View Full Version : Golden Kobolds (on official boards)
10-04-2003, 02:12 PM
Am I the only person that feels like puking all over themself when reading this folder?
10-04-2003, 02:19 PM
No, I do think its a good folder, despite the same people do tend to post in it (which I don't really mind). I've found some good RPing just by looking at the people on there.
[Not in this folder]
[Edited on 10-4-2003 by Tsa`ah]
10-04-2003, 02:19 PM
Well, there's a reason I have it ignored :)
10-04-2003, 02:30 PM
It's nice, but it is usually the same people. I wish other people would do more posting in there.
10-04-2003, 02:32 PM
I don't mean the folder itself, I mean the giggly bouncy happy happy Bob Sagat/Brady Bunch inspired gayness of 99% of the posts.
10-04-2003, 02:33 PM
Jypsie had a Kobolds Award going on her site for awhile. It is a shame she never finished it. :(
HarmNone loved Jypsie's site
i just find it amusing that its the same people giving the kobolds to each other over and over
I haven't read the official boards in months, but from what I could tell, it was a group of about 10-18 people who awarded each other every four days.
10-04-2003, 04:00 PM
It's usually friends nominating each other. Hardly is it ever someone that came out of the blue to post about someone they just met.
One of my characters was named once and the fact that I got a couple of "yeahs" made me feel nice. Oddly enough she's never gotten an RPA either. Both are nice but I don't need incentives to roleplay, I just enjoy doing it.
If you feel you need to be mentioned to get noticed, then you're not that great, IMO.
10-04-2003, 09:46 PM
I think I've gotten a few of those golden kobold mentions (someone whispered them to me in the game don't remember who) but I think I've only looked into that folder once or twice. The posts are so repetitive and dripping with fake love.
ive been put on there a few times.. i guess it makes ya feel good when your not on there all the time to have people notice and commend you on the work you do. so i dont mind them... i only check them when somebody mentions them or tells me that im on it...
10-05-2003, 01:36 AM
I still think it's gay, mainly cause like others have said, it's the same people giving the same gay awards to each other and saying "Thanks for RPing with me!" and other stupid shit like that.
Duh, it's a a RP game, you shouldn't have to thank people for RPing with you. It's like writing a letter to your water company and saying "Thanks for giving me water, you guys are great!"
It's just a folder for a couple dozen attention whores that feed off of each other, and it just makes me wanna puke all over myself.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read the folder.
10-05-2003, 04:32 AM
Never been nominated for the award but I did find this in a box a few days ago:
> a golden kobold statue
So I guess I win the award for powerhunting. Or something.
10-05-2003, 12:38 PM
I was given one by Turinrond, surprisingly.. there are time when I really think he hates me and my character. But never before or after. And I've only used it once, giving Kobolds to three people that I hadn't seen get them otherwise but that were REALLY funny in one scene.
I don't read the folder very much... just when I'm very very bored. And it is irritating to see all the same people posting with all the in-jokes and crap. But I still say the folder can do SOME good, if it encourages others to role-play who wouldn't have made as much of an effort otherwise.
10-06-2003, 08:07 AM
Turinrond is weird.
10-06-2003, 09:01 AM
I have mixed opinions on Turinrond. He ignores my PC even when I ask an honest question via whispers, plus I've heard him prattle on and on about various things on the boards from time to time. While I respect him as an Rper, I do get the impression he's a bit up his own ass at times.
Dighn Darkbeam
10-06-2003, 09:42 AM
I hand Kobolds out fairly regularly (about once a month/every other month). I have nominated both friends and people I have just met. Any time I see someone going out of their way to involve others in RP I will usually put their name out and a brief description of those involved and the interaction.
I see nothing wrong with the folder. I cant see why anyone would take offense to a folder one chooses to read.
[Edited on 10-6-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]
I don't think it's the existence of said folder that offends. Rather, the thing a majority of us are disagreeing with is the fact that the same people play hot potato with the award.
10-06-2003, 12:24 PM
I don't find anything offensive, I just feel like puking on myself when I read the posts. Most of them are just gay beyond belief.
10-06-2003, 04:14 PM
I hate the thread because it is the same lousy role players giving their friends (yeah, like because someone is your friend doesn't mean they are a good role player) and fellow lousy role players a pat in the back. And back and forth.
Hey, look at me! I am a great role player! It's an offshoot of the fact that you have some people here that are needy and desperate for attention. Probably also trying to get the GM's attention for the next big quest.
It's all one big suck up folder.
Throw in the fact that a lot of people don't even know what good role play is. They give out awards for the stupidest reason. Have a handicap? That automatically makes you a good RP'er. <rolls eyes> I still can't get over the awarded to the guy who used to spend all day being a whiny crybady and arguing non-stop over the Voln net. Someone just shoot me.
Most of the real quality role players you'll never see mentioned there.
10-06-2003, 05:35 PM
Never had much use for the Golden Kobolds. Now, the Golden Darkewoode post up your cool log folder is another story. I rather like it.
10-06-2003, 06:18 PM
You pretty much have to be a retarded happy person to get posted there. Which is why many decent RPers will never make it.
