View Full Version : Capped Range AS

11-11-2011, 10:47 AM
So I've seen crazy high AS for weapon swingers (800+), but haven't seen anything that compares with ranged. I'm just curious how high some of our capped archers are able to get their AS.


11-11-2011, 10:54 AM
Bards are going to be the highest, followed by rogues, followed by rangers, then maybe empaths...etc.

Without too many enhancives and toys, I've seen bards pushing 540's, rogues around 500ish, Rangers and empaths around 480.

Highest sustained ranged AS I've seen is around 600, but that was with max enhancives and 5x/5x zelnon.

11-11-2011, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the response Ross. That seems to be around what I've seen so far. Usually during invasions everyone pulls out all the bells and whistles, but I haven't seen any archer over 600 sustained AS. Good to know it is possible with the right toys though. Wasn't your empath a beast with a two hander, or am I thinking someone else?

11-11-2011, 11:02 AM
Yup, before I fixskilled him to a caster, he was swinging around 560 sustained with a CS just shy of 500.

11-11-2011, 11:19 AM
As a giantman ranger, I can sustain a ranged AS of 563 entirely self-cast. I'm even at a penalty because of giantman DEX, which caps out at 20 before enhancives. But if you add 211/215 (+40), 1606 (+10), 1007 (+30?), and a holler (+20), that's up to 663.

11-11-2011, 11:21 AM
But, you also have enhancives out the wazoo and a 10x ranged combo. I was talking in general term with just an AG badge.

11-11-2011, 11:24 AM

11-11-2011, 11:35 AM
A post cap ranger with an archery AS lower than 500 is doing something wrong.
Hell my sorcerer could get up to 480 self cast.

11-11-2011, 11:44 AM
Post cap ranger with GoS and 2 mediocre enhancives in my bow and I hunt with AS 515 (wolf) and 509 (jackal).......which is plenty to mow through OTF.

11-11-2011, 12:18 PM
What armour you in broh?

11-12-2011, 02:10 AM
This is sustainable...

A wooden arrow flies out of the shadows toward a jungle troll!
AS: +685 vs DS: +111 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +89 = +686
... and hits for 235 points of damage!
Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

11-15-2011, 03:46 PM
At lvl 72 sylvan ranger, with roughly +15 via enhancives, I run with a sustainable 435 AS, and I'm voln.

I've got to imagine 600+ sustainable AS is doable.

Enhancive possibilities:
(please note * indicates a questionable number that I will likely soon update)

+50 from direct ranged bonus enhancives beyond cap

*+12 from ambush bonus enhancives beyond cap
*+20 from Dex bonus enhancives beyond cap

***Recently corrected!***

Total post cap enhancive AS bonus possible: +82

11-15-2011, 04:00 PM
it appears as though both Ambush and Perception bonus' cap at 202 ranks, as i've tested with a rogue

11-15-2011, 04:10 PM
it appears as though both Ambush and Perception bonus' cap at 202 ranks, as i've tested with a rogue

Perception's bonus to AS is capped at 2x, but the ambush AS bonus is not. I use Aspect of Jackal (650) and an ambush enhancive to pump my AS by 10.

11-15-2011, 04:15 PM
Enhancive possibilities:
(please note * indicates a questionable number that I will likely soon update)

+50 from direct ranged bonus enhancives beyond cap
*+20 from perception bonus enhancives beyond cap
*+10 from ambush bonus enhancives beyond cap
*+25 from Dex bonus enhancives beyond cap

Those numbers aren't quite right. Here's what the potential enhancive benefits actually look like:

Ranged: +50
DEX: +20
Ambush: +12 (maybe 13? not positive)

11-16-2011, 10:19 PM
As a capped half-sylvan ranger in GoS, I can muster, without enhancives or any outside spells, +499 AS with Aspect of Wolf up. A bit more lore training and I could break 500.

11-17-2011, 07:15 PM
(cleaning things up)

The current, most accurate, formula is...

((perception ranks [capped at level * 2] - 40) / 4) [.25 rounds down; .5 and .75 rounds up] + ((ambush ranks - 40) / 4) [.25 rounds down; .5 and .75 rounds up]

So what does this all mean?

