View Full Version : quick question

09-17-2011, 03:15 PM
Is it viable to use a bow in warcamps? can a warrior trained correctly, effectively mfire a crowd, or would it be best to just use a weapon and melee everything?

09-17-2011, 03:21 PM
Force on force would be a problem. Unless you trained in MoC, which is pointless for offense for archery. Look at my sig as far as mfire is concerned. Open sniping does work well, but I think a warrior would be suited for some other type of combat.

09-19-2011, 10:58 AM
I am trying to recall but I believe berserk is a warrior's best friend in a warcamp. Berserk doesn't work with archery as I understand it. Archery works wonderfully in warcamps, though. Open aimed shots to the eye are the quickest way to take out grims other than spells. I simply don't have enough knowledge of high level warriors to be able to say how they specifically do with archery in camps. The problem you will run into is when you get a ranger with wall of force and a bow/crossbow/shield that you simply can't hit because their DS is so high, so you need alternate attack methods. Someone who has higher level warriors than I will need to comment to give more advice.

09-21-2011, 08:06 AM
The biggest problem i ever had with any character in warcamps, was facing bow wielding grim while not using a shield. Any character i went into a warcamp with using a shield build had no problems, any character that went into a warcamp without a shield, died, VERY QUICKLY, repeatedly.


09-21-2011, 10:28 AM
I open range Grims on a regular basis as a rogue and have minimal problems. The problems I see comes not from ranged grims but from the occasional void hit or an elemental blast crit. I would say if a rogue can open range, a plated warrior with high stamina would do just fine.

P.S. How I address the spell problem in a crowded room; I immediately kill (switch targets) spells casters first and work my way from sorcerers, wizz, cleric, empath and down to warriors. In addition, you often see that one critter in a room is heavily crit padded. If I find this, I will switch off him and kill the others one shot until he is left. Then I will whittle his ass down or Coup De Grace his butt.

09-21-2011, 12:00 PM
ranged warrior is kinda like a square peg in a round hole. is there some particular reason you just really, really want to be a warrior use ranged instead of a heavy physical rogue?

pure combat ranged rogue >> ranged warrior

09-21-2011, 11:47 PM
I had a warrior trained fully in thw and ranged, it was fun to switch. I think a ranged warrior is fun.. But I have a rogue and don't want to switch from CoL. Starting gos at 40 isn't fun.

09-21-2011, 11:56 PM
I had a warrior trained fully in thw and ranged, it was fun to switch. I think a ranged warrior is fun.. But I have a rogue and don't want to switch from CoL. Starting gos at 40 isn't fun.

I can see that, and picking up hurling (if you can get the toys) or ranged at/near cap I think is a great option for warriors as a supplemental means of combat. Something turtles up or is flying? Heavy crossbow/ye olde dwarven longbow to the dome. I just think a pure-ranged warrior would be..not impossible or even bad, but just ridiculously inferior when compared with a similarly trained rogue.

09-21-2011, 11:59 PM
A lot of endgame ranged rogues go for the fullplate route. It would just take more training points for a warrior to replicate all the perception/ambush training. And well the spell training too. Other than that, what would the difference really be?

09-22-2011, 12:36 AM
A lot of endgame ranged rogues go for the fullplate route. It would just take more training points for a warrior to replicate all the perception/ambush training. And well the spell training too. Other than that, what would the difference really be?

that's what i mean, it's much easier (and cheaper) to train the necessary skills with a rogue. All you're really missing out on is full plate faster, but you can easily get up to MBP. And you'd have way more points free for whatever other random stuff you want.

09-22-2011, 01:06 AM
I thought the essence of the original question was whether his warrior could use ranged. I imagine it is easier for him to "square peg" using ranged than it is to roll an entirely new character to achieve essentially the same end point. If he were starting from scratch, I'd be right along side you touting a rogue build...

09-22-2011, 01:19 AM
Well, I an starting over, debating on whether or not to be a warrior, or a ranger. But honestly, I might make a pure. I got no clue where I wanna go. Just know I like ranged, I just want a bad ass bow. Something 7x+ or self ammo, speed cocked. Nice little toys.