View Full Version : Itzel, gone?

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09-25-2011, 01:19 AM
So I've heard that she got fired and that (no surprise) Maetriks/Nihrvanah is part of the cause. I know Maetriks was butthurt that she didn't get a title in the Ta'Vaalor militia for all her "great efforts" at roleplaying there. So what's the story here?

09-25-2011, 03:09 AM
Before it disappears.


This evening, during an impromptu drill, two promotions occurred. They were presided over by Lord Legionnaire Commander Godle Urmeil Vaalor.

Squire Legionnaire Atail has been promoted to Legionnaire. His responsibilities include running drills, as well as promoting an understanding of field maneuvers and called commands during combat. Legionnaire Atail has the permission of the Lord Legionnaire Commanders to set tasks for Squires, as well as to test them on their field readiness. These responsibilities are only valid in Ta'Vaalor and its environs.

In recognition of his continued dedication to the Legion, and his efforts to promote participation and high standards within the Legion, Legionnaire Kakoon has been promoted to High Legionnaire. His responsibilities including running drills, as well as maintaining order amongst Squire Legionnaires. He is also tasked with organizing those members of the Legion who are stationed outside of our borders. In the absence of an officer-rank member of the Legion, High Legionnaire Kakoon is in command of any enlisted troops lower in rank than himself.

Several other Squire Legionnaires are very close to receiving the promotion to Legionnaire.



Turned in my jacket tonight. I'm done with the Crimson Legion and bordering on being done with TV entirely. This whole thing is a joke.

--The Goddess of Silken Cascadia



If you had been attending drills or patrols (which you haven't, you know attendance probably helps with promotion) you would know that Atail has come up with ways to help the newer Squire Legionnaires acclimate to the drills. He came up with an idea and he ran with it. More than most people have done lately. So don't knock someone who deserved recognition for throwing himself into the roleplay, instead of mocking it and causing problems.



Doesn't matter. I'll have more fun in Landing and River's Rest now. Won't have to worry about divided attentions or you know, real life interfering with a "drill."

--The Goddess of Silken Cascadia

(And then many many people congradulating those who receieved promotions)

09-25-2011, 09:06 AM
This was pretty shocking, there were a lot of good things on the horizon in EN, especially for DE and now all of that maybe on hold for awhile. Very sad to see this happen.

09-25-2011, 09:19 AM
This was pretty shocking, there were a lot of good things on the horizon in EN, especially for DE and now all of that maybe on hold for awhile. Very sad to see this happen.

Well, I think Khshathra was the lead on the DE embassy thing, he just had to talk with Itzel since it was in EN.

09-25-2011, 10:29 AM
I never liked any of my interactions with Itzel. So I am not upset by this change.

09-25-2011, 10:34 AM
So... she was fired because of one person not being happy?

09-25-2011, 10:54 AM
I'm sure there is more to it. That incident with Maetriks/Nihrvanah was a while back.

09-25-2011, 10:54 AM
That is a fucking shame.

09-25-2011, 10:55 AM
Presumed or apparent favoritism or the reverse would be a reason for termination, wouldnt be the first time it has happened, not knowing what happened I cant say thats what happened here.

09-25-2011, 10:59 AM
She had her favorites for sure. Never bothered me though, mostly because I sorta stopped caring about EN.

09-25-2011, 11:03 AM
Presumed or apparent favoritism or the reverse would be a reason for termination, wouldnt be the first time it has happened, not knowing what happened I cant say thats what happened here.

But yet, Auchand is still a GM.

09-25-2011, 11:08 AM

09-25-2011, 11:09 AM
Itzel just posted in the Vaalor folder so the nasty little rumor is untrue.

09-25-2011, 11:15 AM
If you look at the Vaalor folder it says Izzea is interim guru

as does Illistim

09-25-2011, 11:17 AM
:heart: Izzea!

09-25-2011, 11:17 AM
If you look at the Vaalor folder it says Izzea is interim guru

as does Illistim

I think that happened when Itzel was going for her PHD. I think she is still working on it, so I maybe that is why.

09-25-2011, 11:46 AM
Nah, she's gone.

It starts with Ta'Mori and friends not being promoted in the Crimson Legion (in spite of the fact that they'd, y'know, plotted against the King and been insubordinate to superior officers, they deserved it, really!)

Then began the harassment (and we're talking about fucked up OOC shit, really loco) (though it'd started earlier) of two members of the Legion.

And Itzel and other staff members made note of it, and couldn't do anything...

Then the fiancee (Sean's old character, poor guy, Xyelin is pretty fucked) of Vilorcasdra decides, oh shit, let me endrun the PVP rules and constantly curse the Vaalorian bench tinctures for weeks!

It consistently fucked up the experience for everyone in Vaalor. Newbs got killed by it.

For the longest time, in spite of everybody reporting, nothing was done.

Itzel was involved in this too.

More super Ta'Mori friends decide to get Itzel's Twitter shut down because it showed favoritism (IE, didn't fellate them.)

Then Vilorcasdra decides to stock the bench with tinctures, after the Legion had been under orders to keep it clean of them so the curses wouldn't effect new players and returning adventurers. Her superior in the Legion orders them removed. "She" flips out, threatens him, says she doesn't accept the authority of any superior officers other than the King and proceeds to tell off every Legion member there for suggesting that maybe she shouldn't be marrying a dude who's spent weeks attacking Vaalor.

Legion superiors attempt to get her removed (IE, emailing Itzel)

...and boom, Itzel's gone.

It's not education.

The exact other circumstances are not known. Did she quit because the Ta'Mori are apparently allowed to violate the rules wantonly? Because harassment is somehow okay if they're doing it? Was she fired, because account totals > game integrity?

Who knows.

Ta'Mori et al just deserve to be listed alongside Skatemom/Welcha and others who've fucked up nice things for players, because Simu's thrown staff under the bus because of them.

Ta'Mori has also handily messed up their own promotions, in the process of making EG worse for all of us.

Izzea's now Guru of like 15 things.

One wonders when she'll burn out? One wonders what won't get attention because some people are fucking idiots?

Now Vaalor will probably drift back into not having an active Guru. Yay! Not.

09-25-2011, 11:47 AM
I never liked any of my interactions with Itzel. So I am not upset by this change.


Also, remember what she did in Shattered?

09-25-2011, 11:51 AM
Nah, she's gone.

It starts with Ta'Mori and friends not being promoted in the Crimson Legion (in spite of the fact that they'd, y'know, plotted against the King and been insubordinate to superior officers, they deserved it, really!)

Then began the harassment (and we're talking about fucked up OOC shit, really loco) (though it'd started earlier) of two members of the Legion.

And Itzel and other staff members made note of it, and couldn't do anything...

Then the fiancee (Sean's old character, poor guy, Xyelin is pretty fucked) of Vilorcasdra decides, oh shit, let me endrun the PVP rules and constantly curse the Vaalorian bench tinctures for weeks!

It consistently fucked up the experience for everyone in Vaalor. Newbs got killed by it.

For the longest time, in spite of everybody reporting, nothing was done.

Itzel was involved in this too.

More super Ta'Mori friends decide to get Itzel's Twitter shut down because it showed favoritism (IE, didn't fellate them.)

Then Vilorcasdra decides to stock the bench with tinctures, after the Legion had been under orders to keep it clean of them so the curses wouldn't effect new players and returning adventurers. Her superior in the Legion orders them removed. "She" flips out, threatens him, says she doesn't accept the authority of any superior officers other than the King and proceeds to tell off every Legion member there for suggesting that maybe she shouldn't be marrying a dude who's spent weeks attacking Vaalor.

Legion superiors attempt to get her removed (IE, emailing Itzel)

...and boom, Itzel's gone.

It's not education.

The exact other circumstances are not known. Did she quit because the Ta'Mori are apparently allowed to violate the rules wantonly? Because harassment is somehow okay if they're doing it? Was she fired, because account totals > game integrity?

Who knows.

Ta'Mori et al just deserve to be listed alongside Skatemom/Welcha and others who've fucked up nice things for players, because Simu's thrown staff under the bus because of them.

Ta'Mori has also handily messed up their own promotions, in the process of making EG worse for all of us.

Izzea's now Guru of like 15 things.

One wonders when she'll burn out? One wonders what won't get attention because some people are fucking idiots?

Now Vaalor will probably drift back into not having an active Guru. Yay! Not.

If all this is true it really sucks for the rest of us who actually enjoyed playing in EN, or GS in general it seems.

09-25-2011, 12:03 PM
If all this is true it really sucks for the rest of us who actually enjoyed playing in EN, or GS in general it seems.

Pitch on the Legion leadership being told that they "Don't want a witch hunt against a player so they should lay off Vilorcasdra."

In spite of the fact that she's threatened the King, defended the guy who terrorized the town, and been party to the OOC harassment of players....

...and gotten the person who'd promote her and everybody else and roleplayed all of the senior officers of the organization that she mocked, fired.

Sylvan Dreams
09-25-2011, 12:06 PM
I don't interact with the Ta'Mori regularly so I can only go on what I've heard. I will say that the times that I did interact with them made me add them to my list of people to avoid.

That being said, I never hear anything good about them. Why do people still interact with them. Especially if it's true that Itzel was fired over them? Love her or hate her, she was active and giving it a good go. Why doesnt everyone just warn interact the Ta'Mori and not have to deal with all the harassment and CvC that I always hear about?

09-25-2011, 12:07 PM
I don't interact with the Ta'Mori regularly so I can only go on what I've heard. I will say that the times that I did interact with them made me add them to my list of people to avoid.

That being said, I never hear anything good about them. Why do people still interact with them. Especially if it's true that Itzel was fired over them? Love her or hate her, she was active and giving it a good go. Why doesnt everyone just warn interact the Ta'Mori and not have to deal with all the harassment and CvC that I always hear about?

The rules don't apparently apply to them.

09-25-2011, 12:29 PM
Amazed the Ta'Morons have time to do anything in Vaalor as much as they have infested the Landing of late

09-25-2011, 12:31 PM
Amazed the Ta'Morons have time to do anything in Vaalor as much as they have infested the Landing of late

They quest chase to levels that Perigourd would be impressed by. One hopes the Jerry Springer crew doesn't get Kenstrom fired next.

Alisaire showed up in Vaalor and of course they have to run over to demand that she be the Neo to their Maetriks.

(and literally... these words were used. Completely insane.)

09-25-2011, 12:36 PM
Then began the harassment (and we're talking about fucked up OOC shit, really loco) (though it'd started earlier) of two members of the Legion.

Deets deets! Just how fucked up?

That Jay
09-25-2011, 12:43 PM
Time for me to decant that fine wine I have been saving!

Itzel was creative and talented. Without question.

Also without question, she was high handed, played favorites, and was dismissive of valid criticism. Not to mention being unjustifiably arrogant.

And if someone could explain why it was necessary (other than as a vanity project) to remap parts of Illistm and redesign perfectly good buildings, I'd appreciate knowing the reason.


09-25-2011, 12:47 PM
Because many GMs when they have the chance want to put their own signatures into the game Jay. Not all of them of course but enough that its a noticeable effort.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 12:48 PM
I said a reason OTHER than as a vanity project! :)

09-25-2011, 12:50 PM
Do you really think there is another reason? Maybe Feng Shui?

09-25-2011, 12:55 PM
They quest chase to levels that Perigourd would be impressed by.

They even make Nilandia look tame.

Just sayin'.

09-25-2011, 01:04 PM
They even make Nilandia look tame.

Just sayin'.

