06-13-2004, 02:02 AM
::makes a note to kill Jim, repeatedly...with bunnies::
Landrion is dead on. I cannot stress how much real unbiased numbers can help your arguement. Warden will accept ONE letter from me without numbers. Me saying, "Hey this might need looking into." His reply is always, "Show me the numbers." And don't even try to play number games with him (or me for that matter). We both have been around the warrior profession long enough to know the inherent strengths and weaknesses. I will say the following generalizations:
-All classes are not meant to hunt equally and should not.
-Despite that, all classes SHOULD be viable to hunt and learn at like level.
-All creatures are not meant to be hunted by every profession.
-The higher you go, the more your strategy, tactics and training will come into play. A mediocre PC (stats/training) with mediocre strategy will certainly fail alot more than someone who is well trained, well planned and uses both strategy and common sense.
-"Putting all your eggs in one basket" is a good way to find yourself unviable. Be a jack of all trades and master of none is too..;) Try to be very good at a couple things, and well rounded in others. That way no one change/new area/new critter "kills" your character, and it also makes you adaptable both in training and in viewpoint.
-Armor, armor, armor...did I say armor? Armor is a warrior's saving grace. Knowing which to use and when is also a key. Some areas...plate is NOT the best thing. Sometimes it is. Get into heavier armor as soon as your training allows it.
-Speed or the lack thereof kills. If you are slow, you are going to die more than someone who isn't. Don't be encumbered, don't be undertrained for armor, don't use slow attacks in the wrong time and place.
-Don't neglect your guild training. Even with the CM list out, the same skill in the guild is almost always better. Plus it frees up CML points to make you...more versatile...see notes above..;)
-Learn multiple attack styles. I honestly don't consider OHB and OHE different. On paper sure. Try to have different ways of dealing damage. 2 handers and voln fu is very effective. Fu and OHx is good too for the shield. Any weapon and offensive CMLs are good. Be adaptable, some critters are VERY vulnerable to one attack form and not at all to others. Learn which are which and use it.
-Learn when prudence is the better part of valor. Running head on into a swarm of 10 critters ain't always smart, it's cool for books though..and your epitaph.
-Make friends, hunt with them, if nothing else help the people in your area, they will help you and rescue you. If you are one of those folks who hates spells and has nothing else to do with all those MTPs, train in harness power and share and before you go hunt, send it to that cleric, or wizard or empath..and yes even that Sorc. Those folks might be the ones to fog you out, unstun or unpoison you...much less heal or raise you. By the same token, learn enough MIU if it doesn't offend your sensibility to use an oak wand. Keep a couple on you and be ready to help others out.
-Last but not least, Make your suggestions here specific, realistic, constructive and provide both solutions and examples of the problem. A well thought out post detailing the problem (with accurate numbers), a realistic solution (with numbers) written in a constructive and polite manner will always be met with more good will than a rant. Ranting really only gets one thing from GMs, our indifference or outright blocking your posts. Not to say we don't get a bit heated. But when you rants start forming a decent percentage of your posts, honestly I stop reading your posts (and I know I am not alone in this). I simply don't have time to read 50 rant posts and glean the few good ideas from them. For the most part, I am very very happy with warriors and how they post. The warrior seminar at simucon was very relaxed and constructive.
Now with all the advice I just wrote, I think the warrior class (and every other class) can use some improvements. Gemstone (and the classes) will never be finished. This is not for lack of trying on our part, but more on lack of limits. We are limited only by time and imagination, the game will continue to evolve. So keep on playing, keep on figuring out how to do it and keep on with the suggestions.
GM Stealth
Landrion is dead on. I cannot stress how much real unbiased numbers can help your arguement. Warden will accept ONE letter from me without numbers. Me saying, "Hey this might need looking into." His reply is always, "Show me the numbers." And don't even try to play number games with him (or me for that matter). We both have been around the warrior profession long enough to know the inherent strengths and weaknesses. I will say the following generalizations:
-All classes are not meant to hunt equally and should not.
-Despite that, all classes SHOULD be viable to hunt and learn at like level.
-All creatures are not meant to be hunted by every profession.
-The higher you go, the more your strategy, tactics and training will come into play. A mediocre PC (stats/training) with mediocre strategy will certainly fail alot more than someone who is well trained, well planned and uses both strategy and common sense.
-"Putting all your eggs in one basket" is a good way to find yourself unviable. Be a jack of all trades and master of none is too..;) Try to be very good at a couple things, and well rounded in others. That way no one change/new area/new critter "kills" your character, and it also makes you adaptable both in training and in viewpoint.
-Armor, armor, armor...did I say armor? Armor is a warrior's saving grace. Knowing which to use and when is also a key. Some areas...plate is NOT the best thing. Sometimes it is. Get into heavier armor as soon as your training allows it.
-Speed or the lack thereof kills. If you are slow, you are going to die more than someone who isn't. Don't be encumbered, don't be undertrained for armor, don't use slow attacks in the wrong time and place.
-Don't neglect your guild training. Even with the CM list out, the same skill in the guild is almost always better. Plus it frees up CML points to make you...more versatile...see notes above..;)
-Learn multiple attack styles. I honestly don't consider OHB and OHE different. On paper sure. Try to have different ways of dealing damage. 2 handers and voln fu is very effective. Fu and OHx is good too for the shield. Any weapon and offensive CMLs are good. Be adaptable, some critters are VERY vulnerable to one attack form and not at all to others. Learn which are which and use it.
-Learn when prudence is the better part of valor. Running head on into a swarm of 10 critters ain't always smart, it's cool for books though..and your epitaph.
-Make friends, hunt with them, if nothing else help the people in your area, they will help you and rescue you. If you are one of those folks who hates spells and has nothing else to do with all those MTPs, train in harness power and share and before you go hunt, send it to that cleric, or wizard or empath..and yes even that Sorc. Those folks might be the ones to fog you out, unstun or unpoison you...much less heal or raise you. By the same token, learn enough MIU if it doesn't offend your sensibility to use an oak wand. Keep a couple on you and be ready to help others out.
-Last but not least, Make your suggestions here specific, realistic, constructive and provide both solutions and examples of the problem. A well thought out post detailing the problem (with accurate numbers), a realistic solution (with numbers) written in a constructive and polite manner will always be met with more good will than a rant. Ranting really only gets one thing from GMs, our indifference or outright blocking your posts. Not to say we don't get a bit heated. But when you rants start forming a decent percentage of your posts, honestly I stop reading your posts (and I know I am not alone in this). I simply don't have time to read 50 rant posts and glean the few good ideas from them. For the most part, I am very very happy with warriors and how they post. The warrior seminar at simucon was very relaxed and constructive.
Now with all the advice I just wrote, I think the warrior class (and every other class) can use some improvements. Gemstone (and the classes) will never be finished. This is not for lack of trying on our part, but more on lack of limits. We are limited only by time and imagination, the game will continue to evolve. So keep on playing, keep on figuring out how to do it and keep on with the suggestions.
GM Stealth