View Full Version : SWTOR - Class Choice
Discuss the pros and cons of the various classes.
Got my Consular a light sabre and the Jedi title. That was pretty awesome. But I'm not crazy about the close range combat.
Working on an Agent and enjoying it a little more.
I've barely scratched the surface.
01-01-2012, 06:36 PM
Imperial agent has a pretty cool storyline and i'm really digging the combat style.
Some Rogue
01-01-2012, 07:18 PM
Only really played an Imperial Agent/Sniper but I love the class.
01-01-2012, 08:32 PM
I like Bounty Hunter.. and I'm early on playing my imperial agent.. but he seems pretty OP at this point.
Yeah, everyone give Back some information so he can ignore it.
01-01-2012, 09:34 PM
Yeah, everyone give Back some information so he can ignore it.
He doesn't even have the game.
01-01-2012, 10:15 PM
He doesn't even have the game.
Got my Consular a light sabre and the Jedi title. That was pretty awesome. But I'm not crazy about the close range combat.
Working on an Agent and enjoying it a little more.
I've barely scratched the surface.
01-02-2012, 12:17 AM
I have played all the classes on Repub side.
My opinion, ranged are OP in PvP generally. Really impossible to get in close and stay close when it seems every Sith class has a knockback skill, then 2 stun skills.
Knight has a great story line.
So does Trooper.. Smuggler is fun.
01-02-2012, 12:45 AM
Imperial agent.
01-02-2012, 03:26 AM
My opinion, ranged are OP in PvP generally. Really impossible to get in close and stay close when it seems every Sith class has a knockback skill, then 2 stun skills.
Eh? The classes between factions are completely identical. All skills and talent trees are mirrors... the only difference is animation (lightning vs. pebbles, etc.). Knockbacks and stuns that Imps use are available to the mirror classes Republic side. But you're correct that ranged classes definitely have an advantage over the melee. My Powertech's basic attack can slow my target... all I do is circle-strafe a guardian or sentinel and watch as they frantically try to get in range.
In any case, I've capped my BH Powertech. Somewhat underwhelmed by the class (and the story falls flat towards the end,) but it's a tank, so I'm not sure what I was expecting. Since I don't have the time (or interest) to raid, and since tanking classes are so gear-dependent, I dunno what I was thinking making that my first class.
My favorite class is probably Imperial Agent / Smuggler. Imperial Agent has the best storyline, by far. I capped an Operative in beta, and enjoyed it so much that I'm planning on playing through it again. Gunslingers / Snipers have the best single target DPS in the game, and Operatives / Scoundrels are extremely good endgame healers.
In terms of OP, Sages / Sorcerers are absurdly OP, and are probably going to get hit hard with the nerf bat in the near future. DPS Commandos / DPS Mercenaries are also extremely powerful for a heavy armor wearing class.
In terms of underpowered, Guardian / Juggernaut need a LOT of work, as do Sentinels / Marauders.
I don't have enough experience with Shadows / Assassins to have an opinion. They're apparently the best AoE tanks, but I've yet to actually see one in action. Don't know how they are DPS-wise.
01-02-2012, 07:46 PM
Sages / Sorcerers aren't an issue against my Powertech. They're the target I go for first 99% of the time (unless another class is healing). The sheer number of interrupts and gap closers I have makes them ez-mode.
6 second cooldown, 4 second interupt. 45 second cool 2.5 second stun. 50 second cooldown 4 second stun. 35 second grapple, 15 second jetpack charge (interrupt).
The only chance they have is if they're a healer. I can't kill any healer. I can only hope to interrupt them enough so that they die to friendlies or their teammates die to friendlies.
01-03-2012, 10:29 AM
The cover system as a smuggler annoys the fuck out of me, half the time I'll wind up rolling into a place I don't want to be, or facing the wrong direction. Smuggler is the only class I've played for any significant amount of time (to 40), but it's definitely not my favorite.
Some Rogue
01-03-2012, 10:40 AM know you can throw up a cover screen where you are standing right? I think it defaults to ctrl+f or alt+f but I just rebound it to F.
01-03-2012, 11:09 AM know you can throw up a cover screen where you are standing right? I think it defaults to ctrl+f or alt+f but I just rebound it to F.
If there is no environmental cover in range then yeah, you can drop cover where you're standing, otherwise it defaults to a nearby barrel or crate.
Some Rogue
01-03-2012, 11:37 AM
Only if you hit the "cover" button. If you just use the hotkey for it, it will always drop right where you are, regardless of what is around.
I use F to drop to cover and V to send my companion to attack since she's the tank.
01-03-2012, 11:52 AM
Oh I see what you mean. You have to go through the options menu to find the setting for 'take cover in place'. I was hitting the cover button, ctr-f and alt-f and still flying around the screen.
01-03-2012, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the cover tip, I hate rolling from the top plat forms in huttball to the bottom platforms, that should help. Also sucks when you get the unexpected result, usually from standing on something small, and wouldn't put you in cover.
Bug Fixes
Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.
Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.
Level 17 Bounty Hunter Powertech, Light I, with armormech, scavenging, and underworld trading.
The ship missions are extremely cool. The ship is great for grinding while in a resting place and sending your companion out to do crew skills.
I like how the missions in this game are all streamlined to the areas. Let alone the great story telling. I'd swear this is like Dragon Age but with better writers, voice actors, not to mention its fucking Star Wars.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few bounties to collect. (
01-13-2012, 01:07 AM
Oh I see what you mean. You have to go through the options menu to find the setting for 'take cover in place'. I was hitting the cover button, ctr-f and alt-f and still flying around the screen.
If you use a quickslot key for it just switch the skill from take cover to crouch and it'll pop the screen where you're standing.
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