Don't be dissin Nilandia yo

09-25-2011, 01:05 PM
And if someone could explain why it was necessary (other than as a vanity project) to remap parts of Illistm and redesign perfectly good buildings, I'd appreciate knowing the reason.


I'm curious as to why you feel you need an explanation? Also curious how you can get the notion that a GM can just decide to re-write something without getting any approval from anyone?

09-25-2011, 01:06 PM
I'm curious as to why you feel you need an explanation? Also curious how you can get the notion that a GM can just decide to re-write something without getting any approval from anyone?

Lyredaen's bullshit is sacred!

That Jay
09-25-2011, 01:07 PM
I thank you for my intoxication.

Ever since I started a drinking game about your posts!

09-25-2011, 01:07 PM
I never liked any of my interactions with Itzel. So I am not upset by this change.

Itzel was the one that did my referral for the poison bow twice. Was a pretty bad experience. Only time I actually had a bad interaction. Didn't feel like they were trying to be helpful at all.

09-25-2011, 01:12 PM
But yet, Auchand is still a GM.


Ta'Mori et al just deserve to be listed alongside Skatemom/Welcha and others who've fucked up nice things for players, because Simu's thrown staff under the bus because of them.

And this!

If all this is true it really sucks for the rest of us who actually enjoyed playing in EN, or GS in general it seems.

It's true and it's fucked up.

Like or dislike her, based on your own personal experiences, she did her job well and she did it consistently regardless of her popularity. She is/was one of the most creative, talented and enthusiastic GMs I've ever come across and it's a huge loss to GS. I, for one, am now considering my future in the game.

09-25-2011, 01:14 PM
Consider the future of my new poison bow, sugar!

09-25-2011, 01:17 PM
As someone said in this thread... this just goes to illustrate that:

(Short-term) Preservance of Game Accounts >> Integrity of the Game

It is rather ironic considering the philosophy where if GMs were allowed to specifically remove geniune problem players, they could preserve more accounts in the long-run.

Also quite sad how the overriding emphasis on preserving the status quo has drastically stunted game development for years.

09-25-2011, 01:18 PM

That pretty much sums up my experiences with Itzel.

I MA, I pay lots of money to Simu for that privilege. I don't do any annoying behaviors with my team that many people gripe about.

I was at a table after a hunt in a warcamp with my entire team saturated. I fired off their spell up scripts and switched to the rogue to start picking boxes.

Apparently, even running group spellup scripts back then was a crime to Itzel and as such I was warned for AFK scripting. Not just being a bot, but full afk scripting because you are supposed to be able to view every character screen all the time and be able to interact at a moments notice. I pointed out that I was able to do so, but that the script checks were given in split second intervals and it is impossible to respond to 6 conversations at once on different characters from a GM. When I asked to consolidate the conversation down to just one character Itzel refused and was just in general a hardass about it. Itzel brought up that I had been warned back in 2000 for afk scripting. This was now 2008...so Itzel became this just hardass about it and reviewed all the accounts, which took forever, and brought up scripting violations from before 2000 as well. It was just a horrible experience.

I felt good when I canceled premium on 4 or 5 accounts for a couple months to get what I felt they deserved. But I think Itzel was just a damn Nazi and vindictive asshole who felt the need to prove that they held the position of power. Just a overcompensating ass hole.

09-25-2011, 01:24 PM
Like or dislike her, based on your own personal experiences, she did her job well and she did it consistently regardless of her popularity. She is/was one of the most creative, talented and enthusiastic GMs I've ever come across and it's a huge loss to GS. I, for one, am now considering my future in the game.

They won't and don't care if you leave. I have something like 16 active accounts with them, 8 of them are premium right now. I have dozens of inactive accounts that I reactivate over a period of time when I need alter fodder or whatever.

I have had several issues over the years and loosing me is hundreds of dollars per month in lost revenue for someone who spends 75-80% of their time just chatting and selling stuff. They don't do crap to keep long time loyal customers.

09-25-2011, 01:25 PM
You lie Buckwheet! You paid more then I was going to ask for an item clearly thats disruptive! rofl

09-25-2011, 01:27 PM
I second the They dont do anything about potentially losing long term customers. Had friends not talked me out of it I'd be gone myself, Warched several good friends quit over GM bullshit thru the years. But for very bad interaction with a GM theres been 30 or more good ones, in any crowd there are going to be bad apples

09-25-2011, 01:28 PM

That pretty much sums up my experiences with Itzel.

I MA, I pay lots of money to Simu for that privilege. I don't do any annoying behaviors with my team that many people gripe about.

I was at a table after a hunt in a warcamp with my entire team saturated. I fired off their spell up scripts and switched to the rogue to start picking boxes.

Apparently, even running group spellup scripts back then was a crime to Itzel and as such I was warned for AFK scripting. Not just being a bot, but full afk scripting because you are supposed to be able to view every character screen all the time and be able to interact at a moments notice. I pointed out that I was able to do so, but that the script checks were given in split second intervals and it is impossible to respond to 6 conversations at once on different characters from a GM. When I asked to consolidate the conversation down to just one character Itzel refused and was just in general a hardass about it. Itzel brought up that I had been warned back in 2000 for afk scripting. This was now 2008...so Itzel became this just hardass about it and reviewed all the accounts, which took forever, and brought up scripting violations from before 2000 as well. It was just a horrible experience.

I felt good when I canceled premium on 4 or 5 accounts for a couple months to get what I felt they deserved. But I think Itzel was just a damn Nazi and vindictive asshole who felt the need to prove that they held the position of power. Just a overcompensating ass hole.

Eh. I'd put it off to more Simu policy inconsistency than the person. Either way, she actively played a Guru role well. We can't help but drift backwards, and the Ta'Mori have screwed themselves as well.

09-25-2011, 01:31 PM
Though they didn't normally interest me, there were some excellent storylines being run in Ta'Illistim that did a lot to help the town with a sense of identity. She was always responsive to suggestions for improvements to the town and for roleplay ideas, and though I didn't particularly care for the random changes to the layout of the town, the shop improvements were definitely worthwhile. She did a lot for the EN, and I can promise you little to nothing will happen in that department short of Izzea killing herself running what? 5 different guruships to keep things interesting. An active GM is leaving, and that is always a bad thing.

09-25-2011, 01:32 PM
and the Ta'Mori have screwed themselves as well.

Pretty much.

09-25-2011, 01:37 PM
They won't and don't care if you leave. ... They don't do crap to keep long time loyal customers.

Oh, I know it won't make a blind bit of difference to them whether I stay or go. Sadly, it's the people that care about the integrity of the game that tend to quit, leaving GS with the dross that causes the issues in the first place.

09-25-2011, 01:37 PM
We should use their weapons against them. Let's all warn interact the Ta'Mori at every opportunity, for every minor infraction. Under the circumstances, even most of us who despise the verb can appreciate the justice of it in this situation. I usually don't get involved in this kind of bullshit, but they sicken me.

09-25-2011, 01:38 PM
We should use their weapons against them. Let's all warn interact the Ta'Mori at every opportunity, for every minor infraction. Under the circumstances, even most of us who despise the verb can appreciate the justice of it in this situation.

That was something I was thinking of as well but given that I have no interaction with them anyway because of the stupidity they bring to the table, it wouldn't make a difference.

09-25-2011, 01:40 PM
we could all just warn interact them every time any of them enters a room, I mean they do it without any justifiable reasons

09-25-2011, 01:43 PM
Why do people take a text-based, 20 year old game this seriously so as to disrupt people in positions of authority outside the game?

09-25-2011, 01:45 PM
We should use their weapons against them. Let's all warn interact the Ta'Mori at every opportunity, for every minor infraction. Under the circumstances, even most of us who despise the verb can appreciate the justice of it in this situation. I usually don't get involved in this kind of bullshit, but they sicken me.

As much of a purist RPer that I am I am leaning towards that option. When the game stops being fun because of one or two people then something needs to be done from the player side of things.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 01:53 PM
These Ta'Mori sound reprehensible! (I have no idea who they are.)

09-25-2011, 01:53 PM
Itzel, gone? 09-25-2011 01:17 PM Being happy that a douche of a GM like Itzel is gone is not the same thing as condoning the ta'mori idiocy. Your blind hatred of Jay is reaching epid proportions of retardedness.


Blind hatred?

Has their been anyone more self righteous in the history of Plat? He's the face of "I pay a lot of money, coddle me."

That's the same mentality that has consistently shredded quality Simu staff and enabled the games to stay losing. Plat included.

Curiously enough, there's this possibility that the customer is wrong and removing other customers.

(This should not be taken as agreeing with stupid Simu scripting policies.)

That Jay
09-25-2011, 01:57 PM

09-25-2011, 01:58 PM

Mmm. I should drink whenever you decide that the world revolves around you. Your degree of panzaism is intense. Stand up for the game losing staff some more please.

Give us the details of the awful abuse Itzel did to you.

09-25-2011, 01:59 PM
Thank god, what a terrible, terrible GM. Good riddance.

09-25-2011, 01:59 PM
Don't be dissin Nilandia yo

Just callin' it like I see it. :tumble:

09-25-2011, 02:01 PM
Thank god, what a terrible, terrible GM. Good riddance.

Eh. Your policy violation experience may not be the same as losing the active Guru of a town.

And hi Ta'Mori reppers. I can't wait to see how soon your promotions come through.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 02:04 PM
Mmm. I should drink whenever you decide that the world revolves around you. Your degree of panzaism is intense. Stand up for the game losing staff some more please.

Give us the details of the awful abuse Itzel did to you.

I'd invoke Godwins law but I'd rather just drink!

I don't feel the need to parade my own interactions with Andraste Junior to farm sympathy. I'm pretty content as is!


09-25-2011, 02:06 PM
I'd invoke Godwins law but I'd rather just drink!

I don't feel the need to parade my own interactions with Andraste Junior to farm sympathy. I'm pretty content as is!


Right. She probably didn't make her life center around Monty Hauling you and you're afraid of the mockery.

09-25-2011, 02:08 PM
Since it's 'not appropriate' to discuss this on the official forums (since apparently they think we're fucking stupid and won't realize that an active guru of four or five things is suddenly gone if they just keep removing posts asking about it), I'll reply to this here.

I do appreciate the size of the gaps we now have to try and fill, and how people feel about the great work that has gone into the EN over the last year or so. I am not making any rash decisions in terms of new gurus, but there will be two gurus for the EN rather than one covering both major towns (so we will have a Ta'Vaalor guru and a Ta'Illistim guru, who I expect to work together closely.) It may be a little while until these new gurus are in place, and obviously there will be a large amount of support for new gurus from myself and my ASGM, Alyias.

Bullshit. Complete, utter bullshit. Oh no, there's 'gaps that you have to now try and fill'? Are you expecting sympathy for that, considering Simu made the gap themselves by kicking Itzel out? You're 'not making any rash decisions'? Well good, we're sure glad you learned from the one you all just made a couple of nights ago. There'll be 'two gurus for the EN'? Hahahaha. We've heard that before, try again.

Congrats, you fired a GM that (for the most part) had a phenomenal rapport with players, actively worked to improve her town, ran an entire government of NPCs to support storylines there, calendared both merchant and RP events, and tried to prevent harassment towards players. I hear Nebhrail's gone great things for River's Rest and Kenstrom for the Landing, are they your next targets? Maybe Galene or Korelys, since they bust their asses to come up with fantastically creative festival items. Strathspey's got some dev sorcerer spell up in the testing instance, does that send up red flags too? (Note - that's bitter sarcasm. I like these people, and do not want to see them fired.)

