View Full Version : New CML's

06-04-2004, 09:31 PM
List courtesy of Porcell's post on the official boards. Two apparently are going to be rogue only.

Groin Kick: knockdowns, forces stance, and make them forget their prepped spell

Silent Strike: Like sniping with bows, but with weapons. Attack and stay hidden, you can not aim the attack, stalking and hiding and ambush skill effect stuff, 80-85% chance of success with 5 CML ranks and good training. High stamina cost so you can't use it constantly.

Weapon Specialization: +2 AS when using a weapon of a particular type. Also confers bonuses when using the weapon in a CML attack or defending with it against disarm attempts. Able to specialize in three different weapon types, although the full cost has to be paid for each additional weapon type. CMP cost of 2/4/6/8/10

Subdual Strike: Like a mini subdue open to other professions. An attempt to beat someone over the head with your weapon. Lighter/smaller weapons are easier to hit with, but heavier weapons will cause more trouble when they do hit. It causes minor HP damage, roundtime, and a stun, as well as dazes the target, slowing their actions appropriately. Sometimes the weapon will hit an eye, causing a Perception loss as well.

Sucker Punch: bonus from hiding, gives roundtime to target and probably other stuff. Brawling weapons or open hand is a bonus.

Coup de grace: Like sacrifice, if they are down and stunned with low health you'll get specially kill messaging when you Coup it. Gives a group AS benefit to others with you, because you are just that cool. Critters that witness it get lower attack effects.

Side By Side: Multiple people in the same group with SBS give AS/DS bonuses. Bonuses max out with 3 people. Hiding takes you out of the side by side bonuses, so this may not be that great for rogues. Available to all professions.

Crowd Press: Crowds the target. Both the crowder and the crowdee get the same effect, which is increased AS and aiming ability with small weapons and decreased AS and aiming ability with big weapons. Ranged attacks and bolt spell attacks will also get a penalty. While in a crowd-press, both parties will also have a DS penalty against attacks by a third party (making it dangerous in a swarm but allowing it to be useful as a group hunting tactic), and neither can leave the room or do other things that require a large amount of movement.
M-Fire: Fire multiple arrows at either a single target or multiple targets. The shots cannot be aimed, nor can you multifire a crossbow. The number of arrows capable of being fired, the roundtime penalty, and the minimum roundtime are affected by ranks, topping out at 3 shots with a minimum of 9 seconds.

Heh...guess I'm going to ditch 2x PT and try and pump my CM to 2x. Some of those look neat.

06-04-2004, 09:39 PM
Hmm...I'm probably going to wind up with something around 155 CM points to spend by the time these get released. This is what I'm thinking of mastering.

Garrote (30)
Smastery (35)
Groinkick (assuming 30)
Silent strike (assuming 30)
Weapon specialization (30)

I might substitute crowd press for weapon specialization if its still in effect if you hide. Probably going to drop quickstrike in favor of silent strike, but who knows.

06-05-2004, 08:42 AM
You can not hide and crowd press, as hiding give you range from a critter and you are no longer pressing them.


Weedmage Princess
06-05-2004, 10:27 AM
I heard Silent Strike is rogue only, and the rangers are crying around it. :rolleyes:

06-05-2004, 05:33 PM
Will weapon specialization really costs that much? Groin kick is what cheapshot should have been.

06-05-2004, 05:51 PM
Groinkick better be frowned upon as much ingame as it is in real life when someone kicks another in the nuts.

I know my warrio would have no respect for someone who kicks people in the balls.

06-05-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Groinkick better be frowned upon as much ingame as it is in real life when someone kicks another in the nuts.

I know my warrio would have no respect for someone who kicks people in the balls.

Hmm... I wonder how many females will pick it up? :lol:

06-05-2004, 07:07 PM
Haaa, that will make for some interesting encounters, that's for sure.

06-05-2004, 08:31 PM
Cheapshot has no use now.

06-05-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Haaa, that will make for some interesting encounters, that's for sure.

Speaking of interesting encounters... where has your char been? Michi's been missing him in kiramon. :P

06-05-2004, 08:39 PM
Did you submit your idea for "Tit Tweak" to the GMs, Edaarin? Since guys get kicked in the balls and all...

06-06-2004, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
Speaking of interesting encounters... where has your char been? Michi's been missing him in kiramon. :P

Heh, yeah I cancelled my account. Kind of lost interest again for various reasons. Good luck in there though. ;)

06-06-2004, 11:59 AM
hmmmm... now to bick maneuvers

Mfire for sure, Smastery, Garrote, possible groin kick...figure the rest out when i get the points

06-07-2004, 01:59 PM
cman purplenurple edaarin


06-07-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Groinkick better be frowned upon as much ingame as it is in real life when someone kicks another in the nuts.

I know my warrio would have no respect for someone who kicks people in the balls.

Heh.. Falgrin would do it JUST to gain your disrespect. :smug:

I also think there should be an armor check when it's performed.

Robes or no armor - loss of HPs, LONG stun and stance changed to offensive.

Just leather (full to double)- Stunned and stance moved down 1 level.

Brig - Stunned for one round

Hauberk class - No effect

Plate class - Stun the kicker. Minor to right leg of the kicker.

