View Full Version : Neighbors

08-13-2003, 12:21 PM
This has nothing to do with anything, but if I don't vent somewhere I'm going to do something violent.

The old, ugly, overweight loser guy that lives above me obviously learned to walk from a herd of elephants because I swear he's either going to knock down my ceiling fan or put a hole in my ceiling. Why can't old people walk on the balls of their feet??? And last night he decides to play his crappy old person music really loud while I'm trying to sleep so I ended up watching Daredevil twice until he turned it off. Not to mention that it took me a damn hour just to rent that damn movie because the damn bus system takes for damn ever.

Ok I'm done for now. Ignore this topic if you like.

08-13-2003, 12:57 PM
you know, we have the same problem here..

Now this is by no means a slight, or racial comment, but there is a black lady that lives above us..and man she walks HARD. I swear she stomps everywhere she goes.


08-13-2003, 01:13 PM
I worked nights and made sure I met all the people in my apartments and let them know I worked nights at the time. They all was understanding and tried to keep the noise down.


08-13-2003, 01:19 PM
A nod to edge on this...
I had a similar situation when I used to live in an apartment. All it took was a *polite* and apologetic chat with the upstairs neighbor, letting them know that the floor/ceiling is very thin with no insulation between the two, and that we could hear everything that went on up there.

It was apologetic, because we could hear them having sex too. And they weren't all that loud, either. It was just a very flimsy building. They ended up buying a carpet for the bedroom and kitchen, and put in a huge area rug in the living room over one of those carpet cushion things.

It increased the value of their unit (it was actually a condo, owned and not rented) and we got some peace and quiet downstairs.

They were VERY grateful that we informed them of the problem, and embarrassed as hell that we could hear them having sex :)

It made for a much more "neighborly" neighborhood, because we were able to laugh about the whole thing with them once we got the uncomfortable embarrassment out of the way.

08-13-2003, 02:08 PM
See... I'm in a city I've never really been in before, with no one that I really know within 200 miles... so I'm kinda nervous approaching people I don't know. So this guy can just keep on stomping I guess. It doesn't mean I have to like it.

Another problem I have with people here is their desire to tell me their life story when I meet them. On about 3 seperate bus riding occasions, I've had a person tell me very personal things I didn't need or necessarily want to know. Of course I'm too nice to say anything about it and I just listen and nod but... geez. I'm sorry you have cancer and you're dying soon, but I have problems too. I'm sorry your car is broken down and your daughter is dropping out of school, but I really don't care.

I'm done for now. again.

08-13-2003, 04:28 PM
I just moved into my appt while I was home on leave and I've gotta say I've got some interesting neighbors. On Sunday I was woken up to the door to the appt above mine being broken in by the police with a search warrent, then I found out the two girls that live across the hall are drug addicted strippers. All and all it looks like weekends will be fun.

Gotta agree with the telling life story thing too. Generally I'm nice enough to pretend I care but sometimes the mean guy in me comes out and I ask them if they see a name tag on my shirt that says Karen, they say no and I reply it's because I don't care then one of us will walk away.

08-13-2003, 04:34 PM
<<Generally I'm nice enough to pretend I care but sometimes the mean guy in me comes out and I ask them if they see a name tag on my shirt that says Karen, they say no and I reply it's because I don't care then one of us will walk away.>>

Brilliant. Priceless. It actually made me laugh uncontrollably.