View Full Version : Treasure at cap
10-19-2011, 03:37 PM
Is it just me, or is solo hunting at cap producing shit for treasure, regardless of whether you're hunting OTF, Plane 4, Scatter, or Nelamar?
Clarification: By treasure, I mean weapons/armor > 4x. Enhancives with values that are +5 or more (and not crumbly). Or, of course, GM fed items.
10-19-2011, 03:44 PM
Post-cap sorc hunting Nelemar... I'd guess I get around 50k or so in coins/gems per hunt, and have yet to pull anything enhancive or better than +10 enchant. Been doing it now for... 6 weeks?
For what it's worth, I've been warcamping as well, hoping to get some decent loot. 4 camps, three of which have been full (500), and I've scored exactly two enhancive items (that wouldn't sell for 100k each on the open market), and nothing padded/weighted.
My 2 cents... cap/post-cap hunting is absolute shit for treasure, because it's all massively overhunted. My level 4 mage found two enhancives in three hunts.
10-19-2011, 03:44 PM
Everyday there are more high level chars, the more chars hunting in a specific hunting ground, the worse treasure is.
10-19-2011, 03:51 PM
Everyday there are more high level chars, the more chars hunting in a specific hunting ground, the worse treasure is.
10-19-2011, 03:53 PM
Everyday there are more high level chars, the more chars hunting in a specific hunting ground, the worse treasure is.
The hoppers work by groups of 10 levels, maybe 5. I don't think it's ever been released how they figure out each hopper, but some of the best loot in game is around level 80-85 doing warcamps. The hoppers and treasure feeder strain also appears to get reset after reboots. So hunt your ass off then if you want loot.
Also, I noticed hunting from 3-5am in the morning always seemed to produce the best loot, even in areas that weren't strained. Not sure why, but I've had a few other people notice this.
10-19-2011, 05:12 PM
I just found a 4x +11 max mana steam flaring runestaff in the scatter.
10-19-2011, 05:13 PM
The only place with loot
10-19-2011, 05:47 PM
I just found a 4x +11 max mana steam flaring runestaff in the scatter.
10-20-2011, 07:23 AM
Is it just me, or is solo hunting at cap producing shit for treasure, regardless of whether you're hunting OTF, Plane 4, Scatter, or Nelamar?
Clarification: By treasure, I mean weapons/armor > 4x. Enhancives with values that are +5 or more (and not crumbly). Or, of course, GM fed items.
I do well in Nelamar. In past 6 months I have found one of the Death Stokes blades (3x hcw dagger), 2x dcp brig and just recently I found a 3x ora Hammer of Kai with +11 to dex. I am sure there are lots more, but those 3 come immediately to mind
10-20-2011, 11:20 AM
After hunting solo, like a mofo, the last couple months, I finally found my first item, 2 days ago.
+23 vaalorn bastard sword, +2 wisdom bonus, +3 earth lore ranks.
Nothing spectacular, but I was surprised, because I've seriously been hunting OTF like nobodies business, and never found anything!
The thing is, it was in the hands of a critter, and not something that was looted. Is that normal? Or could that mean that it was something a large group generated, but missed?
10-20-2011, 11:23 AM
After hunting solo, like a mofo, the last couple months, I finally found my first item, 2 days ago.
+23 vaalorn bastard sword, +2 wisdom bonus, +3 earth lore ranks.
Nothing spectacular, but I was surprised, because I've seriously been hunting OTF like nobodies business, and never found anything!
The thing is, it was in the hands of a critter, and not something that was looted. Is that normal? Or could that mean that it was something a large group generated, but missed?
Most weapons like that, are never looted in a sense. Creatures gen with weapons etc, and sometimes they gen with treasure type weapons...Then of course, when you kill them and loot them, it drops and you can get it.
But of course, other weapons and all can still be found in boxes too. But alot of weapons you see people finding, are usually found off a critter that gen'd with it.
10-20-2011, 12:06 PM
Most weapons like that, are never looted in a sense. Creatures gen with weapons etc, and sometimes they gen with treasure type weapons...Then of course, when you kill them and loot them, it drops and you can get it.
But of course, other weapons and all can still be found in boxes too. But alot of weapons you see people finding, are usually found off a critter that gen'd with it.
So you're saying what? That those weapons aren't subject to strain from over-hunting an area?
Or are you just stating that some critters spawn holding nice weapons?
Some creatures just spawn with nice weapons. Pretty sure level does play a factor into how nice the weapon might possibly be, ie no 5x weapon on a level 10 creature, etc. On the plus side, I've found many magic metal weapons on creatures far, far below my level just passing through areas on the way to my actual hunting ground, so in that sense it's not subject to hunting pressure and the penalties from under-hunting.