[Edited on 6-7-2004 by Parkbandit]

06-07-2004, 02:46 PM
Silent Strike: Like sniping with bows, but with weapons. Attack and stay hidden, you can not aim the attack, stalking and hiding and ambush skill effect stuff, 80-85% chance of success with 5 CML ranks and good training. High stamina cost so you can't use it constantly.

..sweet baby jesus!

So certain professions who choose to double Hiding/Ambush and at the same time don't suffer a huge sacrifice by tripling in PT should be able to execute a few successful silent strikes no?

I heard Silent Strike is rogue only, and the rangers are crying around it.
-In false hopes, I will turn a deaf ear to this.

[Edited on 6-7-2004 by Stanley Burrell]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-07-2004, 02:48 PM
Stainley... I'll sell you Hammerhead for 5m in coins.

06-07-2004, 02:49 PM
Coup de grace: Like sacrifice, if they are down and stunned with low health you'll get specially kill messaging when you Coup it. Gives a group AS benefit to others with you, because you are just that cool. Critters that witness it get lower attack effects.

According to Aaron, if you don't have the "FATALITY!" sound from Mortal Kombat set to the Coup de Grace text, you pretty much suck at life.

06-07-2004, 02:51 PM
Stainley... I'll sell you Hammerhead for 5m in coins.

Nah. Seeing as how you are clearly the superior life-form, it is only fitting that you should be deserving of a such a magnificent title.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-07-2004, 02:53 PM
You can't even spell your name right, how am I inferior? Or is that InferRiorR? I'm so confused! How many R's in Hammer? I mean HammerR!


06-07-2004, 02:54 PM
Seeing as how you are clearly the superior life-form

how am I inferior?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-07-2004, 02:55 PM
LOL, reading comprehension, I don't got. I was so busy making fun of Stainley that I missed it :)


06-07-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
You can't even spell your name right, how am I inferior? Or is that InferRiorR? I'm so confused! How many R's in Hammer? I mean HammerR!


He said you were superior dumbass. Stanley is far too unskilled to have any sarcasm ability.. so I think he's finally admitted the truth.

Tayvin > Hammerrhead

06-07-2004, 03:12 PM
You can't even spell your name right, how am I inferior? Or is that InferRiorR? I'm so confused! How many R's in Hammer? I mean HammerR!


I wasn't being sarcastic. You clearly have mastered the intricate skill of not making any typos! Seriously, it would only take one of SUPERIOR intellect to have an extra character account simply made for the purpose of spiting/annoying, whatever the fuck you're trying to prove. It's pretty cool. I guess.

Maybe when you can get Hammerhead as uber powerful as HammerRhead, or at least title, come stop by Teras and i'll buy you a beer for all your endevours.

06-07-2004, 03:21 PM

06-07-2004, 03:28 PM
Coup de grace: Like sacrifice, if they are down and stunned with low health you'll get specially kill messaging when you Coup it. Gives a group AS benefit to others with you, because you are just that cool. Critters that witness it get lower attack effects.

How the hell is an undead going to be intimidated by watching its comrade fall. Most undead corporeals get off having their limbs chopped.

06-07-2004, 03:40 PM
How the hell is an undead going to be intimidated by watching its comrade fall. Most undead corporeals get off having their limbs chopped.

I didn't see where it said undead would be effected. Want to point that part out to me?

06-07-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Artha

Coup de grace: Like sacrifice, if they are down and stunned with low health you'll get specially kill messaging when you Coup it. Gives a group AS benefit to others with you, because you are just that cool. Critters that witness it get lower attack effects.

According to Aaron, if you don't have the "FATALITY!" sound from Mortal Kombat set to the Coup de Grace text, you pretty much suck at life.


And the "cman purplenurple edaarin" had me rolling too.

[Edited on 6-7-2004 by Jesae]

06-07-2004, 04:18 PM
Critters that witness it get lower attack effects.

Adjust the rec-specs man.

06-07-2004, 04:22 PM
But it doesn't specifically include undead. Normally, when "critters" are mentioned, it's generally accepted that undead will be one of the exceptions.


06-07-2004, 04:23 PM
So because it doesn't say 'Non-undead' it automatically includes undead?

You didn't say you don't suck cock in your post. GUEZ WAT NOW U DEW!!!!!!!!!

06-07-2004, 08:13 PM
I'm just saying. Someone doing a fancy flip in the air and delivering a final blow with their weapon isn't suddenly going to cause everybody to shit themselves. There are some critters here that get angry and stronger every time you attack them and do not become fearful, nor are they undead.

Just hoping that they can tie in some serious game mechanics to what creatures are susceptable to the coup de grace, because we all know how unrealistic it would be to have some sort of final, final, FINAL attack, regardless of the intelligent circumstances surrounding it.

You can't have journeymen executing the level 99 critter that everyone's been beating on in the latest invasion. And you most probably cannot strike fear in the hearts of the undead after they witness said over-powered attack. For example, a 100 train giant warrior with an absurd charisma bonus still can't do jackshit when executing a warcry to scare a zombie rolton.

06-07-2004, 08:18 PM
It'll probably be heavily level based like sacrifice.