Weedmage Princess
10-06-2003, 07:20 PM
Let's have our own Golden Kobold awards, PC style! It won't be some ass-kisser fest...You can give someone a kudos for anything. I'll make it a sticky-type topic in Gemstone Gems, maybe..
We gotta name them something else though...and if you win one, you can't win one for another...hmm...maybe 2 months???
[Edited on 10-6-2003 by Weedmage Princess]
10-06-2003, 08:39 PM
I pretty much stopped reading the official boards. Just occasional bard folder, but that's it.
Dighn Darkbeam
10-07-2003, 01:17 PM
What criteria would you people if you were to nominate a character for a kobold? Keep in mind that all you are doing is telling someone you notice their efforts and would like to acknowledge them.
My list is:
1. Character never goes OOC
2. Character is protrayed accurately through race/culture
3. Character attempts to bring others they may not know into roleplaying situations
4. Showed roleplaying initiative and either played part in or lead an RP interaction/event
I see no reason why people who do all of these things on a regular basis should not be given acknowledgement. Yes, it is a roleplaying game, we all know this. We also no no where near half of the players of the game put more effort then is necissary to staying in character.
10-07-2003, 04:25 PM
Hey man, no gay-bashing on Bob Saget. He had the funniest line in Half Baked, without doubt.
10-07-2003, 07:46 PM
What was the line? I haven't seen that movie in years.
No matter how funny he might have been in other movies though, his gayness on Full House and especially America's Funniest Home Videos makes him forever stupid.
Weedmage Princess
10-07-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Dighn Darkbeam
What criteria would you people if you were to nominate a character for a kobold? Keep in mind that all you are doing is telling someone you notice their efforts and would like to acknowledge them.
My list is:
1. Character never goes OOC
2. Character is protrayed accurately through race/culture
3. Character attempts to bring others they may not know into roleplaying situations
4. Showed roleplaying initiative and either played part in or lead an RP interaction/event
Yes...all very good reasons to give someone an award. Maybe someone wants to nominate someone for an award for the way they've handled themselves in a situation.
Also, let's not call it "Golden Kobolds" ..another name for to suggestions :)
10-07-2003, 09:17 PM
Golden Peon award ::whistle::
Weedmage Princess
10-08-2003, 01:36 AM
LOL No Soulpieced we are not going to lead the herds to the slaughterhouse for you..heh.
10-08-2003, 01:39 AM
You could call it something else.
Like the School of Rat Hunting Graduate's Degree?
Weedmage Princess
10-08-2003, 06:34 AM
I'm trying to do something positive?! *gaze*
10-08-2003, 06:36 AM
1. Character never goes OOC---That's a great criteria. It's very rare.
2. Character is protrayed accurately through race/culture--I disagree with this. Not everyone is going to be your cookie cutter race. The lands would be a boring place if every Faendryl was arrogant, every Vaalor was haughty, every halfling loved tarts, etc..I disagree emphatically. Different is good. I don't mean that they have to be extreme, but a little variety never hurt.
3. Character attempts to bring others they may not know into roleplaying situations--Oh definately. This was something that I always did when I was playing more often. I love interacting with people and the unexpected. Who wants to just do a scripted rp, like being an actor? :smirk: That bugs me. I got to know people like that though, but I didn't enjoy it.
4. Showed roleplaying initiative and either played part in or lead an RP interaction/event --Of course, people that create their own fun and interaction are the best people to roleplay with. I love roleplay on the fly. I wish that rather than many relying on GM's they would just enjoy time with each other.
Dighn Darkbeam
10-08-2003, 12:37 PM
. Character is protrayed accurately through race/culture--I disagree with this. Not everyone is going to be your cookie cutter race. The lands would be a boring place if every Faendryl was arrogant, every Vaalor was haughty, every halfling loved tarts, etc..I disagree emphatically. Different is good. I don't mean that they have to be extreme, but a little variety never hurt. >>
On this note I wish for someone to have their character themself knowledgable about their particular race and history, unless your doing the easy-out orphan/exile background. If your an Dark Elf orphan, why choose Dhe'nar as your culture unless you plan to add elements of the culture to your storyline? The same goes for Giantkin and their tribes, ect.
Eveyone be the same? No. Everyone make sense. I highly respect people that take the tiime to read and commit to memory racial, religous, and cultural documentation. It can only improve your roleplay.
10-08-2003, 12:40 PM
<<Who wants to just do a scripted rp, like being an actor? :smirk: That bugs me. I got to know people like that though, but I didn't enjoy it.>>
According to a friend of mine, Kadesha and some others in her clique actually make scripts to RP from what Kadedsha told his wife, like for some pre-determined conversation or something that they just run off a script for some preset storyline they came up with or something.
It was funny cause whenever he'd say something, they wouldn't have a clue how to respond cause their script didn't have any pre-written responses written for an "outsider" saying something.
I don't really have anything personal against Kadesha, but that has to be one of the gayest things ever.