I think it's ridiculous that not only was this done, but that they're making Izzea be the one to tentatively answer posts about it instead of Solomon or Sirina manning up (literally or metaphorically, as the case may be) and responding themselves.

At the end of the day, regardless of what the 'actual reasons' for the firing are that are hidden behind Simutronics' blanket code of silence, what we the players see is someone who visibly did a lot for the game being kicked to the curb without even the grace of a farewell post. Since what we the players have seen and heard is that this person tried to step in and stop OOC harassment done by Maetriks/Nihrvanah/whatever her BHA officer alt is and Foxs/Demyse/Vilorcasdra, that is what we're taking away as a cause of it. For all that you've said, Simu, that you didn't want a witch hunt against people like the two Ta'Mori players - what exactly do you think you've just set into motion?

09-25-2011, 02:16 PM
Since it's 'not appropriate' to discuss this on the official forums (since apparently they think we're fucking stupid and won't realize that an active guru of four or five things is suddenly gone if they just keep removing posts asking about it), I'll reply to this here.

Bullshit. Complete, utter bullshit. Oh no, there's 'gaps that you have to now try and fill'? Are you expecting sympathy for that, considering Simu made the gap themselves by kicking Itzel out? You're 'not making any rash decisions'? Well good, we're sure glad you learned from the one you all just made a couple of nights ago. There'll be 'two gurus for the EN'? Hahahaha. We've heard that before, try again.

Congrats, you fired a GM that (for the most part) had a phenomenal rapport with players, actively worked to improve her town, ran an entire government of NPCs to support storylines there, calendared both merchant and RP events, and tried to prevent harassment towards players. I hear Nebhrail's gone great things for River's Rest and Kenstrom for the Landing, are they your next targets? Maybe Galene or Korelys, since they bust their asses to come up with fantastically creative festival items. Strathspey's got some dev sorcerer spell up in the testing instance, does that send up red flags too? (Note - that's bitter sarcasm. I like these people, and do not want to see them fired.)

I think it's ridiculous that not only was this done, but that they're making Izzea be the one to tentatively answer posts about it instead of Solomon or Sirina manning up (literally or metaphorically, as the case may be) and responding themselves.

At the end of the day, regardless of what the 'actual reasons' for the firing are that are hidden behind Simutronics' blanket code of silence, what we the players see is someone who visibly did a lot for the game being kicked to the curb without even the grace of a farewell post. Since what we the players have seen and heard is that this person tried to step in and stop OOC harassment done by Maetriks/Nihrvanah/whatever her BHA officer alt is and Foxs/Demyse/Vilorcasdra, that is what we're taking away as a cause of it. For all that you've said, Simu, that you didn't want a witch hunt against people like the two Ta'Mori players - what exactly do you think you've just set into motion?

Jesus titty fucking christ, go outside.

09-25-2011, 02:16 PM
Eh. Your policy violation experience may not be the same as losing the active Guru of a town.

And hi Ta'Mori reppers. I can't wait to see how soon your promotions come through.

Never got a policy violation from her, brothos. Nice assumption though ;)

That Jay
09-25-2011, 02:18 PM
Right. She probably didn't make her life center around Monty Hauling you and you're afraid of the mockery.

Mockery? On the Players Corner?

I thought this was a prayer revival.

Man, I am getting a little woozy!

09-25-2011, 02:22 PM
Well, I think Khshathra was the lead on the DE embassy thing, he just had to talk with Itzel since it was in EN.

Khshathra is in charge of the embassy, yes.. and it's ready and waiting. It was up to Itzel on when it would come out, however.

09-25-2011, 02:26 PM
I think it's ridiculous that not only was this done, but that they're making Izzea be the one to tentatively answer posts about it instead of Solomon or Sirina manning up (literally or metaphorically, as the case may be) and responding themselves.

Worse yet, Sirina is now trying to imply Itzel "stepped down":

It's always a blow when an experienced staff member decides to step down, but as Izzea said, we are already working to fill the gaps, and hope to have some new talent in place soon.


09-25-2011, 02:27 PM
Jay, I'm pretty sure I've never played with you in GS, but from your posts on this board, you sound like a raging douche, whether it's this thread or the conspiracy thread of posts Simu has, in their autocratic revelry, removed from the boards.

I'm surprised you don't have a HM tag on your account, to be honest.

09-25-2011, 02:32 PM
And it's funny. After firing Itzel for the Ta'Mori and basically yanking a citizenship pin merchant, they bring in a shop merchant to Vaalor.

The Simu equivalent of bread and circuses I guess.

09-25-2011, 02:37 PM
Worse yet, Sirina is now trying to imply Itzel "stepped down":

It's always a blow when an experienced staff member decides to step down, but as Izzea said, we are already working to fill the gaps, and hope to have some new talent in place soon.


Hahaha - utter BS

09-25-2011, 02:37 PM
And it's funny. After firing Itzel for the Ta'Mori and basically yanking a citizenship pin merchant, they bring in a shop merchant to Vaalor.

The Simu equivalent of bread and circuses I guess.

And the idol altering last night, and the siegery raffle, both not calendered.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 02:37 PM
Jay, I'm pretty sure I've never played with you in GS, but from your posts on this board, you sound like a raging douche, whether it's this thread or the conspiracy thread of posts Simu has, in their autocratic revelry, removed from the boards.

I'm surprised you don't have a HM tag on your account, to be honest.

You do realize that most of the posts I repost there are not my own, right? I just like to save them for posterity whether I agreed with the original post or not. Some are very entertaining.

Now enough of me. Let's get back to commiserating about Itzel.

09-25-2011, 02:44 PM
Amazed the Ta'Morons have time to do anything in Vaalor as much as they have infested the Landing of late

This ^ right there. Someone go start something big in Vaalor and distract them for a bit longer. Bring something shiny, that'll do the trick.

09-25-2011, 02:47 PM
This ^ right there. Someone go start something big in Vaalor and distract them for a bit longer. Bring something shiny, that'll do the trick.

Sadly I think they've pretty much ended anything of note happening in Vaalor and Illistim.

09-25-2011, 02:48 PM
we could all just warn interact them every time any of them enters a room, I mean they do it without any justifiable reasons

could make a lich script

09-25-2011, 03:03 PM
They even make Nilandia look tame.

Just sayin'.

...hahahahaha. Oh man. +5 internets.

09-25-2011, 03:15 PM
Is there anything on the Officials about this? Which folder?

09-25-2011, 03:15 PM
There is for a few seconds until they squelch the posts.

09-25-2011, 03:16 PM
Towns -> General Town Discussion -> East of Eden

http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/General%20Towns%20Discussion/thread/1408698 -- I think is the correct link.

09-25-2011, 03:17 PM
And the idol altering last night, and the siegery raffle, both not calendered.

There had been a post announcing the Idol altering a few days ago, I do believe. It was a really nice merchant at that.

That said, the fact that there seems to be a distinct lack of official word while there is rampant speculation (which seems fairly logical and sound for the most part) says a whole lot.

That said, could I get the names of the particular moron types to avoid? I have been safe in Zul Logoth for a while but I fear it cannot last.

09-25-2011, 03:20 PM
And the idol altering last night, and the siegery raffle, both not calendered.

They were posted about. The idol in the premie thread and Kenstrom had mentioned before about 4-5 raffles for the siegery items. I do kind of want to punch oshelle over the idols, though.

09-25-2011, 03:21 PM
I stay so wrapped up in bullshitting with merchants and with my crew I don't even know any of the "story lines" going on.

The Ta'Mori sound like dickfaces anyways and so I would like to at least highlight them since my base of operation is Illistim. This way I don't have to save them from OTF if they bite it or something.

Over the past month or so I have logged in my Vaalorian Elf who is sitting in stupidly obvious vaalorian outfits without a single interaction with anyone. So there must not be THAT much activity going on that the Tamorons are a part of.

Either that or I am moving to Teras.

09-25-2011, 03:25 PM
heh imagine how happy I was when they decided to move onto the Hearthstone Porch recently Buckwheet.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 03:33 PM
From her Facebook response to someone:

Meghan: I'm in the ex-GM club with you and Paul now! I'm purposely staying off AIM this weekend because I need a little distance. It's not that I don't love you all! End of an era.

09-25-2011, 03:37 PM
From her Facebook response to someone:

Meghan: I'm in the ex-GM club with you and Paul now! I'm purposely staying off AIM this weekend because I need a little distance. It's not that I don't love you all! End of an era.

Classy posting a FB comment with her real name. Creeper as shit dude.

09-25-2011, 03:40 PM
Classy posting a FB comment with her real name. Creeper as shit dude.

Yeah, not cool.

09-25-2011, 03:44 PM
heh imagine how happy I was when they decided to move onto the Hearthstone Porch recently Buckwheet.

Just retarded. We need to get some old folks back to just put them in their place.

09-25-2011, 03:48 PM
Foxs actually found a freak as big as himself? (We all know Foxs wears a wig and the skin of his dead mother as he plays GS)

09-25-2011, 03:59 PM
These Ta'Mori sound reprehensible! (I have no idea who they are.)

Me either. All I know is that every once in awhile a bunch of elves get together and invent a name for themselves that includes an apostrophe in the middle of it.

I get the impression they, as a group, have fought as "bad guys" in an invasion before. Like they're "evil" or something.

Apparently though someone on high likes them because they're allowed to get away with obviously disruptive behavior like dropping cursed objects around town. Uhh.. ya, they used to give official warnings for that shit. No more? huh.

I tend to avoid quests and invasions and storylines because they're all horribly organized, horribly run, invariably end up the domain of a few regulars the GM is buddies with (surprise surprise), they create way too much drama. Plus I rarely play at 8 pm on a saturday evening when shit always happens. They never run events in the morning... Though I did enjoy CCF, probably because it was a small captive audience, all the quest whores weren't around, and it was a limited time thing so I could be around other hours. Not like these months long whatevers...

But think about it.... think of all the drama, fights, leavings, leaving threats, GM-shitcans, etc. How much of that was a result of a quest/storyline/invasion gone wrong? Can you think of any storyline where a player or group of players didn't end up seriously pissed off by the end? This shit happens all the time.

I think SIMU needs to revisit how and why they do things. Either they're hiring the wrong people to run events, people who get off a little too much on being Dungeon Master, or who cannot help but play favorites. Or some internal policy is a problem, because from a business perspective you shouldn't keep doing activities where a large number of players (though different ones) end up pissed off every time.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 04:00 PM
From her Facebook response to someone:

Meghan: I'm in the ex-GM club with you and Paul now! I'm purposely staying off AIM this weekend because I need a little distance. It's not that I don't love you all! End of an era.

Why would someone who voluntarily "stepped down" need distance?

09-25-2011, 04:02 PM
Why would someone who voluntarily "stepped down" need distance?

None of us ever said she did. Don't confuse us with Sirina.

That Jay
09-25-2011, 04:06 PM
Oh I know. Just pointing out Sirina's diplomatic duplicity.

09-25-2011, 04:17 PM
I really have no idea what's going on in this thread.

However if I go by the majority in this thread I can conclude 'That Jay' is a douche who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Ta'Mori are a bunch of dicks who must be closely related to 'That Jay'. Itzel rubbed a lot of players the wrong way but apparently she was a good GM for the game and made a lot of positive changes.

I get that all right? I miss anything?

09-25-2011, 04:19 PM
I really have no idea what's going on in this thread.

However if I go by the majority in this thread I can conclude 'That Jay' is a douche who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Ta'Mori are a bunch of dicks who must be closely related to 'That Jay'. Itzel rubbed a lot of players the wrong way but apparently she was a good GM for the game and made a lot of positive changes.

I get that all right? I miss anything?

