View Full Version : Locker Cleanout #2

10-20-2011, 10:35 PM
All Bids will go Once, Twice, Sold. Buy Outs will be Considered.

Number||Item Description||Weight||What it does||Price:
1 || A Delicate Vaalin Ferroniere set with a bloodjewel || >2 lbs || Headworn Jewelry || MB: 1k
2 || A Black Silk Scarf || >2 lbs || Feature Altering Hair Styler, 4-Styles || MB: 10K CB: 10k Beguiler SOLD
3 || A pair of Ebon Silk Scarves || >2 lbs || Feature Altering Hair Styler, 4-Styles || MB: 10k SOLD on BO
4 || A Delicate Blue Porcelain Haircomb || >2 lbs || Feature Altering Hair Styler, 4-Styles || MB: 10k CB: 10k Beguiler SOLD
5 || A Pair of Black Leather Hair-Ties || >2 lbs || Feature Altering Hair Styler, 4-Styles|| MB: 10k
6 || A Topaz-Studded Silver Barrette || >2 lbs || Feature Altering Hair Styler, 4-Styles || MB: 10k CB: 10k Sylvan Dreams SOLD, picked up
7 || A Fringed Suede Mask Painted with Ebon Whorls || >2 lbs || Head Worn, Morphing Mask || MB: 5k CB: Zaigh 5k SOLD, picked up
8 || A Heavy Leather Harness || >2 lbs || Single Pole-Arm/ Runestaff Weapon Displayer || MB: 10k SOLD on BO
9 || A winking Sylph Marionette || >2 lbs || Zested Puppet || MB: 25k CB: 25k Isstyle SOLD, picked up
10|| A Tiny Pair of Azure Blazestar Hairjewels || >2 lbs || Headworn || MB: 1k
11|| A Large Silvery Snow Globe || >2 lbs || see below || MB: 1k
12|| A Lapis Blue Cut Chalice || >2 lbs || See Below || MB: 1k CB: 5k Isstyle SOLD, picked up

2: A Black Silk Scarf
You catch up your ankle-length deep crimson hair with one hand and tie it loosely with your silk scarf.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair tied into a loose ponytail with a black silk scarf.
Push (Once):
You separate your deep crimson hair into three strands and quickly braid it, deftly securing the end with your silk scarf.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair plaited into a simple braid and secured with a black silk scarf.
Push (Twice):
You gather your deep crimson hair at the crown of your head and tie your silk scarf into a neat bow, securing the ponytail.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair gathered into a fountaining ponytail at the crown of her head and secured with a black silk scarf.
Push (Thrice):
You gather your deep crimson hair at the nape of your neck and tie your silk scarf into a neat bow, securing the ponytail.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair gathered into a sleek ponytail at the nape of her neck and secured with a black silk scarf.
You quickly remove a black silk scarf from your deep crimson hair, and return it to its normal style.

3: A Pair of Ebon Silk Scarves
You divide your ankle-length deep crimson hair into two sections and tie each loosely with your ebon silk scarves.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair tied loosely into two pigtails with a pair of ebon silk scarves.
Push (Once):
You divide your deep crimson hair into two sections, and then separate each half into three strands. You quickly braid each section, expertly weaving your ebon silk scarves into the plaits.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair plaited into two braids with a pair of ebon silk scarves woven through them.
Push (Twice):
You separate your deep crimson hair into two sections at the crown of your head and tie your ebon silk scarves into them creating two perky pigtails.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair tied into two perky pigtails at the crown of her head with a pair of ebon silk scarves.
Push (Thrice):
You divide your deep crimson hair into two sections, pulling each over one shoulder and tying your ebon silk scarves into them.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled forward over her shoulders in two pigtails and tied with a pair of ebon silk scarves.
You quickly remove a pair of ebon silk scarves from your deep crimson hair, and return it to its normal style.

4: A Delicate Blue Porcelain Haircomb
You pull back a section of your deep crimson hair from your forehead and pin it in place with your blue porcelain haircomb.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled back from her face with a delicate blue porcelain haircomb.
Push (Once):
You pull back one side of your deep crimson hair and secure it over one ear with blue porcelain haircomb.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled back over one ear with a delicate blue porcelain haircomb.
Push (Twice):
You pull your ankle-length deep crimson hair over one shoulder, gathering it loosely and securing it with your blue porcelain haircomb.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled over one shoulder and gathered loosely with a delicate blue porcelain haircomb.
Push (Thrice):
You shake your ankle-length deep crimson hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, and slide your blue porcelain haircomb into place.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair falling loosely around her face and adorned with a delicate blue porcelain haircomb.
You quickly remove a delicate blue porcelain haircomb from your deep crimson hair, and return it to its normal style.

5: A Pair of Black Leather Hair-ties
You divide your ankle-length deep crimson hair into two sections and tie each loosely with your black leather hair-ties.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair tied loosely into two pigtails with a pair of black leather hair-ties.
Push (Once):
You divide your deep crimson hair into two sections, and then separate each half into three strands. You quickly braid each section, expertly weaving your black leather hair-ties into the plaits.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair plaited into two braids with a pair of black leather hair-ties woven through them.
Push (Twice):
You separate your deep crimson hair into two sections at the crown of your head and tie your black leather hair-ties into them creating two perky pigtails.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair tied into two perky pigtails at the crown of her head with a pair of black leather hair-ties.
Push (Thrice):
You divide your deep crimson hair into two sections, pulling each over one shoulder and tying your black leather hair-ties into them.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled forward over her shoulders in two pigtails and tied with a pair of black leather hair-ties.
You quickly remove a pair of black leather hair-ties from your deep crimson hair, and return it to its normal style.

