View Full Version : Gem jars & weight

10-30-2011, 10:11 PM
I remember seeing some discussion on LNet once about gem jars and weight. Was sorting some gems and thought I'd put it to the test. Loresung weights. Off-the-shelf jars in Icemule.

---------- Before ----------

In the umber brocade longcoat:
gem,uncommon (1): a green alexandrite stone.
gem (134): a blue lace agate, a deep purple amethyst (2), a shard of tigerfang crystal (2), a large yellow diamond (2), an uncut diamond, a pinch of gold dust (2), an uncut emerald, a blood red garnet (5), a green garnet, an aquamarine gem, a piece of polished ivory (4), a piece of green jade (5), a piece of yellow jade (2), a piece of white jade (3), some blue lapis lazuli, a large piece of mica, some purple mithril-bloom (3), a large platinum nugget (5), a platinum nugget (14), a gold nugget (7), a large gold nugget (10), a blue-white frost opal (2), a white opal (7), a black opal (3), a large black pearl (3), a small grey pearl, a piece of cat's eye quartz, some golden rhimar-bloom (3), an uncut ruby (2), a star sapphire (2), a pink sapphire, a violet sapphire, a blue sapphire (3), a green sapphire (3), a yellow sapphire (2), a sardonyx, a pink spinel, a green malachite stone (4), a turquoise stone, a petrified tiger tooth (4), a smoky topaz (7), a green tourmaline, a petrified mammoth tusk (6), a snowflake zircon (2).
The first thing that strikes you about the longcoat is the weight, which is about 107 pounds.

In the heavy backpack:
jar (80): a frosted glass jar (blue lace agates), a frosted glass jar (mottled agates), a frosted glass jar (piece of golden ambers), a frosted glass jar (deep purple amethysts), a frosted glass jar (dark red-green bloodstones), a frosted glass jar (polished red coral), a frosted glass jar (polished pink coral), a frosted glass jar (shard of tigerfang crystals), a frosted glass jar (uncut diamonds), a frosted glass jar (large yellow diamonds), a frosted glass jar (star diopsides), a frosted glass jar (gold dust), a frosted glass jar (uncut emeralds), a frosted glass jar (obsidian eyes), a frosted glass jar (blood red garnets), a frosted glass jar (aquamarine gems), a frosted glass jar (golden beryl gems), a frosted glass jar (bright chrysoberyl gems), a frosted glass jar (piece of polished ivories), a frosted glass jar (piece of white jades), a frosted glass jar (piece of green jades), a frosted glass jar (piece of yellow jades), a frosted glass jar (piece of brown jades), a frosted glass jar (10), a frosted glass jar (blue lapis lazuli), a frosted glass jar (pieces of mica), a frosted glass jar (pink mithril-bloom), a frosted glass jar (purple mithril-bloom), a frosted glass jar (white opals), a frosted glass jar (black opals), a frosted glass jar (blue-white frost opals), a frosted glass jar (fire opals), a frosted glass jar (green ora-bloom), a frosted glass jar (medium pink pearls), a frosted glass jar (medium white pearls), a frosted glass jar (small grey pearls), a frosted glass jar (large pink pearls), a frosted glass jar (large black pearls), a frosted glass jar (large grey pearls), a frosted glass jar (piece of milky quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of rose quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of carnelian quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of citrine quartzes), a frosted glass jar (golden rhimar-bloom), a frosted glass jar (uncut rubies), a frosted glass jar (star rubies), a frosted glass jar (green sapphires), a frosted glass jar (pink sapphires), a frosted glass jar (blue sapphires), a frosted glass jar (violet sapphires), a frosted glass jar (yellow sapphires), a frosted glass jar (star sapphires), a frosted glass jar (dull white soulstones), a frosted glass jar (red spinels), a frosted glass jar (iridescent labradorite stones), a frosted glass jar (green alexandrite stones), a frosted glass jar (pink rhodochrosite stones), a frosted glass jar (turquoise stones), a frosted glass jar (green malachite stones), a frosted glass jar (light pink morganite stones), a frosted glass jar (smoky topazes), a frosted glass jar (pink topazes), a frosted glass jar (golden topazes), a frosted glass jar (clear tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (pink tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (green tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (black tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (blue tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (clear zircons), a frosted glass jar (snowflake zircons), a frosted glass jar (yellow zircons).
The first thing that strikes you about the backpack is the weight, which is about 49 pounds.

---------- After ----------

In the umber brocade longcoat:
gem (10): a petrified tiger tooth (4), a petrified mammoth tusk (6).
The first thing that strikes you about the longcoat is the weight, which is about 80 pounds.

