View Full Version : nice runestaves bows and shields auction

09-22-2011, 05:01 PM
a plain orase runestaff 2lbs, 4x, defender (adds +2 to DS, tested in offense stance) , bonus of 4 to discipline bonus, bonus of 5 to logic bonus, a lot of charges remaining."
MB 1k, CB 1.1 mil Inspire Going Once

a bent villswood bow 3lbs, +18, provides a bonus of 16 to max health, a bonus of 2 to strength bonus, a lot of charges remaining.. you need to be 55 for the health bit
MB 1k, CB 0k

a spiked vultite aegis 8lbs, 4x protects from magical attacks.. so boosts your TD.. provides a bonus of 6 to dodging bonus, huge number of charges remaining
MB 1k, CB 1 mil Shad0ws0ngs Going TWICE

a villswood long bow 2lbs, +18, and sighted
MB 1k CB 0k

an ornate hoarbeam shield 8lbs, +12, provides a bonus of 2 to influence bonus, a bonus of 2 to ambush ranks, a bonus of 4 to mana recovery, and a bonus of 7 to max mana, more charges than your average giantman could count."
MB 1k CB 0k

Please post all bids. Will deliver to your location.

09-22-2011, 05:21 PM
I'll bid 1 mil on the runestaff

09-22-2011, 05:22 PM

and let me apologize to Reltov420's vagina.

09-22-2011, 06:10 PM
free bump

09-22-2011, 07:21 PM
thread moved under Auctions