View Full Version : meditating
06-07-2004, 01:31 PM
why does only clerics and empaths gain true benefits?
06-07-2004, 01:34 PM
There are no benefits any more. It's faster HP/mana recovery, not EXP absorbtion, anymore.
That's why Voln saw a mass exodus, Dreams was nerfed in a similar fashion.
06-07-2004, 01:43 PM
I don't think it's even faster mana recovery...
06-07-2004, 01:45 PM
The faster mana recovery only kicks in after your first pulse while meditating. Saw a discussion about it on the official boards.
The design was to keep people from flying into meditation when a pulse is coming then goof around until the next one.
100% Wool
06-07-2004, 03:07 PM
fast mana/sp recovery when meditating happens after the first pulse
open hand and stance offensive offer a higher pulse in mana
06-07-2004, 03:46 PM
Yeah, I laughed to see all the guys bolt Voln. So much for their fucking sneers about how all the powermongers went to CoL.
06-08-2004, 09:47 AM
Col gives all bladers the equivalent of 6 rank of weapon and cm (so 3 levels more), a full health with a low cost (2 spirits) and bla bla bla.
Voln is purely for rp reasons now, and we all know that gemstone is not a rp game:D
They seriously should put dream as the ONLY way to give extra exp pulses.
06-08-2004, 03:44 PM
Thats crap.
Voln does ok for AS/DS boosts.
You can also bless your own weapons.
You can also lifekeep yourself, fog and need.
You can also learn whilst dead (retribution)
You also get Fu.
Voln is OK by me, RP or otherwise
06-08-2004, 03:56 PM
Voln does ok for AS/DS boosts.
You can also bless your own weapons.
You can also lifekeep yourself, fog and need.
You can also learn whilst dead (retribution)
You also get Fu.
Voln is OK by me, RP or otherwise
The difference is, Voln uses favor, which needs to be kept up, which means limiting yourself to hunting undead....whereas CoL merely requires you to wait til you get more mana/sp.
06-08-2004, 04:06 PM
I dono if limiting yourself to undead is true. I use favor every single hunt (I use sym of protection, sym of courage, and symbol of return every hunt) and I've yet to run out. I don't hunt undead..and have not hunted undead for quite some time.
06-08-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
I dono if limiting yourself to undead is true. I use favor every single hunt (I use sym of protection, sym of courage, and symbol of return every hunt) and I've yet to run out. I don't hunt undead..and have not hunted undead for quite some time.
I agree... Once you master Voln and hunt some undead.. it's basically free from then on. If you run out, then you can easily find some undead that you can not only learn from.. but also gain favor quickly with.
06-08-2004, 04:22 PM
I last checked my favor like 5 months ago, and had 80 revs.
I currently have 50 revs, and I've not hunted undead in those 5 months.
Hunting = Actively hunting them out. I've killed a seeker when I was saving someone in pinefar. Or when I atempted to hunt (twice) on plane one, I think I killed like 2 or 3 of the undead there.
06-08-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I agree... Once you master Voln and hunt some undead..I've mastered CoL in less time then it took me to get one step in Voln. Mastering Voln is a huge barrier, and I agree with X's assessment (although I think he undervalues the LK/fog part).
06-08-2004, 09:05 PM
LK is UTTER CRAP now and was in gs4.
I repeat. LK IS CRAP.
Fog is good, it was the second ability I used the most. To be able to bless your own blade is crap, as there's too many cleric that can bless (and better).
Voln make you lose 9 AS and DS, and 29 BOLT DS, 20 TD, symbol of mana is too expensive for its benefit, bla bla bla.
Don't get me wrong, all my character were volner before, all of them.
But without dream, voln is just a runner up.
06-09-2004, 12:53 PM
Sure, LK'in your self is crap if your willing to deal with decaying. Adredrin finds decaying offensive and discusting. He has little desire to deal with it.
Atop of that your forgetting other useful symbols. Need for example. Or Turning..which I used to a major advantage on the last undead invasion I was involved in. Nothing like seeing a roomfull of undead all die at once.
Plus courage allows you to overhunt just a bit more (helping with the Undead fears.)
Voln is useful, to people who actually put mind to using it. But hey, if all you care about is a few number bonuses, go for it :)
06-09-2004, 02:36 PM
A few? 29 more Bolt ds. 20 more TD. 9 more AS (and 59 if you are finishing your hunt, bla bla bla), INFINIT magic point (or so) for quick generating spirit races...
And so on.
Fact: Undead, in most case, are DIRTLY poor.
Question: what's good in overhunting them, then?
Voln would be great if the DEFENSIVE capacity, or something of the like was BETTER than col.
Col is better in all aspect beside, yeah... locating which is within volners, holyness that is the only power granted by a society that directly attack "someone" and finaly fog..
Yeah, Voln's fog is terribly good.
But not worth losing 9AS 9DS, 29 bolt ds, 20 TD, full health for 2 spirit, full mana for 5...
And by the way, your character cannot think that decaying is disgusting, as he's dead. The soul become separate, therefore the body is just laying there.
Just imagine the ghost seeing the body mutilated, beheaded and burned...
First reaction? I WON'T GO BACK THERE!
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