View Full Version : Faace Concealer

08-22-2011, 04:55 PM
a iron-studded dark suede half-mask,

zests that I know of (possibly more) are as follows:

>rem half-mask
You remove a simple black half-mask, revealing your face.

>wear half-mask
You carefully put on a simple black half-mask, concealing your face.

>pull half-mask
You reach back to make sure your half-mask is secured tightly.

>rub half-mask
You rub at your face vigorously through your half-mask. Itchy?

>eat cake
You pull your half-mask aside.
You take a bite of your wild rice cake.

>flip half-mask
You pull your half-mask down and readjust it, momentarily exposing your face.

You slobber all over the inside of your half-mask. Way to go.

>eat half-mask
You chew a bit on the inside of your half-mask.

>exhale half-mask
You exhale softly on the inside of your half-mask, trying to get a whiff of your own breath. It doesn't work any better than using your hand would have.

>stare half-mask
Your eyes cross as you try to get a good look at your half-mask.

You smile behind your half-mask, but no one can see it.

You frown behind your half-mask, but no one can see it.

You grin behind your half-mask, but no one can see it.

You smack your lips behind your half-mask, but no one can see it.

You stick out your tongue, which no one sees behind your half-mask.

MB 2m
CB 2m Sharnath SOLD!

08-22-2011, 04:59 PM
2 million.

Weed Mage

08-23-2011, 01:11 PM

08-23-2011, 07:50 PM
Sold! Please contact me with a pick up date, I am in currently if you are around.