That sounds about right.

09-25-2011, 04:23 PM
Or some internal policy is a problem, because from a business perspective you shouldn't keep doing activities where a large number of players (though different ones) end up pissed off every time.

The problem internal policy is GMs throwing other GMs under the bus.

So of course Iztel needs some time off from the world...

09-25-2011, 04:40 PM
I still have trouble believing anyone at simu, as dense as they are, put enough stock in a couple of players to kick a GM. Assuming she was fired and didn't quit to work on her degree, I would sooner chalk it up to office politics.

To touch on the other important points.

Jay: No opinion.

Itzel: Was a good Illistim GM and awful for Vaalor.

Foxs: Creepy and already well ignored.

09-25-2011, 04:45 PM
I still have trouble believing anyone at simu, as dense as they are, put enough stock in a couple of players to kick a GM. Assuming she was fired and didn't quit to work on her degree, I would sooner chalk it up to office politics.

It has sadly happened quite a number of times and will continue. She didn't quit to work on her degree.

09-25-2011, 04:54 PM

That pretty much sums up my experiences with Itzel.

I MA, I pay lots of money to Simu for that privilege. I don't do any annoying behaviors with my team that many people gripe about.

I was at a table after a hunt in a warcamp with my entire team saturated. I fired off their spell up scripts and switched to the rogue to start picking boxes.

Apparently, even running group spellup scripts back then was a crime to Itzel and as such I was warned for AFK scripting. Not just being a bot, but full afk scripting because you are supposed to be able to view every character screen all the time and be able to interact at a moments notice. I pointed out that I was able to do so, but that the script checks were given in split second intervals and it is impossible to respond to 6 conversations at once on different characters from a GM. When I asked to consolidate the conversation down to just one character Itzel refused and was just in general a hardass about it. Itzel brought up that I had been warned back in 2000 for afk scripting. This was now 2008...so Itzel became this just hardass about it and reviewed all the accounts, which took forever, and brought up scripting violations from before 2000 as well. It was just a horrible experience.

I felt good when I canceled premium on 4 or 5 accounts for a couple months to get what I felt they deserved. But I think Itzel was just a damn Nazi and vindictive asshole who felt the need to prove that they held the position of power. Just a overcompensating ass hole.

Any interaction I had with Itzel was bad and power trippy. When she/he made SGM, it got worse. I think Itzel just wanted power, wanted it fast and then abused it once they got it.

My one and only warning is for AFK scripting from Itzel, for a plain text message that I glazed over because it looked like "fluff."

As soon as I was pulled into the lounge, I replied, but since I didn't respond to something I didn't even see, I was guilty. -- Bad policy Simu!

09-25-2011, 05:30 PM
Remember when somebody tried to make it easier to AFK script on the officials? I definitely take Buckwheet's complaint more seriously.

09-25-2011, 05:34 PM
Remember when somebody tried to make it easier to AFK scrip on the officials? I definitely take Buckwheet's complaint more seriously.

Are you on GS staff or are you defending them tooth and nail for some other reason?

09-25-2011, 05:41 PM
Not at all. If you'd read the thread before "Durp, let me throw my two cents in." you'd see me saying a number of bad things about Simu.

I don't think your Ta'Mori buddies did a good thing here though.

I love reading assumptions, they make me lol.

09-25-2011, 06:38 PM
I never interacted with Itzel that I know of, or can remember, but she did a lot of good things for Gemstone. Even if her customer service wasn't fabulous, which I don't know if it was or not, active GMs are hard to find. It's hard to find people who do more than wear a badge, and any loss of a person willing to put in elbow grease is a loss as far as I'm concerned.

09-25-2011, 06:39 PM
I love reading assumptions, they make me lol.

I love it whenever you try to act like people don't know who you are.

1. Somebody has an issue.
2. Inspire "can I be special and have an issue too"?
3. ?????
4. A voice of reason shows up, "Hey Inspire. People haven't forgotten who you are."
5. Profit!!!!

I never interacted with Itzel that I know of, or can remember, but she did a lot of good things for Gemstone. Even if her customer service wasn't fabulous, which I don't know if it was or not, active GMs are hard to find. It's hard to find people who do more than wear a badge, and any loss of a person willing to put in elbow grease is a loss as far as I'm concerned.

I completely agree. She was awake. Izzea, no matter how qualified she is, won't put out the same amount of outpout (especially given she's Guru of fucking everything). In addition, even if Itzel had questionable customer service/office politics, she didn't need to be fired over the stupid fucking Ta'Mori of all people. GMs quietly get booted behind the scenes for good or bad reasons all the time. Lyrienne and Valicar's players would be excellent examples.

It's terrible management and empowers the worst elements of the game while disrupting the in game enjoyment of countless people. If Xyelin's current owner was truly banned for the shit he pulled in a newbie town, the Simu staff truly one upped him in fucking over Vaalor and Illistim. Even Izzea admitted it wouldn't be the same, not for a long time.

And the stupid Ta'Mori will probably never even get the promotions they want (in spite of continued plotting against Vaalor's King, because yeah, that shit makes sense.) It's completely idiotic.

09-25-2011, 06:50 PM
#1 - You're not important.
#2 - See #1.

PS. I've sold Kizun, Daheus and Tycine.

I love it whenever you try to act like people don't know who you are.

1. Somebody has an issue.
2. Inspire "can I be special and have an issue too"?
3. ?????
4. A voice of reason shows up, "Hey Inspire. People haven't forgotten who you are."
5. Profit!!!!

I completely agree. She was awake. Izzea, no matter how qualified she is, won't put out the same amount of outpout (especially given she's Guru of fucking everything). In addition, even if Itzel had questionable customer service/office politics, she didn't need to be fired over the stupid fucking Ta'Mori of all people. GMs quietly get booted behind the scenes for good or bad reasons all the time. Lyrienne and Valicar's players would be excellent examples.

It's terrible management and empowers the worst elements of the game while disrupting the in game enjoyment of countless people. If Xyelin's current owner was truly banned for the shit he pulled in a newbie town, the Simu staff truly one upped him in fucking over Vaalor and Illistim. Even Izzea admitted it wouldn't be the same, not for a long time.

And the stupid Ta'Mori will probably never even get the promotions they want (in spite of continued plotting against Vaalor's King, because yeah, that shit makes sense.) It's completely idiotic.

09-25-2011, 06:55 PM
#1 - I'm not important.
#2 - See #1.

PS. I've sold Kizun, Daheus and Tycine.

Who cares? People have long memories.

While Itzel might've done wrong by Buckwheet, wrong by Xaerve, even wrong by Methais, I wouldn't hesitate to believe you were every bit guilty of AFK scripting.

You play this game for a living. Jumping onto other people's issues isn't going to make people like you.

09-25-2011, 07:06 PM
Who cares? People have long memories.

While Itzel might've done wrong by Buckwheet, wrong by Xaerve, even wrong by Methais, I wouldn't hesitate to believe you were every bit guilty of AFK scripting.

You play this game for a living. Jumping onto other people's issues isn't going to make people like you.

Lol, more assumptions.

Drunken Durfin
09-25-2011, 07:49 PM
Classy posting a FB comment with her real name. Creeper as shit dude.

OMG it was Mehgan!?! I know Mehgan! I had no idea she was a GM too! All this time I thought she was just a Real Estate attorney here in town.

Despite any good Itzel may have done for the game, she deserved a public beating for jacking with the herbalist in Illistim.

09-25-2011, 07:55 PM
OMG it was Mehgan!?! I know Mehgan! I had no idea she was a GM too! All this time I thought she was just a Real Estate attorney here in town.

Despite any good Itzel may have done for the game, she deserved a public beating for jacking with the herbalist in Illistim.

Some of Illistim definitely needs cleaned up. Some not so much. I'd rather a Guru actually change stuff than just stare at the walls though.

09-25-2011, 08:32 PM
I'd rather they add things, than to fix what isn't broken.

I once got so lost in one of her illistim rooms I had to fog out. No exit from the room is in the obvious exits, NOR in the room description (and I wasn't roombrief). I tried every damn noun in the room description.

Anyways... I bugged it as horrible and hopefully it was fixed.

09-25-2011, 08:52 PM
I'd rather they add things, than to fix what isn't broken.

I once got so lost in one of her illistim rooms I had to fog out. No exit from the room is in the obvious exits, NOR in the room description (and I wasn't roombrief). I tried every damn noun in the room description.

Anyways... I bugged it as horrible and hopefully it was fixed.

There are quite a few rooms like that. The worst one is on the way to the public lockers.

09-25-2011, 09:46 PM
OMG it was Mehgan!?! I know Mehgan! I had no idea she was a GM too! All this time I thought she was just a Real Estate attorney here in town.

For what it's worth, I've never heard of Itzel outside of Renian's thread from 2008 and this one, and it took me less than 15 seconds to find her on facebook just knowing that her first name is Meghan. I would have no idea otherwise.

09-25-2011, 09:55 PM
My password was "itzelsucks" for a time.

...But for the life of me, I can't remember why. It's bugging me.

Hmph. Oh well. Deuces.

09-25-2011, 10:20 PM
So is it true that the person behind Maetriks moved to Colorado to shack up with some random dude (in effect abandoning her toddler with some guy), has several children spread across the United States fathered by different people, does not ever actually see those children, but continues to collect single parent subsidies at the expense of the State of Colorado.... All the while using the money she recieves from child support to pay for multiple Gemstone accounts of which contain the characters Synthaesia, Nirhvana, Vilorcasdra, and a multitude of other terrible terrible names??

09-25-2011, 10:21 PM
Whoa, did I just post? How strange. Please completely disregard that post. I might have accidentally posted some jumbled nonsense as I leaned over my computer to reach for my tea.

09-25-2011, 10:29 PM
So is it true that the person behind Maetriks moved to Colorado to shack up with some random dude (in effect abandoning her toddler with some guy), has several children spread across the United States fathered by different people, does not ever actually see those children, but continues to collect single parent subsidies at the expense of the State of Colorado.... All the while using the money she recieves from child support to pay for multiple Gemstone accounts of which contain the characters Synthaesia, Nirhvana, Vilorcasdra, and a multitude of other terrible terrible names??

Whoah! Did I just reply with a quote and type this all out while reaching for my beer? My, my, my, I must be a huge klutz.

09-25-2011, 10:39 PM
So is it true that the person behind Maetriks moved to Colorado to shack up with some random dude (in effect abandoning her toddler with some guy), has several children spread across the United States fathered by different people, does not ever actually see those children, but continues to collect single parent subsidies at the expense of the State of Colorado.... All the while using the money she recieves from child support to pay for multiple Gemstone accounts of which contain the characters Synthaesia, Nirhvana, Vilorcasdra, and a multitude of other terrible terrible names??


09-25-2011, 10:40 PM
Rojo has claws!

09-25-2011, 11:05 PM
So is it true that the person behind Maetriks moved to Colorado to shack up with some random dude (in effect abandoning her toddler with some guy), has several children spread across the United States fathered by different people, does not ever actually see those children, but continues to collect single parent subsidies at the expense of the State of Colorado.... All the while using the money she recieves from child support to pay for multiple Gemstone accounts of which contain the characters Synthaesia, Nirhvana, Vilorcasdra, and a multitude of other terrible terrible names??

Well it's a good thing we kept her instead of Itzel!!!!

09-25-2011, 11:30 PM
Why would someone who voluntarily "stepped down" need distance?

Lol @ quoting your own post.



09-25-2011, 11:41 PM
I haven't re-opened my accounts yet but I already miss knowing that Itzel will be there, doing something that I know for sure I'll be interested in.

