View Full Version : Koern's Cones Come to Icemule

06-13-2004, 03:24 PM
HSN WEEK 1: KOERN'S CONES COME TO ICEMULE · on 6/11/2004 8:51:14 PM 624

"Truth is, we couldn't keep him away," reports the sheriff's deputy. "And believe me, we tried. I mean, the nerve of some...people. Selling snow on a glacier? Selling sweet, berry flavors? It's...it's..." His voice gets very quiet, and he grudgingly mutters, "genius."

Find Koern and his ingenious snowcone contraption walking the streets of Icemule Trace! Be sure to ASK him about any flavors you haven't tasted before. Or start by asking him about TOPICS...he's a gnome of many opinions, and he's more than willing to share them. Sixty-odd flavors! Spin the wheel for a random taste, or ASK Koern FOR your favorite! Just be wary, as snow does have a tendency to melt.

~GM Ozias


"Call the roller of big cigars,
The muscular one, and bid him whip
In kitchen cups concupiscent curds."
--Wallace Stevens

This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, Hot Summer Nights 2004. To discuss the above follow the link below.

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