10-08-2003, 12:50 PM
I must agree, Dighn. I've run into Faendryl who have no clue of the society structure of their own culture, Dhe'nari who have never heard of Noi'sho'rah. Things like that arent hard to find in the Simu docs, whether you wish to RP your char in the typical way or not, knowing what IS typical helps.
According to Simu docs, Malghava Halflings come from an area they call the Shirelands. When my Malghavian refers to her home in the Shirelands, she's often been whispered to BY OTHER MALGHAVIAN HALFLINGS that it's too LOTR. By another race, I wouldnt see a problem. By the same race, often the same culture, well...someone needs to check their chosen culture a bit.
Acolyte Kurili
Weedmage Princess
10-08-2003, 01:09 PM
Hmm. Don't know if I totally agree with you or not, Dighn..I guess cause I'm not totally clear on what you're saying.
I know a half elf who RPs a half Faendryl. At first I was like "Uh.." ..but talking to her...she's aware of the history, knows how rare they are..and rps that she was to die at the hands of her mother's family (the Faendryl) but saved by her human father...or something like that. It's a bit more involved, don't remember it totally, but she did it well...and it is possible (since you can be a Pariah of Ta'Faendryl on the culture title list) if you're saying you're against something like that....then I have to disagree with you.
[Edited on 10-8-2003 by Weedmage Princess]
10-08-2003, 01:11 PM
You can be Half-Faendryl. It's Half-Dhe'nari that you cant be, Weedmage.
Poison sperm, ya know.
Acolyte Kurili
Weedmage Princess
10-08-2003, 01:13 PM
Yeah...I thought so.
Faendryl (from what I've read) though are ALMOST as bad as the Dhe'nar....but haven't reached that plateau yet...obviously..heh. That's why I guess I was a little taken at first.
I've always played Humans mainly. A dwarf once and took a stab at a dark elf but...she wasn't Dhe'nar or anything.
10-08-2003, 01:16 PM
[quote]Originally posted by Methais
What was the line? I haven't seen that movie in years.
It's when he goes to rehab for weed.
"You're in here for what!? You don't belong here! I sucked dick for crack! You ever suck some dick for crack?"
I just thought it was pretty cool of him to do that. I guess he does have a sense of humor, even if he's not the least bit funny.
10-08-2003, 01:23 PM
Haha I remember that now. I don't think I ever noticed it was Bob Sagat.
Originally posted by Methais
<<Who wants to just do a scripted rp, like being an actor? :smirk: That bugs me. I got to know people like that though, but I didn't enjoy it.>>
According to a friend of mine, Kadesha and some others in her clique actually make scripts to RP from what Kadedsha told his wife, like for some pre-determined conversation or something that they just run off a script for some preset storyline they came up with or something.
It was funny cause whenever he'd say something, they wouldn't have a clue how to respond cause their script didn't have any pre-written responses written for an "outsider" saying something.
I don't really have anything personal against Kadesha, but that has to be one of the gayest things ever.
That is by far the most retarded thing i have ever heard of. I mean seriously..the most retarded. Man i can' t believe i just read that. It makes we wanna go bash my head into a wall or kiss weedmages wrinkly ass. Gah.. that was retarded.
The Cat In The Hat
12-01-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
It's usually friends nominating each other. Hardly is it ever someone that came out of the blue to post about someone they just met.
One of my characters was named once and the fact that I got a couple of "yeahs" made me feel nice. Oddly enough she's never gotten an RPA either. Both are nice but I don't need incentives to roleplay, I just enjoy doing it.
If you feel you need to be mentioned to get noticed, then you're not that great, IMO.
I did that once, there was someone I thought really deserved it and I posted there and got 0 response, but the people that frequent there were falling all over eachother. I dont post there anymore.
12-01-2003, 11:47 AM
I did too, Cat. When they were having that town by town contest, I had recently come back, and posted a number of people I found to be good. Not a mention. Of course, the 'regulars' of the Golden Kobolds continued to pat each other on the backs and preen as they were patted. I didnt bother again.
Acolyte Kurili
12-01-2003, 03:26 PM
I made a bogus golden kobold thread once (ok, more than once), but I took it too far. I was young. :(
But it's always fun to mock. :)
The Cat In The Hat
12-02-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
I did too, Cat. When they were having that town by town contest, I had recently come back, and posted a number of people I found to be good. Not a mention. Of course, the 'regulars' of the Golden Kobolds continued to pat each other on the backs and preen as they were patted. I didnt bother again.
Acolyte Kurili
We refused to participate in that, it was pitting the towns against each other and totally NOT in the spirit of RP.
I already hate RR
Dighn Darkbeam
12-03-2003, 08:49 AM
What is wrong with towns hating other towns? Conflict breeds RP.
Moist Happenings
12-03-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by DaMaGe
[quote]Originally posted by Methais
What was the line? I haven't seen that movie in years.
It's when he goes to rehab for weed.
"You're in here for what!? You don't belong here! I sucked dick for crack! You ever suck some dick for crack?"
I just thought it was pretty cool of him to do that. I guess he does have a sense of humor, even if he's not the least bit funny.
I'm told he's actually a very funny guy.
But I don't suppose his sense of humor would have flown well with the producers of Full House.
..If only..
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