View Full Version : 4x Xojium staff with 10 scripts

09-04-2011, 06:49 PM
a green-tinted orase staff engraved with a lily pattern - +20, Xojium staff

MB: 500k

raise staff
You raise your staff before you, preparing for battle.
touch staff
You rub one hand lovingly over your staff.
wave staff
You wave your staff over your head dramatically.
nudge staff
You rap your staff on the ground forcefully, calling for attention.
attend staff
You attend to your orase staff, making the staff as presentable as possible.
trip staff
You stumble a bit before using your staff to steady yourself.
tilt staff
You plant your staff into the ground and rock side to side a few times.
flip staff
You gesture tauntingly with your staff.
point staff at <person>
You jab your staff at <person>, as though you were herding a bunch of roltons.
poke staff
You poke your finger at your staff with a meaningful glance and a quirk of your eyebrow.