View Full Version : Damage and Repair Seminar

06-08-2004, 01:33 AM
Why we are implementing damage and repair:
The primary reason for the implementation of the damage system is that it will allow us to start introducing more combat items that are the sort considered nice by players without causing balance issues in the combat system. Other benefits include allowing us to add a bit of balance to the economy and potentially expanding the artisan skill system.

How things will get damaged:
Firstly, catastrophic breakage is gone entirely. When a clash occurs, both the items involved will suffer some damage, with the amount of damage they take based on their relative strength and durability. If an attack is evaded entirely, then no clash at all will occur. If the attack is blocked, then the blocking shield will clash with the attacking weapon, including the teeth/claws/fists of creatures. If the attack is parried, then the parrying weapon will clash with the attacking weapon. If the attack actually connects, then the armor the defender is wearing will clash with the attacking weapon.

Damaged items will still perform whatever function they are intended for (e.g. a weapon for damaging whatever is being attacked), but will do so less effectively. There will be limit to how much an item?s functionality can ever be degraded. The preliminary thought on the maximum amount of degradation possible would be dropping 25-30% of the original effectiveness of the item.

We are still gathering data on how often clashes occur for different professions/levels - until we get together what we deem is a large enough database to work with, we won't be able to speculate on how quickly things will degrade, what it will cost to repair them, or if we need to do large-scale revisions of strength and durability numbers.

Ranged weapons:
Bows and crossbows will not clash (unless you're trying to beat a critter with one!), but each time they are fired will lead to a very slight amount of degradation.

We're still debating the details, but as a preliminary, we are thinking that items that have been damaged will be able to have most (but not all) of their current damage repaired by either a permanent NPC in each of the towns or by other characters who are sufficiently skilled in the appropriate artisan?s skill. That does mean that eventually, an item that sees a lot of clashes will permanently degrade down to the 70-75% effectiveness range. That does not mean that the item will necessarily be worthless!

If we do go with the artisan skill direction, that will lead to something along the following lines:
Tie-in systems:
Armorers: For both Metal and Leather armors
Woodworking: For both weapons (e.g. runestaves, bows) and shields.
New Materials: New types of leathers and cloth that will offer inherent enchantments and differing strengths and durabilities.

GM Solli
Squares / Semis / Breakage

06-08-2004, 01:35 AM
Hmmmm, I'd be pretty pissed if my +50 shield, over time, became my +35-+37 shield.


[Edited on 6-8-2004 by TheEschaton]

06-08-2004, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Hmmmm, I'd be pretty pissed if my +50 shield, over time, became my +35-+37 shield.


[Edited on 6-8-2004 by TheEschaton]

not me I am happy as hell my 10x items will degrade to the max in the game (7x)
and never degrade again

06-08-2004, 02:06 AM
breakage still fuckin sucks doesn't matter, the fact that we have nice stuff that will all the time be degrading is BS, they should implement into Merchants, someone who can fully restore and strengthin the blades durability in the very least, and then take yer blade back and beat em with it.

06-08-2004, 02:31 AM
Heh, I don't care, not like I have anything worth more than 5m right now anyway.

06-08-2004, 02:36 AM
i donno, maybe its not as bad as it seems, but maybe they'll bring back weighting and padding merchants...that'd be a nice change.."Here, Weight my blade so it can turn into shit later..." guess just have to go with 10x and be satisfied with the 7x it becomes

06-08-2004, 01:11 PM
each time they are fired will lead to a very slight amount of degradation.

This is retarded and needs to die.

06-08-2004, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Artha
This is retarded and needs to die. Yeah, let's have another system implemented halfway, because those work so well.

06-08-2004, 01:43 PM
It makes no sense...wtf is my bow going to degrade when I'm using it properly?

06-08-2004, 01:47 PM
Enchanted stuff, high end at least, should be immune to MOST breakage roll (a rat won't break a shield, as a club on a 5X full plate) and the like.

If they need something to put everything at 7X, they should do it directly, and not with stupid rules such as this one.:clap:

06-08-2004, 01:53 PM
EACH time they are fired will cause degradation?! Are they serious? :down:

06-08-2004, 01:55 PM
Let's be paranoyac and say that they will propose this bad form and a lesser one, and people would want the latter one.

As with the experience changes when gs4 was going live.


P.S. A normal english bow could last around 10 years in the 13th century.

Go, simu, go!

06-08-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Artha
It makes no sense...wtf is my bow going to degrade when I'm using it properly? It is the nature of things to decay. Now, from my personal experience, I've fired a bow probably around 500 times with no appreciable loss of performance (the arrows are another story, but that's not important right now). I would wait and see how minimial the degradation is going to be before I demand it be removed.

06-09-2004, 02:26 PM
Well I quit a couple of years back because of the "imminent" breakage system, with the crappy breakage assigned to my leet ass gear. I just gave all my stuff away and spirit killed my character for good measure. Now I came back thinking breakage would be in full swing, but noooo.. oh well I just have crap gear so WGAF.

06-09-2004, 02:31 PM
Breakage would rock, if they took an exemple like this for granted:

Only "natural" matierial can break naturaly.

Only way to damage magical weaponry/armory is with STRONG magical effect.

So, bellow (and including) 4X (normal material non-enchanted), you can have it destroyed by anything.

Between 5-7X, a kind of soaking damage reduction, and higher than 7X a ridiculously high soaking damage reduction.

If they screw it, breakage will completely destroy gemstone's "economy".

06-09-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
If they screw it, breakage will completely destroy gemstone's "economy". I thought the point was to destroy the "economy".

06-09-2004, 04:23 PM
It's good to be a bard with all unbreakable 7x sonic gear.

06-10-2004, 08:31 AM
It's good to be a skilled hunter and be able to manage almost all critters with a 4X gear.

Higher than that is just to ease hunting a bit.

Not worth the million invested, though.