6: A Topaz-Studded Silver Barrette
You pull back a section of your deep crimson hair from your forehead and pin it in place with your silver barrette.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled back from her face with a topaz-studded silver barrette.
Push (Once):
You pull back one side of your deep crimson hair and secure it over one ear with silver barrette.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled back over one ear with a topaz-studded silver barrette.
Push (Twice):
You pull your ankle-length deep crimson hair over one shoulder, gathering it loosely and securing it with your silver barrette.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair pulled over one shoulder and gathered loosely with a topaz-studded silver barrette.
Push (Thrice):
You shake your ankle-length deep crimson hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, and slide your silver barrette into place.
They See:
She has ankle-length, flowing deep crimson hair falling loosely around her face and adorned with a topaz-studded silver barrette.
You quickly remove a topaz-studded silver barrette from your deep crimson hair, and return it to its normal style.

7: A Fringed Suede Mask Painted with Ebon Whorls
Tap (To Change):
You tap the temple of your mask, and a faint green shimmer spreads across its smooth surface. Moments pass while the face ripples and rolls with chaotic movements, but then slowly it stills into a new expression.
Alternate Looks:
- a coarse wooden mask incised with deep whorls on each cheek
- a leaf-wreathed wood sprite mask
- a silk-wrapped pale maiden mask crowned with a delicate silver coronet
- a wrinkled and aged crone mask
- a rune-etched scorched copper mask

8: A Heavy Leather Harness
Put (Weapon) In:
Your carefully slip your runestaff inside the harness. Since it is not large enough to hold the runestaff, the remaining part protrudes far over your shoulder.
They See:
a heavy leather harness with a crimson rune-etched black lor runestaff capped with a rose-shaped ruby poking high overhead. (Weapons may vary. Runestaff not included)
Remove (Weapon) From:
You carefully unlimber your runestaff from your harness.

9: A winking Sylph Marionette
You twitch at the crossbars holding the sylph marionette, causing it to march stiffly in place.
Your marionette jerks forward suddenly, the strings tangling for a moment and causing a graceless fall.
You pull at the sylph marionette, causing it to fall to its knees while its arms swing together.
The sylph marionette turns slowly in place, arms and legs moving in a graceful dance.
You raise the marionette to your lips and kiss it tenderly.
You tickle at the sylph marionette but only manage to get a splinter in your thumb. Didn't anyone ever tell you wood wasn't ticklish?
You nudge at the sylph marionette and its hand goes up to its forehead. You could swear the miniature eyes just narrowed.
You lick at the sylph marionette, tangling the strings hopelessly.
You wave the bars above the sylph marionette, causing it to windmill its arms like a tart-deprived halfling.

10: A Tiny Pair of Azure Blazestar Hairjewels
You carefully fasten the hairjewels into the flowing strands of your deep crimson hair and arrange them for the best possible effect.
You fiddle with your azure blazestar hairjewels for a moment, making sure that each one is positioned to its best possible advantage.
You toss your head airily, causing your azure blazestar hairjewels to sparkle elegantly as they catch the ambient light.
You carefully remove the hairjewels from your hair.
Important: NOT Feature ALtering.

12: A Large Silvery Snow Globe
Silver filigree elegantly laces about a crystalline globe, and inside stands a grand solstice tree littered with snowflakes. Miniature figures surround the tree and are in the process of decorating it with brilliant ornaments of the season. A man in a silver top hat stands on a tiny ladder as he places a decorative globe near the top of the tree, and behind the tree is a gold ribbon across an ornate silver gate which reads, "Silvergate Inn Wishes You a Happy Solstice 5110!"
In the Common language, it reads:
Silvergate Inn Gala ~ 5110
As you gently tap a large silvery snow globe, the lower branches of the decorated tanik tree move aside, revealing dozens of miniature, gaily-wrapped presents.
As you poke a large silvery snow globe, the figure in the dashing top hat turns and seems to smile right at you.
You raise a large silvery snow globe up and shake it slightly. The snowflakes in the globe swirl around the scene of happy people surrounding the tanik tree. The snowflakes fill the globe and obscure the view before gradually settling back to the bottom.

13: A Lapis Blue Cut Chalice
Deeply cut with snowflake patterns and featuring a masterfully executed House of Paupers coat of arms, this beautiful cut-crystal chalice has excellent clarity and brilliance. The colors of the chalice swirl from pale azure to deep sea blue, and gold-twined veins of pure crystal wrap about the stem catching the ambient light and adding prismatic flare to the drinking vessel. Elegant script of glistening gilt surrounds the lip of the chalice and reads, "Happy Solstice! 5110."

10-20-2011, 10:38 PM
7. 5k

10-21-2011, 02:23 PM

Sylvan Dreams
10-21-2011, 07:49 PM
6 A Topaz-Studded Silver Barrette

10-21-2011, 10:34 PM

10-22-2011, 03:35 AM
Midnight update!

10-23-2011, 01:44 PM
Updated. All things marked twice will be sold at midnight tonight.

10-24-2011, 12:22 AM
Midnight update all things bid on sold. Be on the lookout for a PM regarding pickup arrangements.

10-26-2011, 08:34 PM
Updated: Just waiting to hear from Zaigh and Isstyle for pickup.

10-27-2011, 10:34 AM
MB on 2 and 4 please!

10-27-2011, 03:28 PM

10-28-2011, 12:08 PM
Updated. All items going TWICE will be marked as sold prior to EG Starting.

10-29-2011, 12:13 PM
Updated, will be in contact for pickup arrangements