09-26-2011, 02:03 AM
heh imagine how happy I was when they decided to move onto the Hearthstone Porch recently Buckwheet.

Yeah this has got to change. What the hell? Pick a spot where you know you're not wanted and just park your ass there just to be a jerk? That's some real RP there!

09-26-2011, 05:49 AM
I don't know much about why she's gone or how good a GM she was. but I'll miss her. I've played this game on and off sence the days it was free on AOL and the last few months in vaalor was the first time I seen a GM promoting RP and a storyline that didn't involve constant invasions that would get lower levels killed.

09-26-2011, 09:22 AM
Yeah this has got to change. What the hell? Pick a spot where you know you're not wanted and just park your ass there just to be a jerk? That's some real RP there!

And they constantly run their mouths while Demyse is there to keep it sancted, and they scamper away as soon as he needs to do something else. We need someone to park a demon there.

09-26-2011, 09:24 AM
I feel like I want to move to the Landing and help stomp these shitheads out.

09-26-2011, 09:36 AM
Buy some sanct breakers. Virilneus can hook you up. The rare ingredient is doomstones, so if you bring those to a good sorcerer alchemist they can make it for you.

09-26-2011, 10:01 AM
Are those based on the level of the person using them or the person that creates them?

09-26-2011, 10:16 AM
MIU-based check, I believe, versus the Cleric's lore check. I don't think level factors into the formula, as they are trying to move away from that standard.

09-26-2011, 10:19 AM
MIU-based check, I believe, versus the Cleric's lore check. I don't think level factors into the formula, as they are trying to move away from that standard.

So I have never summoned anything before on my sorcerer. But I tried it today for the first time.

Is there a way to specify what demon you want or is it random?

First attempt I got a gas cloud on the second attempt abyran'a, which can't break just interfere.

09-26-2011, 10:21 AM
To specify a specific demon you must either have a runestone that was drawn by a sorcerer for a specific demon type (Which comes with elevated skill checks), or just try to get lucky by summoning from the valence from which the desired creature hails.

The only demon capable of BREAKING a sanct is Abyran'sa, though all demons can INTERFERE with the creation of a sanctuary, though I believe it is a skill check. Krakiipedia should be able to provide you with a list of which demons align with which valence. I would link but I can't access the site at work.


Lord Orbstar
09-26-2011, 10:22 AM
Why do people take a text-based, 20 year old game this seriously so as to disrupt people in positions of authority outside the game?

We rarely agree but the E Hit this one out of the park.

09-26-2011, 10:22 AM
To specify a specific demon you must either have a runestone that was drawn by a sorcerer for a specific demon type (Which comes with elevated skill checks), or just try to get lucky by summoning from the valence from which the desired creature hails.

The only demon capable of BREAKING a sanct is Abyran'sa, though all demons can INTERFERE with the creation of a sanctuary, though I believe it is a skill check.

Yeah I don't have any rune drawing skills, but I could probably pass the skills checks, I would think?

Armor Use..........................| 40 8
Shield Use.........................| 201 101
Brawling...........................| 201 101
Physical Fitness...................| 201 101
Arcane Symbols.....................| 201 101
Magic Item Use.....................| 201 101
Harness Power......................| 201 101
Elemental Mana Control.............| 210 110
Spirit Mana Control................| 201 101
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology........| 152 52
Perception.........................| 201 101
Climbing...........................| 140 40
Swimming...........................| 140 40

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 73

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 50

Spell Lists
Sorcerer...........................| 121

09-26-2011, 10:26 AM
There is no check for drawing the actual rune, only in the attempt to summon a demon. The command will be Draw (RUNE) Rune. They simplified it a while back so that if you have a brush with ink and a prepared stone/runestone you don't need a lot of complicated syntax. From there, you prep 725, and cast at the runestone. Being in a Summoning chamber grants a +20? rank bonus, and with that you shouldn't fail an untargetted summoning attempt. I want to say that Abyran'sa are from the Shien'tyr valence, but I may be wrong on that.

09-26-2011, 10:31 AM
I want to say that Abyran'sa are from the Shien'tyr valence, but I may be wrong on that.

Abyran are from Lorae'tyr,which unfortunately has a shitload of different demons and variants so it may take a while to get the right one. The others there are igaesha (the gas ones), grantis, and verlok.

09-26-2011, 10:33 AM
Would it be easier to try for an imp?

09-26-2011, 10:47 AM
Are you looking to break the sanct, or stop it from forming? Is it a bard sanct (Song of Peace) or a cleric sanct?

09-26-2011, 10:49 AM
It sounds like the problem is they get a sanct up. So breaking it would be better. Once its broken we can claim the sanct with our own 213 or peace.

Lord Orbstar
09-26-2011, 10:52 AM
If you do choose to cleanse hearthstone message Dithio. i will help. Demyse was. roleplaying a traitorous tool last EG and caused multiple deaths. dont know how people think they can be the bad guy and not get killed on sight. i consider him a rolton that wanders into town. Fair game.

this is icing on the cake since I honestly believe in character he and his ilk have no right to breathe. ooc they hide behind shitty roleplay storylines that only masturbate their egos and disrupt others.

Lord Orbstar
09-26-2011, 10:53 AM

09-26-2011, 10:55 AM
This is a case where the Disney factor will absolutely save the Ta'Mori, ultimately. It's okay to claim to be evil, threaten a town and its authorities, and then go "BUT YOU GUYSSSSS I WAS ~**ROLEPLAYING**~!!!!" when they get smoked (and logically so) by those who oppose their goals, claims and ideals.

Gemstone rules

09-26-2011, 10:55 AM
Once a sanct is broken, there is a timer of approx 5 minutes where it cannot be immediately restored. You literally frighten the spirits which form the sanctuary away from the area (which is pretty badass). So don't plan on being able to resanct immediately.

The only demon capable of breaking cleric sancts is the Abyran'sa, so you will need to summon one of those, which may take a while unless you get lucky. Imps only work against song of peace. I don't think there is an overlap there, so it is either one or the other depending on the sanctuary type. I believe runestones work on both types, though. There is a manditory wait time of between summoning attempts, I want to say 10 mins. Here is some info on sancts and demons I was able to dig up.

Sanctuary Updates (https://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=1&topic=1&message=1587)

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 11/13/2007 1:37:54 PM
The spells Minor Sanctuary (213) and Song of Peace (1011) have received some updates. Many general sanctuary mechanics have been updated, as well. These updates include:

- The spells Calm (201), Living Spell (208), Silence (210), Bind (214), Slow (504), Sounds (607), Mass Calm (619), Holding Song (1001), Lullaby (1005) and Song of Noise (1017) are all now considered spells of war and cannot be cast in any form of sanctuary.

- Hiding is now allowed in sanctuaries.

- 213 and 1011 have been given a failure rate when cast in the presence of hostile creatures. All creatures over the level of the caster contribute to the failure rate based on the level difference. All creatures beyond the first that are at least 10 levels below the caster's level add a small amount to the failure rate. Training in Spirit Lore, Spirit Summoning for 213 and Mental Lore, Telepathy for 1011 reduces the failure rate of the spell.

- 213 has been changed to a base 10 minute duration.

- The caster of a 213-created Minor Sanctuary may now STOP 213 to end their sanctuary in 10 seconds.

- Sanctuaries now give a warning to the room shortly before they expire.

- Empaths and Clerics may SENSE a 213-created Minor Sanctuary.

- Scarab creatures (most commonly found when generated by traps) will now leave a sanctuary after they've left the body of the person that triggered the trap.

- Minor Demons previously could only interfere with the creation of 213 sanctuaries. This has been extended to 1011 sanctuaries.

- Abyran'sa demons can (as before) break 213 sanctuaries. Imps can now break 1011 sanctuaries.

- In the breaking and interfering formulas, the defender (sanctuary creator) has been given an opposing d100 roll, unlike before when only the sorcerer got a die roll. Additionally, a bug was fixed where the sanctuary strength was determined by Cleric spell ranks rather than Major Spiritual spell ranks. Previously, failing a break attempt was very unlikely. The new formula more properly examines the opposing casters' strength.

- Creatures now cast the same version of 213 as players rather than their own unique version. That is, they're now subject to the rules of casting, just like any other spell. This includes ability to fail due to armor hindrance as well as having their sanctuary interfered with or broken by a demon.

- A new item has been introduced; jagged glossy black shards, which have 3 charges (rubs) to break 213 or 1011 sanctuaries. These will start out as being released in small numbers through the treasure feeders, but will become available via Sorcerer Trinkets in Alchemy with GM Naos' next alchemy update, and (perhaps), by other means in the future. These items follow a similar breakage formula as demons, however the Magic Item Use skill increases the chance of breaking rather than sorcerer spells and demonology ranks.

The new spell descriptions for Minor Sanctuary and Song of Peace can be found here:

http://www.play.net/gs4/info/spells/spelllist.asp?circle=4#213 (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/spells/spelllist.asp?circle=4#213)

http://www.play.net/gs4/info/spells/spelllist.asp?circle=10#1011 (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/spells/spelllist.asp?circle=10#1011)

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=18&topic=2&message=1599 (http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=18&topic=2&message=1599)

09-26-2011, 10:56 AM
I'll make as many runestones of whatever specific demon or valence as you like. This goes for anyone.

Uncommon Runes:

- shien'tyr-aishan - lorae'tyr-verlok - lorae'tyr abyran'sa
- lorae'tyr-abyran - grik'tyr-imp

09-26-2011, 10:56 AM
Demyse: playing GSIV via wi-fi from inside the locker he's spent his life stuffed in

09-26-2011, 10:58 AM
Foxs: literally has a dick IRL and that's hilarious

09-26-2011, 11:00 AM
I'll make as many runestones of whatever specific demon or valence as you like. This goes for anyone.

Uncommon Runes:

- shien'tyr-aishan - lorae'tyr-verlok - lorae'tyr abyran'sa
- lorae'tyr-abyran - grik'tyr-imp

Nice, Reltov. The Abyran'sa and Grik'tyr-imp are the very two that are needed. Note that it is EXTREMELY difficult to summon a Abyran'sa directly. You need something to the tune of 125 ranks in summoning to manage the feat without fail, or 1x while in a summoning chamber. You CAN summon one directly without that many ranks, but you will encounter a high failure rate.

09-26-2011, 11:00 AM
Whoa, did I just post? How strange. Please completely disregard that post. I might have accidentally posted some jumbled nonsense as I leaned over my computer to reach for my tea.

Don't you hate it when that happens!

09-26-2011, 11:02 AM
Isn't stalk-fogging a lot cheaper/easier/more relaible than this demonology-related jibba-jabba

09-26-2011, 11:08 AM
So who are the actual Ta'Mori PC's? Like, a list of first names..

09-26-2011, 11:08 AM
Isn't stalk-fogging a lot cheaper/easier/more relaible than this demonology-related jibba-jabba

Quite possible, though you have to remember they're obsessive policy players and Simu staff isn't capable of handling their bullshit.

09-26-2011, 11:13 AM
Breaking someone's sanct isn't against policy, outright attacking is. You always want to have a bit of back and forth saved before engaging in CvC with someone who is assist/report heavy so they can't state you didn't have justifcation in attacking them. Warning someone against breaking/restoring a sanct repeatedly is valid justification for CvC in my mind, especially if it is only in 1 specific room (Hearthstone, for instance.)

09-26-2011, 11:21 AM
I feel like this effort will fall flat on its face the second the Ta'Mori coordinate an effort to mass-Warn Interact everyone who's Mean To Them in-game.

