View Full Version : Black Friday Special! Silver Sale

11-25-2011, 06:21 AM
10 Mill Silvers for sale.

Black Friday special, only 7.0 per million!

Why am I selling so slow? Well, I waited outside a Bestbuy for 24 hours for a good deal on a TV, then 2.5 hours in line, then couldn't sleep when I got home.

So I think my brain is frostbitten.

--paypal only --

Aim me or PM me for faster delivery.

p.s. I was the first in line, and DID get everything I wanted. Even when the mob tried to store the doors for tickets for the limited items, the other people behind me there most of the day with me stood up for me. See, there ARE some honest and decent people left.

11-25-2011, 08:19 AM
At my Best Buy they just give out tickets to the crazy fuckers that are there super early so they don't get bum rushed out of their spot.

11-25-2011, 09:31 AM
They do that as well at mine, BUT.. people kinda bum rushed the store before they gave them out.

and Yes.. I was a crazy fucker there super early.

11-25-2011, 09:38 AM
and silvers sold.