View Full Version : Glue wand (tier5 prize)

11-05-2011, 10:36 AM
So there seems to be some interest in the glue wand I found, and since I don't want it, I'll go ahead and auction it off.

Description: an opalescent white vaalin rod capped with a deep blue thunderstone prism

Going to reauction this once I find out exactly how many charges there are.

>inspect rod
You carefully inspect your white vaalin rod.

You determine that you could not wear the rod. The rod appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of vaalin.

>anal rod (hahahaha)
You analyze your white vaalin rod and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You get no sense of whether or not the rod may be further lightened.

>wave rod at pearl
You wave your rod at a tulip-shaped bright magenta pearl and a faint shimmer of blue light emanates from the tip of the rod, surrounding the pearl and suffusing its surface.

>wear pearl
You carefully press a tulip-shaped bright magenta pearl to your forehead where it adheres. The glue dries quickly, leaving the pearl affixed to your skin.

>rem pearl
You carefully remove the pearl from your forehead.

The glue is temporary, as the gem will fall off your forehead after a few hours, or you can pry it off. I have NO idea if this is a neverending glue wand, or if there are a set amount of ... glue charges. When sung to, it said pretty much... wtf is this?

I could swear I saw some weird ambient message when holding this.. once.. and never again. But then, I was extremely tired, and could have been imagining this, so let's just say there are no ambient messages.

Once, Twice, Sold, will be my method. Thanks :)

11-05-2011, 10:54 AM
Sadness. Knowing the chargers would be really useful

11-05-2011, 11:20 AM
How many charges have you used? Incase it is limited.

I'll throw down 1m

11-05-2011, 01:02 PM
Two charges have been used. If anyone knows how to tell how many charges there are, please let me know!

CB: 1mil going once.

11-05-2011, 01:12 PM
Have you tried it at the AI crystal?

11-05-2011, 01:21 PM
try measuring it?

11-05-2011, 09:13 PM
Hmm... good idea.. I shall do that.

11-05-2011, 10:41 PM
So, measuring it had no results. However, the AI Crystal message is: The crystal rings, high and pure, a hum of magic in the undertone.

According to KP, this means the rod has 9-16 (minus my two) charges. I have no clue if this can be recharged or not. If anyone wants it sung to again, let me know. This thing is a pain in the ass to figure out.

Edit: One more (lame) zesty:
You blow on your white vaalin rod.
A faint foggy mist forms over the surface of the rod then slowly fades away.

11-05-2011, 11:22 PM
Might want to ask on the Officials whether it's never-ending, as originally rods were.

11-06-2011, 08:58 PM
So.. I tried posting on the officials, but so far no reply.

As it stands, CB is now 1mil going twice. Unless you would like to hold off until I find out exactly how many charges it has.

11-06-2011, 09:07 PM
Edit: One more (lame) zesty:
You blow on your white vaalin rod.
A faint foggy mist forms over the surface of the rod then slowly fades away.

I don't think that's a zest.

11-06-2011, 09:09 PM
It isn't. That is a common thing.

11-06-2011, 09:13 PM
Shows how savvy I am... lol.. thanks! :>

11-06-2011, 09:27 PM
So.. I tried posting on the officials, but so far no reply.

As it stands, CB is now 1mil going twice. Unless you would like to hold off until I find out exactly how many charges it has.

Yeah, that sounds good.

11-06-2011, 09:49 PM
Holding off, you mean? That's totally fine! :)