Creatures that spawn with nice weapons/shields don't de-spawn until they are killed and looted too.
10-20-2011, 12:18 PM
On the plus side, I've found many magic metal weapons on creatures far, far below my level just passing through areas on the way to my actual hunting ground
I love those types of finds, got my glaes claid that way.
10-20-2011, 01:12 PM
After hunting solo, like a mofo, the last couple months, I finally found my first item, 2 days ago.
+23 vaalorn bastard sword, +2 wisdom bonus, +3 earth lore ranks.
Nothing spectacular, but I was surprised, because I've seriously been hunting OTF like nobodies business, and never found anything!
The thing is, it was in the hands of a critter, and not something that was looted. Is that normal? Or could that mean that it was something a large group generated, but missed?
Creatures can spawn holding special weapons.
10-20-2011, 01:48 PM
The runestaff I mentioned before was held by a fetish master.
10-20-2011, 02:35 PM
Found a 5x greatshield in the Scatter last week. Was in a box. Other than that, not much the past month hunting it
10-20-2011, 02:44 PM
I recently found a 4x void flaring runestaff from a Grimswarm camp box. I can't complain.
10-20-2011, 05:01 PM
Warcamps had the best loot until Droit, Gnimble, Myself, Swami, and Kitsun were all doing them at the same time, then they just fell apart. Not sure if they picked back up or got tweeked down, but for a while, you could generally find a decent enhancive after every 500 camp.
10-20-2011, 09:57 PM
Some creatures just spawn with nice weapons. Pretty sure level does play a factor into how nice the weapon might possibly be, ie no 5x weapon on a level 10 creature, etc. On the plus side, I've found many magic metal weapons on creatures far, far below my level just passing through areas on the way to my actual hunting ground, so in that sense it's not subject to hunting pressure and the penalties from under-hunting.
Creatures that spawn with nice weapons/shields don't de-spawn until they are killed and looted too.
Generally this kind of 'find' has nothing to do with you.
It was more probably spawned by someone who would learn from the area, and monsters with special items don't de-gen when the area de-gens when a hunter or hunters leave.
Whether or not monster generated weapons and shields are an impact on the treasure system as a whole, I'm unsure. I don't think we've ever been given an answer on that matter.
10-20-2011, 11:11 PM
Generally this kind of 'find' has nothing to do with you.
It was more probably spawned by someone who would learn from the area, and monsters with special items don't de-gen when the area de-gens when a hunter or hunters leave.
The bolded statement is not 100% true. They do de-gen, just not promptly like all other critters do. Critter's carrying magic metal/enhancive/etc weapons do not stay there forever or until someone slays them. How long they do stay I don't know.
10-21-2011, 01:17 AM
The bolded statement is not 100% true. They do de-gen, just not promptly like all other critters do. Critter's carrying magic metal/enhancive/etc weapons do not stay there forever or until someone slays them. How long they do stay I don't know.
Fair enough. I base that off a NIR post a couple years back that stated "Monsters with non-standard items/equipment don't de-gen".
Had something to do with someone's lost weapon in a hunting ground. Maybe it was just a poor choice of words on their part and they really only meant things that monsters pick up.
Definately sounds like something to get some confirmation on.
Either way, to split some hairs, I didn't say they NEVER de-gen. I just said they don't de-gen when the area de-gens, which you pretty much take your statement as backing me up on. =)
10-21-2011, 01:20 AM
And this is probably my favorite reason for level 30-80 hunting. I think I've found more stuff in those level ranges then any 5 capped people together in the same amount of time spent hunting.
Although this is a constant complaint for capped hunting, if all the area's are recieving about the same amount of pressure then no one is going to hit that sweat spot and pull a bunch of nice things.
I went to an area that had not seen much hunting, in a week solo'ing it I found a GM designed custom gem cutter, a veil iron shield, a masterfully weighted mithglin lance (critter actually spawned with this) several enhacives (going to quick guess 15? and all decent, half pin worn) a death stroke set, and about 15 other weapons and pieces of armor from x1-x4 flares, enhacive, or just a fancy GM made look to them.
Pressure is the biggest thing, sadly at cap there is pressure everywhere. Sure sure could all get together and wreck 2-3 hunting spots so the other gets built up to burst, then on an agreed upon date all go ransack it for a day or two then set up a different area; i.e. rinse and repeat.
But honestly some deuchbag would sneak over hoping to nab stuff while everyone else made it possible. So that's not going to work.
Capped hunting needs about 3-5 more areas with todays capped population to be viable treasure wise, and that's not going to happen any time soon.