I shall wear my Warn Interacts as a badge of honor, much like the hilarious red rep I got for some of my poasts in this here thread

09-26-2011, 11:54 AM
Maetriks posts here, yet she's silent. Very rare for her to be silent, ever. It's funny that she hasn't showed up to brag/rant about Itzel.

09-26-2011, 11:54 AM
I feel like this effort will fall flat on its face the second the Ta'Mori coordinate an effort to mass-Warn Interact everyone who's Mean To Them in-game.

I shall wear my Warn Interacts as a badge of honor, much like the hilarious red rep I got for some of my poasts in this here thread

Wait. I thought if someone warn interacted you they are supposed to avoid you afterwards. Wouldn't the easiest possible solution be for everyone at the hearthstone to piss these guys off, eventually if they warn interacted everyone, they'd just have to go somewhere else.

09-26-2011, 11:55 AM
Maetriks posts here, yet she's silent. Very rare for her to be silent, ever. It's funny that she hasn't showed up to brag/rant about Itzel.

The idiots screwed themselves as much as everybody else.

09-26-2011, 11:57 AM
The idiots screwed themselves as much as everybody else.

Oh, I agree. Her silence is just unusual. I've noticed with all the Ta'Mori any small accomplishment in Gemstone is usually a huge source of bragging. It may be from a lack of accomplishments in real life, but that's just speculation.

09-26-2011, 11:59 AM
Maetriks posts here, yet she's silent. Very rare for her to be silent, ever. It's funny that she hasn't showed up to brag/rant about Itzel.

I'm pretty sure she's still stealthily red repping everyone with the usual "u r a bitch whore".

09-26-2011, 12:10 PM
Oh, that was her?

09-26-2011, 12:11 PM
Whoa, did I just post? How strange. Please completely disregard that post. I might have accidentally posted some jumbled nonsense as I leaned over my computer to reach for my tea.Not as good as Tabor's "my dog walked on the keyboard" bit...


09-26-2011, 12:33 PM
Time for me to decant that fine wine I have been saving!

Itzel was creative and talented. Without question.

Also without question, she was high handed, played favorites, and was dismissive of valid criticism. Not to mention being unjustifiably arrogant.

And if someone could explain why it was necessary (other than as a vanity project) to remap parts of Illistm and redesign perfectly good buildings, I'd appreciate knowing the reason.


This ^^^

Also, she seemed to "have it in for me" from the first time I had any interaction with her as a GM. That didn't go over very well with me on a personal level.

Made me think she was just butthurt because of something Ceyrin did in the past, possibly to her or one of her friends.

Who isn't?

Frankly, she struck me as one of those GMs that thought there "is always a better way than mechanical CvC, so lets all hold hands or be like the Nalfien".

09-26-2011, 12:43 PM
All that being said, I have no love for the Ta'mori at all. I find them generally disruptive on a game level and obnoxious on a personal level.

09-26-2011, 12:44 PM
I'm pretty sure she's still stealthily red repping everyone with the usual "u r a bitch whore".

You can't red rep if your rep is red to begin with. I assume you mean "stealthily grey repping"

09-26-2011, 12:48 PM
You can't red rep if your rep is red to begin with. I assume you mean "stealthily grey repping"

Right. It amuses me to get grey anonymous rep. As if I can't figure out who gave it.

09-26-2011, 12:49 PM
All that being said, I have no love for the Ta'mori at all. I find them generally disruptive on a game level and obnoxious on a personal level.

And they've effectively gotten another GM removed. Cirath is gone now too.

09-26-2011, 12:51 PM
And they've effectively gotten another GM removed. Cirath is gone now too.


09-26-2011, 12:56 PM
Either CE or Merchant/roleplay GM. I think he was a merchant workhorse type. A brief search shows he did the Auction quality tents. Buggy, but very cool items. Also apparently Bhurgal Gnome guru and bubble flares.

09-26-2011, 12:58 PM
GMs often fall like dominoes they have always been cliquish

09-26-2011, 01:00 PM
Timing is pretty lousy. Losing multiple CE GMs is going to make EG even thinner than it usually is for work.

09-26-2011, 01:00 PM
And they've effectively gotten another GM removed. Cirath is gone now too.

Cirath leaving was pretty much inevitable. Can't expect him to stick around a company that lies when it says Itzel "stepped down."

GMs often fall like dominoes they have always been cliquish

Well in this case they're married.

09-26-2011, 01:03 PM
Timing is pretty lousy. Losing multiple CE GMs is going to make EG even thinner than it usually is for work.

Especially if a GM(s) aren't able to step up and claim whatever service/item they were planning to offer.

09-26-2011, 01:07 PM
Either CE or Merchant/roleplay GM. I think he was a merchant workhorse type. A brief search shows he did the Auction quality tents. Buggy, but very cool items. Also apparently Bhurgal Gnome guru and bubble flares.


I generally agree with the sentiment that losing active GMs is always bad for the game, Evarin.

I will put forward a caveat to that statement which is...

I don't mind favoritism, it happens.

I do mind those who use their position as GM to exercise vendettas they have/had from when they were players, or ones they pick up after becoming a GM.

Being a GM means you're supposed to have risen above that sort of behavior, right?

In summation... playing favorites with your cyber-barbie crew = OK.

Being an asshat to people because you have a bone to pick and the autority to pick it clean = not OK

09-26-2011, 01:10 PM
Dunno. She seemed to handle it pretty well when you were being disruptive at the Museum Alerreth opening.

09-26-2011, 01:11 PM
Eh, most here would agree I tend to get on the wrong side of most GMs on the boards. That being said, i've been helped out of a jam by Emeradan, Andraste, Oscuro, etc. I won't say GMs are all above such things, but I think they are capable of setting most grudges aside when they go full-on NIR.

09-26-2011, 01:15 PM
Dunno. She seemed to handle it pretty well when you were being disruptive at the Museum Alerreth opening.

What you call "disruptive" I call "using a social setting to generate and gauge responses of a 'celebrity' individual for reconnisance purposes".

In other words "Watch what the left hand is doing"

09-26-2011, 01:32 PM
Itzel, gone? RED 09-26-2011 01:25 PM and I call bullshit

You couldn't just post that?


09-26-2011, 01:41 PM
And they've effectively gotten another GM removed. Cirath is gone now too.

Are you being overly dramatic? You are really fueling a lynch mob at this point you realize.

09-26-2011, 01:45 PM
Eh, it's news, and Simu certainly isn't going to make this shit known on the officials. Hell, they STILL haven't posted a staff list. Think one is coming any time soon with all this drama?

09-26-2011, 01:47 PM
What you call "disruptive" I call "using a social setting to generate and gauge responses of a 'celebrity' individual for reconnisance purposes".

In other words "Watch what the left hand is doing"

It was both amusing (from a player perspective) and frustrating (from an IC perspective) to watch. But the dark elves speaking their moon speak were more of a concern.

09-26-2011, 01:53 PM
TLDR version = Ta'mori are the elanthian version of the crips?

09-26-2011, 02:00 PM
Only if the crips like dicks in their mouths.

09-26-2011, 02:03 PM
Only if the crips like dicks in their mouths.


Some Rogue
09-26-2011, 02:08 PM
Classy posting a FB comment with her real name. Creeper as shit dude.

Well in this case they're married.


09-26-2011, 02:08 PM
It was both amusing (from a player perspective) and frustrating (from an IC perspective) to watch. But the dark elves speaking their moon speak were more of a concern.

Overt subtlety ftw?

09-26-2011, 02:15 PM
Oh, I will say this about that incident with the Museum... FNLN...

It was made fairly clear that Ceyrin's contribution wasn't welcome. I had some 'random' things happen while hunting which resulted in deaths.

One could say they were coincidence, but I basically decided I'd stick to trying to cap my Cleric and GTFO of Illistim ASAP.

After that, I ignored the impending storyline and supposed assassination plot against the Argent Mirror (which is what drew Ceyrin there in the first place).

09-26-2011, 02:17 PM
Are you being overly dramatic? You are really fueling a lynch mob at this point you realize.

Apparently player complaints are important. Remove one of the portions of the game I enjoy and I'm not likely to be happy.

It didn't help that the phrase "We don't want a witch hunt against Vilorcasdra." was directed the Legion's way, totally ignoring rationality or game integrity. I'm also not in a position of power in it, so it can't be said that they've done any of this.

I don't like people being able to get away with OOC harassment and gaming the system and I'm more than capable of stirring up some righteous outrage if I see it happen.

09-26-2011, 02:20 PM
After that, I ignored the impending storyline and supposed assassination plot against the Argent Mirror (which is what drew Ceyrin there in the first place).

Pity that. Though now it's doubtful that the political shenanigans will see any sort of resolution (or if they will be it will be poorly handled.)

09-26-2011, 02:21 PM
Are you being overly dramatic? You are really fueling a lynch mob at this point you realize.

You realize they love publicity (whether good or bad), right? That coupled with their capacity for annoying the general Gemstone population with their three-stooges quality villainy means that even if people started going after the Ta'Mori they'd not only enjoy it but unless it was done in such a way as to not appear like harassment, the "lynch mob" would end up getting screwed.

Its a lose-lose situation with that group.

Not to mention, aside from the rumors, there is no official "what happened" on this. I'm not saying they were or were not involved, just that we don't know what happened.

That being said, Itzel brought a completely new and interesting facet to the game that it had been sorely lacking prior. It is unfortunate she is no longer a GM and I truly hope that whoever does pick up the EN as guru will endeavor to create as little distaste in the mouths of those people who had intricate roles to play.

Edit: What I meant, and I should have been clearer so my apologies there, is that we have Simu saying one thing and parts of the PC saying another. What the general population doesn't have is a story of what happened either way.

09-26-2011, 02:23 PM
Sirina has basically stated that most everything currently believed about this situation is false. She hasn't stated the reasoning behind Itzel's absence, nor will she according to Simu policy, but she has said that much. Repeatedly.

09-26-2011, 02:24 PM
Why would Sirina say anything but that?

Her marching orders are gonna be Damage Control here.

09-26-2011, 02:27 PM
Sirina has also stated that Itzel "stepped down." Which is all sorts of bullshit.

09-26-2011, 02:32 PM
(grey rep) Itzel, gone? 09-26-2011 02:20 PM bitch whore!!!

And there it is, true to form!

09-26-2011, 02:33 PM
(grey rep) Itzel, gone? 09-26-2011 02:20 PM bitch whore!!!

And there it is, true to form!

I wonder if she talks to her kids like that.

09-26-2011, 02:33 PM
I feel slighted I didnt get any rep, damned worthless Ta'Morons

09-26-2011, 02:35 PM
I feel slighted I didnt get any rep, damned worthless Ta'Morons

I would cry "favouritism!" if I were you.

09-26-2011, 02:39 PM
I cant cry that! I dont spell it with a U

09-26-2011, 02:58 PM
http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/9274/foxsb.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15/foxsb.jpg/)

09-26-2011, 03:09 PM
Apparently player complaints are important. Remove one of the portions of the game I enjoy and I'm not likely to be happy.

It didn't help that the phrase "We don't want a witch hunt against Vilorcasdra." was directed the Legion's way, totally ignoring rationality or game integrity. I'm also not in a position of power in it, so it can't be said that they've done any of this.

I don't like people being able to get away with OOC harassment and gaming the system and I'm more than capable of stirring up some righteous outrage if I see it happen.

You obviously know something first hand that most of us don't. I agree with you that if what you describe has happened then the players behind it should reap what they sew from the rest of the player base.


Your post has brought me to the conclusion that I really don't know jack shit about what happened so I can't make any judgements.