In the heavy backpack:
jar (80): a frosted glass jar (sardonyxes), a frosted glass jar (blue lace agates), a frosted glass jar (mottled agates), a frosted glass jar (piece of golden ambers), a frosted glass jar (deep purple amethysts), a frosted glass jar (dark red-green bloodstones), a frosted glass jar (polished pink coral), a frosted glass jar (polished red coral), a frosted glass jar (shard of tigerfang crystals), a frosted glass jar (large yellow diamonds), a frosted glass jar (uncut diamonds), a frosted glass jar (star diopsides), a frosted glass jar (gold dust), a frosted glass jar (uncut emeralds), a frosted glass jar (obsidian eyes), a frosted glass jar (green garnets), a frosted glass jar (blood red garnets), a frosted glass jar (bright chrysoberyl gems), a frosted glass jar (golden beryl gems), a frosted glass jar (aquamarine gems), a frosted glass jar (piece of polished ivories), a frosted glass jar (piece of yellow jades), a frosted glass jar (piece of green jades), a frosted glass jar (piece of white jades), a frosted glass jar (piece of brown jades), a frosted glass jar (2), a frosted glass jar (blue lapis lazuli), a frosted glass jar (pieces of mica), a frosted glass jar (pink mithril-bloom), a frosted glass jar (purple mithril-bloom), a frosted glass jar (platinum nuggets), a frosted glass jar (large gold nuggets), a frosted glass jar (large platinum nuggets), a frosted glass jar (gold nuggets), a frosted glass jar (black opals), a frosted glass jar (white opals), a frosted glass jar (blue-white frost opals), a frosted glass jar (fire opals), a frosted glass jar (green ora-bloom), a frosted glass jar (large pink pearls), a frosted glass jar (medium white pearls), a frosted glass jar (large black pearls), a frosted glass jar (small grey pearls), a frosted glass jar (large grey pearls), a frosted glass jar (medium pink pearls), a frosted glass jar (piece of milky quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of cat's eye quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of citrine quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of carnelian quartzes), a frosted glass jar (piece of rose quartzes), a frosted glass jar (golden rhimar-bloom), a frosted glass jar (star rubies), a frosted glass jar (uncut rubies), a frosted glass jar (yellow sapphires), a frosted glass jar (star sapphires), a frosted glass jar (pink sapphires), a frosted glass jar (green sapphires), a frosted glass jar (violet sapphires), a frosted glass jar (blue sapphires), a frosted glass jar (dull white soulstones), a frosted glass jar (red spinels), a frosted glass jar (pink spinels), a frosted glass jar (iridescent labradorite stones), a frosted glass jar (light pink morganite stones), a frosted glass jar (turquoise stones), a frosted glass jar (pink rhodochrosite stones), a frosted glass jar (green alexandrite stones), a frosted glass jar (green malachite stones), a frosted glass jar (pink topazes), a frosted glass jar (golden topazes), a frosted glass jar (smoky topazes), a frosted glass jar (clear tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (green tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (black tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (pink tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (blue tourmalines), a frosted glass jar (snowflake zircons), a frosted glass jar (clear zircons), a frosted glass jar (yellow zircons).
The first thing that strikes you about the backpack is the weight, which is about 80 pounds.

Total weight before: 156 lbs
Total weight after: 160 lbs
Gem weight transfered: 27 lbs
Weight increase: 4 lbs (14.8% increase)

Note that 8 new jars were used and I gained weight at 0.5 lbs per jar. I figure that jars with gems increase in weight by 0.5 lbs + gem weight. The next time I do a session, I'll try to see what happens when I don't start any new jars. I've only done this once with 4 lbs of gems and I saw no weight increase (but with such little weight that could be due to rounding/truncating).

If this is old news and there's something official, let me know. Didn't see the info listed

11-01-2011, 12:55 PM
160 silver = 1 lb
Jar = 0.5 lbs ( 80 silver equivalent)
Most gems = 0.1 lb ( 16 silver equivalent)
Jar + most gems = 0.5 lbs (80 silver equivalent)

I think you may have to weigh the jars individually to find which ones are weighing less than 2 lbs and which weigh more, when measured with the WEIGHT verb. Any that weigh more than that are not reducing the encumbered weight.

Starting with a large sack (weight 2 lbs) and adding empty jars I was able to confirm by using silvers as a control that the jars weigh exactly 0.5 lbs each. I then added gems to the sack (with the jars still empty) and confirmed the gems at 0.1 lbs each. With 10 empty jars and 20 gems the sack weighed 9 lbs. Placing all the gems in jars reduced the weight of the sack to 7 lbs. which was the same as the sack and empty jar weight. Again, I verified all of this with coins and encumbrance.

For each gem placed in a jar I gained 16 additional silver carrying capacity before becoming encumbered.

