View Full Version : 2x vs. 3x training (repost from Warden)

05-01-2003, 01:18 AM
Re: Skill cost changes for rangers, an initial look · on 4/30/2003 11:21:41 PM 5037


>>>Just for kicks I checked my 'core' training plan and compared it to the new one I'll probably be using. 'Core' being defined as 2x edged, 2x hiding, 1x shield, CM, armor, ambush, PT and spells. For GSIV 'core' I added dodging and harness power, which will likely be necessary. This is what I got:

Current: 36/43

New: 42/44<<<

For the skills that went from being 3x max training to 2x max training, roughly 1x trained will be considered the standard. So where we previously expected that every rogue was 2x trained in disarm, picking, and hiding, now we're looking at lesser training as the baseline. This also holds for rangers with hiding. Just because a ranger was 2x trained in GS3 does not mean he needs to be 2x trained in GS4 to maintain the same level of ability.


05-01-2003, 09:29 AM
Well... from the costs I'll be switching my locksmith rogue to a pure physical one. The price for lockpicking is too great.

I just hope the CM are going to be worth the costs.