09-26-2011, 03:13 PM
You obviously know something first hand that most of us don't. I agree with you that if what you describe has happened then the players behind it should reap what they sew from the rest of the player base.


Your post has brought me to the conclusion that I really don't know jack shit about what happened so I can't make any judgements.

I can't either given a few sets of new and appreciated information. All I can say is I'm sorry she's no longer involved with GS. I appreciated some of the work she did very much.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-26-2011, 03:15 PM
Sirina has basically stated that most everything currently believed about this situation is false. She hasn't stated the reasoning behind Itzel's absence, nor will she according to Simu policy, but she has said that much. Repeatedly.

The circumstances of someone leaving a company being confidential isn't just a SIMU policy, it's pretty much no one elses business. If Itzel wants to discuss it, she can, but Sirina and SIMU in general cannot.

09-26-2011, 03:18 PM
The circumstances of someone leaving a company being confidential isn't just a SIMU policy, it's pretty much no one elses business. If Itzel wants to discuss it, she can, but Sirina and SIMU in general cannot.

True enough. I didn't mean to state what I said as a slam on Simu, simply a statement of fact.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-26-2011, 03:24 PM
True enough. I didn't mean to state what I said as a slam on Simu, simply a statement of fact.

Yeah I knew what you meant, I just meant to stress that no matter what, you (the general you) will only get one side of the story and rumors. I'd cut the existing staff some slack - they cannot affect the outcome and it just will cause more drama.

Or folks can speculate and rabble rouse, and still not affect the outcome and only cause more disatisfaction with everyone involved, further "destroying" what some profess to love.

09-26-2011, 03:26 PM
The circumstances of someone leaving a company being confidential isn't just a SIMU policy, it's pretty much no one elses business. If Itzel wants to discuss it, she can, but Sirina and SIMU in general cannot.

True, but the correct verbiage should be something similar to "she is no longer with the company", as that is a neutral statement of fact.

"She stepped down" is, from what people closer to the situation have been indicating, a lie.

Splitting hairs really, just saying.

09-26-2011, 03:28 PM
And they've effectively gotten another GM removed. Cirath is gone now too.

ahhh now Cirath was cool dudes.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-26-2011, 03:29 PM
True, but the correct verbiage should be something similar to "she is no longer with the company", as that is a neutral statement of fact.

"She stepped down" is, from what people closer to the situation have been indicating, a lie.

Splitting hairs really, just saying.

What if she was given the option of quiting, or getting fired - and "stepped down"?

09-26-2011, 03:34 PM
What if she was given the option of quiting, or getting fired - and "stepped down"?

You can't fire me! I QUIT! robble robble

09-26-2011, 03:43 PM
What if she was given the option of quiting, or getting fired - and "stepped down"?

Neutral still would be the way to go. Remember when Melissa stepped down "to focus on family"? (By that Simu meant "She's leaving us and working for Blizzard, because they pay more.")

That Jay
09-26-2011, 03:45 PM
What if she was given the option of quiting, or getting fired - and "stepped down"?

There is that possibility.

There is always the possibility she was going to be demoted or have some responsibilities taken away and chose to quit instead. Or the possibility that she was asked/told to do something that she did not want to do and quit out of principle. Or was passed over for another position she wanted.


It all boils down to, none of us knows what really happened and even if Itzel does decide to reveal to someone what happened, you can be sure that Simu will neither confirm nor deny her version of events which puts even the veracity of her account in question.

09-26-2011, 03:48 PM
There is that possibility.

There is always the possibility she was going to be demoted or have some responsibilities taken away and chose to quit instead. Or the possibility that she was asked/told to do something that she did not want to do and quit out of principle. Or was passed over for another position she wanted.


It all boils down to, none of us knows what really happened and even if Itzel does decide to reveal to someone what happened, you can be sure that Simu will neither confirm nor deny her version of events which puts even the veracity of her account in question.

A Jay post I agree with. Don't drink.

09-26-2011, 04:42 PM
A Jay post I agree with. Don't drink.

Can I drink instead? I'm thirsty...

09-26-2011, 04:46 PM
Can I drink instead? I'm thirsty...

I already am :cheers:

09-26-2011, 04:47 PM
It's times like this where someone usually says "The only way to make Simutronics take you seriously is for everyone to quit!"

But with how cheap it is to keep this game running couldn't they let it run indefinitely with just one premium account?

09-26-2011, 04:50 PM
It's times like this where someone usually says "The only way to make Simutronics take you seriously is for everyone to quit!"

But with how cheap it is to keep this game running couldn't they let it run indefinitely with just one premium account?

Cue massive Battle Royale, griefing left and right until the second-to-last person finally ragequits.

There can only be ONE.

09-26-2011, 05:30 PM
Cue massive Battle Royale, griefing left and right until the second-to-last person finally ragequits.

There can only be ONE.

Ha ha. Sounds like Shattered.

09-26-2011, 05:51 PM
My 2 cents: It's sad to see Itzel go, seems like she was dedicated to improving Elanthia and providing entertaining RP events. Hopefully her shoes will be filled. That goes for any staff that puts an extra effort into their work. It sucks for the people who got nabbed for dumb AFK scripting BS, that seems to be more a problem with simu's policy, rather than a specific GM. In regards to the Ta'Mori...

I doubt it was their actions alone that led to her getting kicked. I'm not sure how simu views these people, but my guess would be unfavorably. It doesn't make sense a small population of players(who routinely must cause headaches for the staff) could get a SGM fired, dismissed, forced to quit, lynched and disembowled, what have you.

As for the Ta'Mori, they are asshats on a regular occasion. But they are fun to hate, and the world needs villains, even if they do go about it in an idiotic way. How many other people are willing to sacrifice their character's reputation in a world where that seems to mean a lot? Attacking who they are IRL is entertaining, it's a text game where we pretend to be other other people, who gives a fuck? Foxs could have a dick coming out her forehead, it doesn't make a difference to me.

Using the warn verb though is extra fail. Unless someone is harassing you with OOC insults, using the warn verb is the same as crying because the bully took your lunch money and favorite color pencil. If someone is deeding you (does that term still mean anything?) staff could stop that without you using the warn verb. If one of the Ta'Mori used the warn verb on me, I think I would seriously die laughing. Anyone else for that matter. I'm all for griefing them as much as possible, but not for the reason they got some staff fired. I just don't believe that could be the reason why. Furthermore, it's bringing OOC squabbles into IG relations, at least I think so. I'd rather hate them for the shit they pull IG. It adds a certain flavor to the world that the bouncy tart gobbling halfling is unable to do.

09-26-2011, 06:01 PM
Just for the record, the Ta'Mori characters have nothing to do with the in-game issues regarding Itzel. The players alts may, but the actual Ta'Mori characters like Demyse, Maetriks, and the like have nothing to do with the events unfolding.

With that said, as a Vaalorian character, I liked Itzel for the most part and thought she was a great addition to the EN's as a whole. The problem I had with her was her blatant favoritism in regards to the Legion, the Argent Mirrors, and a multitude of other things. It seemed to me the people who were emailing her, posting on her twitter, etc. were receiving preferential treatment to others IG. That alone should get her ass fired. People work very hard and put a lot of time into the development of their characters just to see some rouge GM break the rules and give handouts to people who she may be e-friends with. Garbage.

My $.02.

09-26-2011, 06:03 PM
The Ta'Mori are:

The Monarch's henchmen, without the Monarch.

09-26-2011, 06:15 PM
... some rouge GM ...

Itzel's red!

09-26-2011, 06:17 PM
Just for the record, the Ta'Mori characters have nothing to do with the in-game issues regarding Itzel. The players alts may, but the actual Ta'Mori characters like Demyse, Maetriks, and the like have nothing to do with the events unfolding.

With that said, as a Vaalorian character, I liked Itzel for the most part and thought she was a great addition to the EN's as a whole. The problem I had with her was her blatant favoritism in regards to the Legion, the Argent Mirrors, and a multitude of other things. It seemed to me the people who were emailing her, posting on her twitter, etc. were receiving preferential treatment to others IG. That alone should get her ass fired. People work very hard and put a lot of time into the development of their characters just to see some rouge GM break the rules and give handouts to people who she may be e-friends with. Garbage.

My $.02.

So the people who took initiative (emailing, contacting on twitter) got rewarded for their initiative. Whereas you sat around and (maybe) roleplayed when no one was looking and are surprised that the active people got recognition? Do you think GMs actually are gods and can read minds?

09-26-2011, 06:26 PM
Breaking someone's sanct isn't against policy, outright attacking is. You always want to have a bit of back and forth saved before engaging in CvC with someone who is assist/report heavy so they can't state you didn't have justifcation in attacking them. Warning someone against breaking/restoring a sanct repeatedly is valid justification for CvC in my mind, especially if it is only in 1 specific room (Hearthstone, for instance.)

The other night Demyse started talking quite a bit of shit behind his sanct... We'll see how vocal he is when he doesn't have that option anymore.

Also, those sanct breakers are mostly worthless because they still give you the "you feel the sense of peace beginning to wane" so you can just refresh it.

My ire for them has nothing to do with Itzel. And I am in no way pro-Itzel.

09-26-2011, 06:29 PM
That sounds like a bug. I would post and see if that is how it is supposed to work. Maybe their second cast beat your endroll or something, but I would definitely ask a GM to have a look at it.

09-26-2011, 06:36 PM
With that said, as a Vaalorian character, I liked Itzel for the most part and thought she was a great addition to the EN's as a whole. The problem I had with her was her blatant favoritism in regards to the Legion, the Argent Mirrors, and a multitude of other things. It seemed to me the people who were emailing her, posting on her twitter, etc. were receiving preferential treatment to others IG. That alone should get her ass fired. People work very hard and put a lot of time into the development of their characters just to see some rouge GM break the rules and give handouts to people who she may be e-friends with. Garbage.
My $.02.

I think it's ridiculous to say that people that take initiative* to involve themselves in pertinent storylines not be rewarded for doing so, and no GM should ever be fired for that, because you're going to have 0 GM's.

*in non-psychopathic/creepy/borderline harrassing other players sort of way.

09-26-2011, 06:39 PM
If you're sneaky and quiet, you can easily off Demyse. I have caught him with his pants down several times and put him in his place. Of course, he doesn't learn and continues to run his mouth. Arrows are cheap enough though. :)

09-26-2011, 06:58 PM
So the people who took initiative (emailing, contacting on twitter) got rewarded for their initiative. Whereas you sat around and (maybe) roleplayed when no one was looking and are surprised that the active people got recognition? Do you think GMs actually are gods and can read minds?

Uh, its a roleplaying game, not an email the GM and suck their e-cock game. Players shouldn't gain favor, titles, or positions of game leadership from becoming e-friends out of game with a GM. I assume by your post you aren't involved in the Vaalor or Illistim drama that has been going on and are just posting out of your ass of course.

09-26-2011, 07:01 PM
Uh, its a roleplaying game, not an email the GM and suck their e-cock game. Players shouldn't gain favor, titles, or positions of game leadership from becoming e-friends out of game with a GM. I assume by your post you aren't involved in the Vaalor or Illistim drama that has been going on and are just posting out of your ass of course.

You were involved in a lot of the drama and still had no idea what was going on. You still post.

09-26-2011, 07:03 PM
I think it's ridiculous to say that people that take initiative* to involve themselves in pertinent storylines not be rewarded for doing so, and no GM should ever be fired for that, because you're going to have 0 GM's.

*in non-psychopathic/creepy/borderline harrassing other players sort of way.

