View Full Version : Ebon's Gate - Plat

10-22-2011, 06:07 PM
I do believe play.net says that Ebon Gate began yesterday for Platinum.

No word yet on what has actually been seen for items or services?

Curiosity has a tight grip on me.

That Jay
10-24-2011, 09:01 AM
If you have enjoyed EG in the past, then you are assured of enjoying this one. Its one of the best so far.

The prize pool from digging and other games has been combined and is pretty sweet.

The array of services has been amazing. Some of the stuff is completely new and kind of inspired. YAY! CODING IS NOT DEAD!


10-24-2011, 09:40 AM
CE systems has always been a GS strongpoint.

Lord Orbstar
10-24-2011, 09:51 AM
Chaotic evil systems?

10-24-2011, 11:11 AM
Customer Experience, I believe. Basically, anything that doesn't involve Profession or Hunting-based code. There likely is a fair bit of overlap between the two systems, but you'd have to bust out a Venn for real clarification.