View Full Version : Could use some help w/setting up a rogue (on a hot date)

05-27-2004, 05:34 AM
Ok, hello there. I don't think anyone here knew me or any of my characters, account has been inactive for almost a couple years now. But second shift is killing me during the days and I have nothing to do when I get home at night. I read up on some of the new GS4 stuff and it sounds like it could be a good way to unwind.

Anyways, after I reactivate my account I wanted to try and start up a rogue. The highest I ever took a rogue up to was like, 8, so I'm not exactly good at this. I want him to be an sniper/ambusher, and I think I have all the stats and numbers worked out but I suck at math. Also, I may be setting him up too "GS3ish" if that's possible?

Anyways, for the stats I decided on

CON 80
DEX 75
STR 75
AGL 70
AUR 70
DIS 70
WIS 60
INF 20
LOG 60
INT 60

and then the training plan I had set up was:
1x armor
2x dodge
1x CM
2x OHE
2x Ranged
2x Ambush
1x PT
2x lock
2x pick
3x hide
3x percep

I think this is possible. I was planning on playing a half-krolvin for his race, but I'm open to suggestions and I can easily change his RP background.

Anyone want to give this old fogey a hand?

05-27-2004, 07:56 AM
You are going with both ranged and OHE, it would be TP easier to stick with one or the other. But here is something like what you are looking at. Armor use till you get to 45 or so

Armor Use 3 (3.0X) 2 5 0
Edged Weapons 2 (2.0X) 2
Ranged Weapons 2 (2.0X) 2 3 1
Combat Maneuvers 1 (1.0X) 2 4 4
Ambush 2 (2.0X) 2 2 1
Physical Fitness 2 (2.0X) 2 3 0
Dodging 2 (2.0X) 3 2 1
Climbing 1 (1.0X) 2 1
Disarm Traps 2 (2.0X) 3 1 1
Picking Locks 2 (2.0X) 3 1 1
Stalking and Hiding 3 (3.0X) 3 1 1
Perception 3 (3.0X) 3 0 1
Pickpocketing 2 (2.0X) 2 1 0