View Full Version : Wineberry's Inventory Expands

06-13-2004, 03:23 PM
HSN WEEK 1: WINEBERRY'S INVENTORY EXPANDS · on 6/11/2004 7:05:28 PM 622

"After all these years," growled Dalt Wineberry, "I've finally located a reliable source of vultite. Honesty in the carting profession is like patience in a gnome...." The gruff weaponsmith confirms that indeed, no, he will not be adding ora to his inventory. "Pernicious stuff," he grumbled. "Won't touch it!" But he did agree to add a few new weapons to the shop. "Time we spruced the place up a bit!" Stop by and see the new goods for yourselves, and help Icemule Trace's wealthiest halfling keep pace with his competition.

Those most familiar with the shop might find that some of the profiles have been changed to bring the items in line with current standards for the naming of weapons. You might want to purchase in iron before investing in vultite, unless you're sure of what you're getting!

~GM Ozias


"Call the roller of big cigars,
The muscular one, and bid him whip
In kitchen cups concupiscent curds."
--Wallace Stevens

This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, Hot Summer Nights 2004. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=33&topic=5&message =267