View Full Version : 3,120 premium points

12-14-2011, 02:51 PM
CORRECTION: 2,800 points.

I want to bring my 7x naginata to 8x. I believe the point cost would be 2,800.

May also be in the market for additional points to enchant beyond 8x.

If you have the points and are contemplating selling them, please PM me.

12-14-2011, 04:18 PM
I want to bring my 7x naginata to 8x. I believe the point cost would be 3,120.

May also be in the market for additional points to enchant beyond 8x.

If you have the points and are contemplating selling them, please PM me.

The premium point cost for a 7x to 8x enchant is 2800. There was some confusion on the PP formula cost to enchant items. The corrected costs have been posted to Krakiipedia. The examples given in Premium 9 are also not accounting for the truncation used in the formula.


The correct formulas are:

Enchanting plain item (+5 added) with a starting enchant bonus of 0 to +15:

300 + [300 * trunc((current plus + 4) / 5))]

Enchanting plain item (+5 added) with a starting enchant bonus of +16 to +45

1200 + [400 * trunc((current plus - 11) / 5))]

Enchant Item Base Cost:

Enchant 0x to 1x = 300
Enchant 1x to 2x = 600
Enchant 2x to 3x = 900
Enchant 3x to 4x = 1200
Enchant 4x to 5x = 1600
Enchant 5x to 6x = 2000
Enchant 6x to 7x = 2400
Enchant 7x to 8x = 2800
Enchant 8x to 9x = 3200
Enchant 9x to 10x = 3600


12-14-2011, 04:27 PM
Thanks, Mark.

OK. In the market for 2,800 premium points, or 6,000 PP's, or 9,600 PP's. :)