View Full Version : Fresh Water at the Well

06-13-2004, 03:27 PM
HSN WEEK 1: FRESH WATER AT THE WELL · on 6/13/2004 12:01:16 AM 628

The visit of a Wsalamir cleric of Kuon tonight heralded some changes in the well south of the Thirsty Penguin in Icemule Trace.

Players can now raise water from the well using the crank handle. Despite the ritual cleansing of the well (revealed by the giantman to be steeped in Icemule religious history), some trash may continue to surface in the bucket from time to time.

The City Council requests that citizens and visitors alike desist from using the well as a trash recepticle. Non-citizen litterers might find their progress toward citizenship impeded by their behavior. Instead, please use the barrel provided for your convenience by the Thirsty Penguin Inn.

You might also try using WISH at the well, or resting your bones with LEAN, JUMP, or SIT.

~GM Ozias


"Call the roller of big cigars,
The muscular one, and bid him whip
In kitchen cups concupiscent curds."
--Wallace Stevens

This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, Hot Summer Nights 2004. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=33&topic=5&message =278