Perception maxes out at 198 ranks. Ambush maxes out at 250 ranks (+48 from enhancements; 12 additional AS beyond maxed training).

If anyone has data that disproves this.. I really want to look at it. We've slowly been inching closer to 100% accurate over the years.

Why 198 and not 200? 100*2=200...

11-17-2011, 11:47 PM
Ah, makes sense.

11-17-2011, 11:47 PM
Does sustained count 117? 608? Ranger wise that is.

11-17-2011, 11:56 PM
I could have sworn I got another +1 from my 202nd rank of perception. I might untrain to see.

11-18-2011, 12:11 AM
Krakiipedia said it counts level 0 though... So you'd get credit for 202 ranks, as level 0 is a level (therefor there is 101 levels in the game.) I haven't tested this though.

11-18-2011, 12:25 AM
I could have sworn I got another +1 from my 202nd rank of perception. I might untrain to see.This is from some guy on the officials a long time ago...

"Recently capped my rogue and started topping off his skills.
I noted from 201 to 202 ranks of ambush I gain 1 AS
when going from 201 to 202 ranks of perception, no increase."

I'm working on creating a definitive proof test scenario right now.

11-18-2011, 12:30 AM
Krakiipedia said it counts level 0 though... So you'd get credit for 202 ranks, as level 0 is a level (therefor there is 101 levels in the game.) I haven't tested this though.Yeah, there are 101 actual levels in the game.. but when you do "X + level" the system MOST LIKELY (because it makes the most sense.. hahaha, yeah right) is set to pull from your actual listed level which does not include level 0.

Honestly, if I were designing the system...

"No one can 3x ambush, so just take the ambush skill. Perception though, can be 3x'ed by rogues, so just cap it at (level * 2)."

Easiest method to do it really.

Let me do the test I want to do and then also look at some old data points.

11-18-2011, 12:55 AM
Here's some data for people who are interested in it. I'll edit this post as I add more 'significant' pieces.


BOW: 0

56 -> 4 AS -> 29 total AS recorded in game
57 -> 4.25 AS -> 29 total AS recorded in game
58 -> 4.5 AS -> 30 total AS recorded in game


Here's a REALLY interesting data point.. this goes towards disproving the 'style' of the formula (though now I'm confused as to what has been the longstanding version and the versions I've been playing with).

BOW: 0

(we've proven that .5 rounds up)

((perception - 40) / 4) + ((ambush - 40) / 4) = 4.5 + 4.5 = 10

((perception - 40) + (ambush - 40)) / 4 = 9

The actual recorded in game AS was 34.

Another data point for the style pile...

BOW: 0

((perception - 40) / 4) + ((ambush - 40) / 4) = 5.25 + 5.25 = 10

((perception - 40) + (ambush - 40)) / 4 = 10.5 = 11

The in game AS was 36.

The only way formula 1 could be accurate is if the .25's were being saved (integer math creates extra work to save them) and then they were added into the final result.


What formula have people been using as their main formula? In my notes from 2005 I have the 2nd formula, so I wonder if I poked at this back then and had data disproving formula 1, but because it's been so long, I've jumped back into formula 1 on accident.


..and finally, here's a data point that pretty much ties everything together..

(we know that .5 rounds up and ambush doesn't cap; this also assumes, which is a very good assumption because of the prior data point, that the proper formula style is version 2)

BOW: 20

If perception caps at (level + 1) then formula 2 creates an end result of 52.5 which rounds to 53 and creates a total AS of 349.

The recorded in game AS was 348.

11-18-2011, 03:41 AM
Gelston, I deleted my posts.

Everyone, forget what I was saying about perception maxing at 198. It maxes at 200.


(((perception ranks - 40) + (ambush ranks - 40)) / 4)

.25 rounds down
.5 rounds up
.75 rounds up

Perception is capped at (level * 2). Ambush is uncapped and maxes at 250 ranks (+48 from enhancements; 12 additional AS beyond maxed training).

(the ambush max is because of rounding)