In regards to the topic at hand, players were elevated in the Legion based on the word of one person who was picked because of favoritism in the first place. I have no problem with someone e-mailing a GM with questions or posting whatever, I do however, question a GM's giving handouts to people they like over people they don't because of messages out of instances out of the game.

If you have been reading the Vaalor town thread you will know exactly what has been happening. No use in reading it now though as Itzel has removed most of the controversy that surrounded her prior to this.

09-26-2011, 07:04 PM
Uh, its a roleplaying game, not an email the GM and suck their e-cock game. Players shouldn't gain favor, titles, or positions of game leadership from becoming e-friends out of game with a GM. I assume by your post you aren't involved in the Vaalor or Illistim drama that has been going on and are just posting out of your ass of course.

So if you HAD gotten your Legionnaire promoted you wouldn't be saying ANY of this would you?

09-26-2011, 07:06 PM
So if you HAD gotten your Legionnaire promoted you wouldn't be saying ANY of this would you?

I didn't want to be promoted. I joined the Legion because it fit my character development from his inception and Bernt and Aliyas had removed the militias since my return so I couldn't even do that anymore.

After seeing the debauchery that Itzel has developed within Vaalor and her inability to quell it, she fed the fire more and I just left the whole ordeal like Menos.

It has very little to do with me as I was just spectating.

09-26-2011, 07:08 PM
In regards to the topic at hand, players were elevated in the Legion based on the word of one person who was picked because of favoritism in the first place. I have no problem with someone e-mailing a GM with questions or posting whatever, I do however, question a GM's giving handouts to people they like over people they don't because of messages out of instances out of the game.

If you have been reading the Vaalor town thread you will know exactly what has been happening. No use in reading it now though as Itzel has removed most of the controversy that surrounded her prior to this.

This has nothing but comedic value since it's laughable that you honestly assume that this is the case. I used to respect you a lot Pereus but given the company you've kept in game lately it's hardly surprising you would believe it.

09-26-2011, 07:12 PM
This has nothing but comedic value since it's laughable that you honestly assume that this is the case. I used to respect you a lot Pereus but given the company you've kept in game lately it's hardly surprising you would believe it.

Kakoon deserved his elevation as far as I'm concerned, the first one. After that the people that were elevated were his wife (who declined it, which I very much respect) and two others, one who is such a low level they could have never deserved it a.) by Legion documentation, or b.) by actually proving they deserved it.

I don't keep any company. Because I am friendly with all Vaalorian characters shouldn't be a black stain on me :) I love everyone! Except the fucking Ta'Mori. But honestly, just because we know who their alts are, for me doesnt mean I can treat them differently. Personal preference I guess.

09-26-2011, 07:19 PM
Except the fucking Ta'Mori. But honestly, just because we know who their alts are, for me doesnt mean I can treat them differently. Personal preference I guess.

I have the opposing perspective :) I've had little, if any, interaction with the Ta'Mori as I don't tend to leave the EN so I will be treating them no differently until they personally upset me. I have, however, dealt with their alts who behave in the same asinine way so I had already formed my opinion of them long before any of this so-called drama.

09-26-2011, 07:20 PM
Kakoon deserved his elevation as far as I'm concerned, the first one. After that the people that were elevated were his wife (who declined it, which I very much respect) and two others, one who is such a low level they could have never deserved it a.) by Legion documentation, or b.) by actually proving they deserved it.

I don't keep any company. Because I am friendly with all Vaalorian characters shouldn't be a black stain on me :) I love everyone! Except the fucking Ta'Mori. But honestly, just because we know who their alts are, for me doesnt mean I can treat them differently. Personal preference I guess.

Just to be clear. I never declined any promotion. I took myself out of the Legion before there was ever a chance that I would be promoted. After what happened when the next two Squires were promoted I know that it was absolutely the right decision. You can't say that the other two Squires didn't deserve something because you weren't around to see what had gone on during drills and patrols. You're listening to the people who want to be promoted but haven't been and you are all assuming that just because they have not been promoted that they were never listed as a candidate for promotion. You only know one side of the story and that's not your fault. Not trying to find out the other side of the story? That is totally on you.

09-26-2011, 07:26 PM

09-26-2011, 07:27 PM
Thanks for that Drayal, I'm coulrophobic and will have nightmares now!

09-26-2011, 07:30 PM
Just to be clear. I never declined any promotion. I took myself out of the Legion before there was ever a chance that I would be promoted. After what happened when the next two Squires were promoted I know that it was absolutely the right decision. You can't say that the other two Squires didn't deserve something because you weren't around to see what had gone on during drills and patrols. You're listening to the people who want to be promoted but haven't been and you are all assuming that just because they have not been promoted that they were never listed as a candidate for promotion. You only know one side of the story and that's not your fault. Not trying to find out the other side of the story? That is totally on you.

Ah, now that I know who you are.

Perhaps you should read the documentation Alyias developed that Itzel tore to shreds. One, being the initial promotion of the two squires to Legionnaire:

"Initial recruits or warriors new to their time in service will be given the title of Squire Legionnaire. Bravely forming the front lines unit, warriors will remain a Squire Legionnaire for at least fifteen years unless they are elevated early by distinguished acts of merit. "

Obviously Itzel used the later to promote them, but honestly as a military, any non military activities should not result in a promotion.

If something is different then what I have been told, please elaborate, because apparently the story I have been told, seems to be a valid reason to pull her GM status.


Itzel immediately bypassed the other position Kakoon should have earned by super-promoting him to the highest position. Her reasons for that are her own obviously as she never stated any reasoning behind her promotions. But whatever, I guess she was trying to fix the damage that had been done.

But like I said, I am just spectating at this point, I don't hold any ill will to any characters, I put all the fault on the GM who was extending favoritism and thus got her ass booted from her position as far as I am concerned.

09-26-2011, 07:31 PM
Thanks for that Drayal, I'm coulrophobic and will have nightmares now!

My work here is done :)

09-26-2011, 07:36 PM
Ok, so which characters are the Ta'Mori?? I'd like to stay the fuck away from them as I don't need text drama. I have enough of my own getting stuck hunting characters like Maliku.

I've seen references to Maetriks, Demyse, and Vilorcasdra (spelling?). And what are the specifics? Everyone is saying they're annoying, they run their mouths, etc. But so do I to some extent, and I'm not sure it deserves a lynch mob. What are they actually doing that pisses everyone off so much? I'm hidden in Mule and the Rift so I don't see any of this stuff.

And for the laughs, PC handles?

09-26-2011, 07:42 PM
My work here is done :)

No poison bow for you!

09-26-2011, 07:46 PM
Ah, now that I know who you are.

Perhaps you should read the documentation Alyias developed that Itzel tore to shreds. One, being the initial promotion of the two squires to Legionnaire:

"Initial recruits or warriors new to their time in service will be given the title of Squire Legionnaire. Bravely forming the front lines unit, warriors will remain a Squire Legionnaire for at least fifteen years unless they are elevated early by distinguished acts of merit. "

Obviously Itzel used the later to promote them, but honestly as a military, any non military activities should not result in a promotion.

If something is different then what I have been told, please elaborate, because apparently the story I have been told, seems to be a valid reason to pull her GM status.


Itzel immediately bypassed the other position Kakoon should have earned by super-promoting him to the highest position. Her reasons for that are her own obviously as she never stated any reasoning behind her promotions. But whatever, I guess she was trying to fix the damage that had been done.

But like I said, I am just spectating at this point, I don't hold any ill will to any characters, I put all the fault on the GM who was extending favoritism and thus got her ass booted from her position as far as I am concerned.

So you're having a shit fit over bending the rules of a make-believe army in a roleplaying game? Fifteen YEARS seems like a reasonable amount of time to you to you for further character development in said game?


09-26-2011, 07:48 PM
That sounds like a bug. I would post and see if that is how it is supposed to work. Maybe their second cast beat your endroll or something, but I would definitely ask a GM to have a look at it.
This, sanct breakers are supposed to break the sanct AND poison the area for awhile preventing a new one from being formed.

09-26-2011, 07:49 PM
Thanks for that Drayal, I'm coulrophobic and will have nightmares now!

...Need moar giant clown pictures.

...must google image search giant clown pictures for future rep.

....ok done

09-26-2011, 07:50 PM
So you're having a shit fit over bending the rules of a make-believe army in a roleplaying game? Fifteen YEARS seems like a reasonable amount of time to you to you for further character development in said game?


You srs? Can't tell if srs. Do you believe I think someone should actually have to play for 15 years before getting promoted? lol.

09-26-2011, 07:51 PM
...Need moar giant clown pictures.

...must google image search giant clown pictures for future rep.

....ok done

No more hot green rep for you either, missy!

09-26-2011, 07:52 PM

09-26-2011, 07:53 PM
You srs? Can't tell if srs. Do you believe I think someone should actually have to play for 15 years before getting promoted? lol.

I'm pretty sure you would've been promoted if you hadn't rage bailed. I'm pretty sure Nihrvanah/Vilorcasdra would've been if she and "she" hadn't been plotting to kill the King.

09-26-2011, 07:57 PM
I'm pretty sure you would've been promoted if you hadn't rage bailed. I'm pretty sure Nihrvanah/Vilorcasdra would've been if she and "she" hadn't been plotting to kill the King.

I would have turned it down. My characters involvement in the Legion was designed to go a different route based on Alyias' documentation which it seems was scraped or turned a different direction.

Alyias it seems just posted an OOC meeting about Ta'Vaalor and the Legion future though, so hopeful everyone can get their grievances out, he can clean this mess up and everything can be all good again.

09-26-2011, 08:07 PM
Ok, so which characters are the Ta'Mori?? I'd like to stay the fuck away from them as I don't need text drama. I have enough of my own getting stuck hunting characters like Maliku.

I've seen references to Maetriks, Demyse, and Vilorcasdra (spelling?). And what are the specifics? Everyone is saying they're annoying, they run their mouths, etc. But so do I to some extent, and I'm not sure it deserves a lynch mob. What are they actually doing that pisses everyone off so much? I'm hidden in Mule and the Rift so I don't see any of this stuff.

And for the laughs, PC handles?

You are text drama Poloneus. I hope you get their names and decide to call swarm them so you get more unconsented PvP warnings and are finally out the door. Good riddance!

09-26-2011, 08:09 PM
He'll get started cleaning up a mess and then abandon it before it's finished!

It's Alyias, FFS, he already abandoned Ta'Vaalor before.

09-26-2011, 08:11 PM
I'd like to see more talk about the players who were cheating. Like Laphrael.

09-26-2011, 08:14 PM
I'd like to see more talk about the players who were cheating. Like Laphrael.

lol. at what?

09-26-2011, 08:14 PM
Alyias is awesome, flake or no flake. If he ever decided to code for a profession they would see DEV the likes of Empaths and Clerics have enjoyed. Boy can code.

09-26-2011, 08:17 PM
You are text drama Poloneus. I hope you get their names and decide to call swarm them so you get more unconsented PvP warnings and are finally out the door. Good riddance!

Think I've spoken to a GM once in my life for this, and that was the one from you when I griefed your character on the Icemule trail for impersonating someone and stealing their morning star. I was in BIG trouble! It was a whole 6 second explanation of it being an accident and there was no official warning. Fail.

Such a tragic life you have Inspire.

09-26-2011, 08:17 PM
I'd like to see more talk about the players who were cheating. Like Laphrael.

People understand that you want to be a skilled roleplayer, hot, and fashionable. You'd get more dudes.

09-26-2011, 08:21 PM
I'm pretty sure she's still stealthily red repping everyone with the usual "u r a bitch whore".

I feel unloved, I didn't get any...yet.