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View Full Version : Little fight, 39 cleric vs 27 ranger

Carl Spackler
06-01-2004, 11:12 AM
Jaehood has 6385408 fame.
Jaehood dances around the room to music only he can hear.

Jaehood exclaims, "Les fite!"

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a rolton that appears dead, a wayward tropical spirit that is flying around, a Wayside Inn and a massive wheeled tower.
Also here: Jaehood
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
You chuckle.

>'This one isn't gonna last long.
Jaehood swings a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe at you!
AS: +59 vs DS: +350 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +28 = -231
A clean miss.
You say, "This one isn't gonna last long."
Jaehood says, "Nah fight."
Jaehood exclaims, "You'll smush me!"
You stretch.
>'probably not
You say, "Probably not."
Jaehood says, "Thorn hurts me."
>shake head
You shake your head.
>'thorns are lame
You say, "Thorns are lame."
Jaehood says, "And bows."
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayward tropical spirit that is flying around, a Wayside Inn and a massive wheeled tower.
Also here: Jaehood
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest

>'lest do it
You say, "Lest do it."
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

>stance off
...wait 1 seconds.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>get 1 arrow
You remove a wooden arrow from in your hunters' cloak.
Jaehood says, "Hrms."
>fire bow at jaeh
You nock a wooden arrow in your long bow.
You fire a wooden arrow at Jaehood!
AS: +265 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +61 = +99
A clean miss.
The wooden arrow disappears into the local environs.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Jaehood screams!
Jaehood chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...

>stalk jaeh
You move into position to stalk Jaehood when he moves.
>get 1 arrow from quiv
You remove a single wooden arrow from a bundle of wooden arrows.
You notice Jaehood slip into a hiding place.
>point jae
You come out of hiding.
You point at Jaehood, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
You see Jaehood turn his head in your direction as you hide.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings, and feel somewhat sure that no one has noticed your doing so.
Jaehood points at you, ruining your hiding place.
Your jaw drops.
Jaehood gestures at you.
Nothing happens.
You groan.
...wait 4 seconds.
Jaehood chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Jaehood gestures at you.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses you.
CS: +203 - TD: +155 + CvA: +2 + d100: +11 - -5 == +66
Warded off!
...wait 2 seconds.
You haven't had enough time to find another hiding spot yet!
Jaehood chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Jaehood gestures at you.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses you.
CS: +203 - TD: +155 + CvA: +2 + d100: +42 - -5 == +97
Warded off!
You haven't had enough time to find another hiding spot yet!
Jaehood chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Mythrinis just arrived.
You notice Jaehood botch an attempt to conceal himself.
>prep 615
You come out of hiding.
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Call Swarm spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast jae
You gesture at Jaehood.
A faint buzzing sound fills the area for a moment, then quickly fades away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Jaehood screams!
>prep 608
You come out of hiding.
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You notice Jaehood slip into a hiding place.
>sign of madness
You are filled with berserk rage! Attack! Attack! Attack!

The voice of Jaehood says, "Aim for my leg."
>point jaeh
You come out of hiding.
You point at Jaehood, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>prep 608
...wait 2 seconds.
>prep 608
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Jaehood says, "Buh byes."
>fire bow at jae
Wait 1 seconds.
>fire bow at jae
You nock a wooden arrow in your long bow.
You are no longer hidden.
You fire a wooden arrow at Jaehood!
AS: +345 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +73 = +197
... and hit for 59 points of damage!
Well placed strike to back shatters vertebrae!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!

** As you hit, your arrow sucks the air surrounding it away! **
... 20 points of damage!
Knee shatters under sudden decompression!
The scintillating white light surrounding the arrow fades some.
The wooden arrow sticks in Jaehood's back!
Roundtime: 4 sec.

06-01-2004, 12:15 PM
Madness, always a blast for duels. Lucky for you it didn't run out before you could fire.