View Full Version : 34 - Female Half-Elf - Wizard

09-17-2011, 02:42 PM
Selling off this little wizard. Character transfer, you pay the fee.

Gender: Female Age: 100 Expr: 1310965 Level: 34
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 58 (4) ... 58 (4)
Constitution (CON): 53 (1) ... 51 (0)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Agility (AGI): 62 (16) ... 62 (16)
Discipline (DIS): 79 (9) ... 79 (9)
Aura (AUR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Logic (LOG): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Intuition (INT): 67 (8) ... 67 (8)
Wisdom (WIS): 88 (19) ... 88 (19)
Influence (INF): 67 (13) ... 67 (13)
Mana: 114 Silver: 0

Level 0 Stats:

Strength (STR): 50
Constitution (CON): 40
Dexterity (DEX): 90
Agility (AGI): 50
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 90
Logic (LOG): 90
Intuition (INT): 50
Wisdom (WIS): 80
Influence (INF): 50

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 58 12
Shield Use.........................| 108 26
Edged Weapons......................| 132 36
Physical Fitness...................| 126 33
Arcane Symbols.....................| 134 37
Magic Item Use.....................| 144 44
Spell Aiming.......................| 172 72
Harness Power......................| 132 36
Elemental Mana Control.............| 144 44
Spirit Mana Control................| 40 8
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 45 9
Elemental Lore - Earth.............| 45 9
Elemental Lore - Fire..............| 45 9
Elemental Lore - Water.............| 45 9
Perception.........................| 124 32
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 82 18

Spell Lists
Major Elemental....................| 19

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 24

Spell Lists
Wizard.............................| 28
Training Points: 17 Phy 0 Mnt (154 Phy converted to Mnt)

The FIXSKILLS command will allow you to instantly set your skills to match your goals. Use the GOALS command to set your skills to your desired values FIRST!

You may view FIXSKILLS HELP for more information on this option.

To use FIXSKILLS, you must type FIXSKILL CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.

*** No additional options will be granted outside of normal parameters for misuse. ***

** Make sure your skills are set how you want them with GOALS before using FIXSKILLS CONFIRM **

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.

Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
You have no past society affiliations.

>society reset
The RESET option will allow you to completely reset all of your society affilitations, both current and past. It will be as if you had never joined a society with this character at all.
You will lose all powers and benefits for any society you are currently in.

** THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! ** Please be sure this is what you want to do!

If you are sure you want to reset your society status, click SOCIETY RESET CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.

Was premium so has 2 lockers

Locker 1:

In a deep chest:
a puma hide
a bird-etched paintbrush
a vine-etched paintbrush
a vine-etched paintbrush
a swirl-etched paintbrush
a sealed message

In a clothing wardrobe:
a metallic leather sheath
some black doeskin boots
a midnight black cloak
a twisted gold ankle-bracelet
a gold-trimmed black velvet gown
a golden spidersilk pouch

In a magical item bin:
a ruby amulet
a ruby amulet
a ruby amulet
a ruby amulet
a ruby amulet
an exquisite blue sapphire bracelet
an exquisite blue sapphire bracelet
a petite porcelain pinky ring
a smooth pink pearl necklace

On a weapon rack:
a rune-incised dark mistwood staff
a huge logging axe

On an armor stand:
a rune-etched weapons sling

Locker 2:

In a deep chest:
a leather backsack
a porous ice hound fang
a milky-white hollow viper fang
a shard of revenant claw
a splintered waern claw
a gleaming blue diamond-tipped lockpick
a feystone inlaid golvern lockpick
a thin stormy black rolaren lockpick
a jagged-edged wraith talon
a pale white rune-etched fingerbone
a braided gold and kelyn cloakpin
a petrified darkwoode root
a scrimshaw letter opener
an overgrown spiny troll nail
a sabre tooth tiger incisor
a shard of zombie bone
a barbed urchin spine
a petrified black heart
a cracked mein shard
a forked antler shard
a sharpened piece of skayl heart
a spotted ursian tusk
a hooked panther fang
a pair of fake blood-red fangs
a gold-banded wrist sheath
a minotaur horn scroll tube
a dark leather locksmith's toolkit

In a magical item bin:
a dark modwir stallion pin
a dark modwir stallion pin
a dark modwir stallion pin
a grot t'kel potion
an obsidian crescent moon medallion
a bronzed soaring falcon clasp
a mottled grey polished stone pendant
an onyx-lined crystal buckle ring
a pure potion
a white crystal
a burnt scroll
a yellowed scroll
an ancient scroll
an aged scroll
an ancient scroll
an onyx and crimson crystal band
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet

On a weapon rack:
a slender filet knife

On an armor stand:
a blackened mithglin shield

Obvious items: 52

Cash at $8 per.


09-18-2011, 09:54 PM
lower price

09-19-2011, 09:36 AM
And yet again zero interest so done.

10-04-2011, 02:30 PM
Whats the transfer fee? I've never bought characters before but would like a pocket mage, I assume since this is a transfer and not takeover that wouldnt be possible?

10-04-2011, 03:22 PM
Character was deleted, but the transfer fee is $20 now.

11-17-2011, 09:39 PM
Is this Mage still for sale?

11-17-2011, 09:42 PM
Is this Mage still for sale?

Character was deleted, but the transfer fee is $20 now.