I found +10 Aura greaves in a warcamp when I first mastered GoS (about 5 months ago). That got me pretty motivated and I found a few +10-15 stat enhancers (mostly shitty weapons) since then... A few decent 5-8m range other enhancives..
The last few months have been pretty dry though. Even traveling to remote areas for camps hasn't seemed to help. Seemed like there was a little treasure boost with this new runestaff injection, but I still haven't found anything worth auctioning/using.
10-21-2011, 01:41 AM
Any new capped hunting areas in the works?
10-21-2011, 02:01 AM
not yet, we have mist harbor we are still waiting on 3 years now? and even though RR got some hunting area love I know lots of the River Rat's keep asking and pestering staff to maybe hurry it along.
I don't see higher hunting in RR for atleast 2-3 more years myself, It took forever to get the 44-54 area okayed to do and then released.
and they just redid the rift and added the scatter... so prolly not for atleast another year IMHO before you see anything anywhere IG.
10-21-2011, 06:49 AM
Any new capped hunting areas in the works?
I had a couple talks with Kenstrom roughly a month ago, who said that he, Wyrom, and a couple of the others (that I can't remember off the top of my head) were finalizing a proposal for a post-cap hunting ground that was going to be "huge". He said that everyone, including the "powers that be", realized that there was a strong need, and that he was very excited about what they were putting together. He said that the hunting ground would be a "post-cap hunting ground solution" for Wehnimer's, Solhaven, and (oddly) River's rest. He said that he realized some things seem to take forever, but that this was a large-scale proposal, with a lot of people working on it, and that he couldn't imagine not having approval on it by the end of the year.
{insert the people complaining about Monks, Savants, RSN, and how anything positive or good for the game will get squashed immediately here}
So... they're aware of the problem, and are working on a solution. Haters gonna hate, but Kenstrom's good for GS, and I was pretty encouraged after talking to him. It's not gonna happen in the next couple months, but something's probably coming.
10-21-2011, 10:50 AM
I wonder who's going to be programming the monsters.
Oscuro was a beast at that, despite his other flaws.
10-21-2011, 11:01 AM
I found bandits to be the best source of pure money in terms of capped hunting.
Get disk.
Farm plane 5.
10-21-2011, 12:18 PM
The bolded statement is not 100% true. They do de-gen, just not promptly like all other critters do. Critter's carrying magic metal/enhancive/etc weapons do not stay there forever or until someone slays them. How long they do stay I don't know.
I was in the bowels once and a jarl swung an imflass claidhmore at me. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was swinging and fogged out because I was getting my ass kicked. Afterwards, I noticed, raised back, but by that point it was gone. Later that day, Sabreon found an imflass claid in OTF. Sucks to be me. But, after that, I did some research and found out that if the critter is hit, they'll stay around for a very very long time.
10-21-2011, 12:58 PM
Best thing I've found in Nelemar since it opened were 4x HCP robes.
10-21-2011, 01:43 PM
I found bandits to be the best source of pure money in terms of capped hunting.
10-21-2011, 02:28 PM
Treasure at cap 10-21-2011 12:23 PM what the fuck is going on in your avatar?
It's a scene from the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. If you've never seen it, it wouldn't make much sense, if you have, I'll explain...
Sharon Agathon/Valentii is a human-type Cylon. Her husband, Karl Agathon and her are executing the brilliant(lol) idea of killing her (Sharon) in order for her to be resurrected on the Cylon human-type resurrection ship so that she can infliltrate it and rescue their half-Cylon half-Human daughter, Hera.
Karl is shooting Sharon in the sternum, and that is her blood all over the bulkhead.
When I first saw this scene the first thing that came to my mind was, "OH SHIT, MECHANICS ABUSE!" Hence the demoit-caption.
10-21-2011, 05:25 PM
Best item I've ever found hunting post-cap (or pre-cap for that matter):
A polished vaalorn greathelm:
+1 to Max Spirit, (lvl 40)
+10 to Stamina Recovery, (lvl 33)
+10 to Blunt Weapon use, (lvl 33)
The greathelm looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
Also found on that banner day:
A rolaren morning star: 4x enchant
+12 to Logic, (lvl 31)
+10 to Aura, (lvl 66)
The star looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
10-21-2011, 05:40 PM
That star is super sexy for a mage, just to hold while casting enchants. Nice find.
10-21-2011, 05:45 PM
That star is super sexy for a mage, just to hold while casting enchants. Nice find.
Interesting you should say that. I traded it to Rtune, who obviously isn't swinging it.
10-23-2011, 12:51 PM
Just finished two 500 count warcamps at cap. Lots of junk but got one decent helm with +3 wisdom bonus.
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