09-02-2011, 09:39 AM
Tackle is pointlessly horrible. I think we can all agree on that fact, so why not push for improvements? The idea of being able to tackle multiple creatures at once isn’t a new concept, as it is the most obvious solution to improve both the maneuver and the class in a fitting manner. The theme of Warriors having a limited, yet effective means of small scale crowd control is already a reality. Berserk allows the warrior to target everything in the room. M-strike also allows for targeting multiple creatures in 1 attempt. Warcries have also been modified to aid in dealing with crowds. This suggested improvement to tackle falls along the same lines of limited crowd control while still keeping the Warrior balanced and within his niche.
Tackle at rank 5 through the CMAN system should allow for the option to attempt to tackle 2 creatures. If mastered through the Warrior guild, the Warrior can attempt to tackle 3 creatures. The syntax would be similar to M-strike, where you can toggle how many targets you wish to engage if you would like to attempt to tackle less than your maximum amount of enemies. The stamina costs for the maneuver can either mimic M-strike’s system of cool downs and penalties, or simply increase by 1.5x for a 2 target tackle, and 2x for a 3 target tackle. The roundtime of 7 seconds for this maneuver will remain unchanged regardless of the number of targets.
A penalty modifier would be applied for attempting to tackle multiple creatures. A -10 would apply to any tackle attempt involving 2 creatures, and -20 to 3 creatures. To off-set these added penalties, the penalties applied to the maneuver as it currently stands would also be revised. The penalty system for tackle should reflect the design to have warriors in heavy armor and reward them as such. Being in plate class armor that covers your chest and arms should grant an automatic +10 bonus. Obviously, if you are not trained to wear plate that bonus would be negated by the appropriate penalties. Penalties associated with spiked armor would remain unchanged, as well as those penalties and limitations based on the size of the Warrior and his target(s). Finally, Warriors with a combined Str/Con Bonus above 50 would receive an additional +10 endroll bonus.
In Summary:
1. Tackle would be updated to allow for multiple targets to be hit with a single attempt. Two total targets at rank 5, and 3 total targets through if mastered through the Warrior guild.
2. Stamina costs could either mimic M-strike’s current system, or increase by 1.5x for 2 targets, and 2x for 3 targets.
3. Warriors in plate class armor above MBP gain an automatic +10 to their endrolls when tackling. Warriors achieving a Strength/Con stat bonus above 50 will receive an additional +10 to their CMAN attempt.
4. Attempting to tackle 2 targets adds a -10 penalty to the endroll, as well as a -20 endroll penalty for 3 targets.
5. The 7 second RT for the tackle maneuver would remain regardless of the number of targets.Thoughts? Would the above changes be enough to make tackle useful to Warriors as they currently are built and hunt? Did I make any false assumptions or glaring omissions? I’ll throw this up on the Officials once I get the chance.
Tackle at rank 5 through the CMAN system should allow for the option to attempt to tackle 2 creatures. If mastered through the Warrior guild, the Warrior can attempt to tackle 3 creatures. The syntax would be similar to M-strike, where you can toggle how many targets you wish to engage if you would like to attempt to tackle less than your maximum amount of enemies. The stamina costs for the maneuver can either mimic M-strike’s system of cool downs and penalties, or simply increase by 1.5x for a 2 target tackle, and 2x for a 3 target tackle. The roundtime of 7 seconds for this maneuver will remain unchanged regardless of the number of targets.
A penalty modifier would be applied for attempting to tackle multiple creatures. A -10 would apply to any tackle attempt involving 2 creatures, and -20 to 3 creatures. To off-set these added penalties, the penalties applied to the maneuver as it currently stands would also be revised. The penalty system for tackle should reflect the design to have warriors in heavy armor and reward them as such. Being in plate class armor that covers your chest and arms should grant an automatic +10 bonus. Obviously, if you are not trained to wear plate that bonus would be negated by the appropriate penalties. Penalties associated with spiked armor would remain unchanged, as well as those penalties and limitations based on the size of the Warrior and his target(s). Finally, Warriors with a combined Str/Con Bonus above 50 would receive an additional +10 endroll bonus.
In Summary:
1. Tackle would be updated to allow for multiple targets to be hit with a single attempt. Two total targets at rank 5, and 3 total targets through if mastered through the Warrior guild.
2. Stamina costs could either mimic M-strike’s current system, or increase by 1.5x for 2 targets, and 2x for 3 targets.
3. Warriors in plate class armor above MBP gain an automatic +10 to their endrolls when tackling. Warriors achieving a Strength/Con stat bonus above 50 will receive an additional +10 to their CMAN attempt.
4. Attempting to tackle 2 targets adds a -10 penalty to the endroll, as well as a -20 endroll penalty for 3 targets.
5. The 7 second RT for the tackle maneuver would remain regardless of the number of targets.Thoughts? Would the above changes be enough to make tackle useful to Warriors as they currently are built and hunt? Did I make any false assumptions or glaring omissions? I’ll throw this up on the Officials once I get the chance.