt going to work more than once. If you wish to pick a fight, do it smartly. Scowl at the person, or gag, or mutter something about him under your breath. Initiate some sort of response from your would-be hate crime target. If you plan on entering into the RP repeatedly I would highly suggest having the victim throw the first punch for policy reasons.

That being said, respect when someone says to you in whispers or IC saying that they no longer want anything to do with you or your character. You will often be seeing alot of Warn Interacts and older family members.

So, to answer the original question, yes. I believe it is possible to roleplay characters who react violently to specific races, just so long as you initiate some sort of Roleplay before attacking. Preferably to keep yourself from being banned you will seek an offensive or debilitating spell, maneuver, or attack before attempting to kill said person. Respect all requests for no further interaction in whatever form received.

If you have hate in your heart ... let it out.