I then tried with herbs. Starting with acantha leaf and adding one leaf at a time the weight increased 0.5 lbs for each leaf that was added. An interesting result, that I was unaware of occurred. After shaking the jar to remove the leaf, the single leaf came out as a bundle of 10. Not all herbs multiplied but most of those that could be placed in the jar came out in bundles. All of the herbs had the same weight outside/inside the jar.

some acantha leaf: 1 --> 10
some wolifrew lichen: 1 --> 4
a bolmara potion: N/A
some torban leaf: 1 --> 4
some woth flower: 1 --> 2
some ambrominas leaf: 1 --> 4
some ephlox moss: 1 --> 4
some cactacae spine: 1 --> 4
some calamia fruit: N/A
a rose-marrow potion: N/A
some aloeas stem: 1 --> 2
some haphip root: N/A
a brostheras potion: N/A
some basal moss: 1 --> 4
some pothinir grass: N/A
a talneo potion: N/A
a wingstem potion: N/A
a bur-clover potion: N/A
some sovyn clove: 1 --> 1**


11-03-2011, 03:37 PM
Did you manually add the type of gem in () or is that a lich script? I'm using ;autosort and all I see if I have multiple jars in the same container is a frosted glass jar (40), Regardless of them being full or not.

11-03-2011, 06:17 PM
Somehow missed your post, Mark. Were you being more controlled about how many gems went into each jar?

I'm running sorter, rather than autosort. I don't know about the genesis of the two but presumably that's it. Or maybe you are missing some updates to the GameObj data (probably not, though because I seem to remember that 'after_name' data showing up for a long time)?

11-05-2011, 05:13 PM
Somehow missed your post, Mark. Were you being more controlled about how many gems went into each jar?

I'm running sorter, rather than autosort. I don't know about the genesis of the two but presumably that's it. Or maybe you are missing some updates to the GameObj data (probably not, though because I seem to remember that 'after_name' data showing up for a long time)?

It struck me a bit odd that your 'before' backpack weight was 49 lbs and the 'after' weight was 80 lbs. Adding 164 gems should have only increased the 'after' weight a maximum of 16.4 lbs IF the weight of each gem was included. Your actual increase was 31 lbs (310 gems).

So, I grabbed 10 jars and placed a total of 20 assorted gems in the jars; a couple of the jars were still empty. The total weight of the jars with the gems inside was the same as the empty jars. No additional encumbrance weight was added. So why did your backpack weight jump 31 lbs?

I decided to check a 20 capacity jar with 20 gems inside. The weight was 3 lbs. Somewhere in the gem count the weight increased significantly. I emptied the jar and began adding gems one at a time ( I wasn't carrying the other gems). I checked the weight after each gem was added; up to 13 gems there was no increase. When I added the fourteenth gem the jar weight jumped from 0.5 lbs to 3 lbs. Adding gems 15 to 20 into the jar did not further increase the weight.

But that's not all that happened. I removed the gems one at a time until I had 13 again. The weight should have dropped back to 0.5 lbs., but it didn't. It only dropped to 2 lbs, a decrease in weight of 1 lb. I removed one more gem (12 remaining in the jar) and the weight dropped to 0.5 lbs. I added the 13th gem and it still weighed 0.5 lbs.

>l in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 13 portions of white opals. It is becoming full.
Your load is a bit heavy, but you feel confident that the weight is not affecting your actions very much.
>shake jar
You give your jar a hard shake, causing a white opal to fall into your left hand.
>l in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 12 portions of white opals. It is becoming full.
Your load is a bit heavy, but you feel confident that the weight is not affecting your actions very much.
>put opal in jar
You add a white opal to the contents of the glaes jar.
>l in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 13 portions of white opals. It is becoming full.
You adjust your gear comfortably and feel satisfied that you are not encumbered enough to notice.

I tested with a different character and different jar with the same results.

TL;DR version:

Empty jar weight: 0.5 lbs
Jar w/13 gems: 0.5 lbs
Jar w/14 gems: 3 lbs


11-06-2011, 01:46 AM
Thanks, Mark. Now I have a new least favorite mechanic: gem jar hysteresis.

11-23-2011, 03:28 PM

!>l in my beak
Inside the clear glass beaker you see 50 portions of cats-eye moonstones. It is full.
!>l in my bot
Inside the multicolored bottle you see 50 portions of cats-eye moonstones. It is full.
!>weight my beak
You carefully examine the clear glass beaker and determine that the weight is less than 2 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
!R>weight my bot
You carefully examine the multicolored bottle and determine that the weight is about 6 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
!R>put beak in my cloak
You put a clear glass beaker containing cats-eye moonstones in your white cloak.
>get beak from cloak
You remove a clear glass beaker containing cats-eye moonstones from in your white cloak.
>put bot in cloak
Your bottle won't fit in the white cloak.