View Full Version : Lets talk about Crafting and Forging Weapons..

08-18-2011, 07:38 AM
I am nearing mastery in Crafting and I am wondering what is the best metal to use for forging? Should it be to be vultite or will mithril work just as well? What should the handle be made of? Basically, can someone explain the mechanics of the hammer?

Once a hammer is constructed how do I begin to forge? Obviously I use a workshop. What is the process like and the commands that I use? I am a bit clueless and I do better when discussing it in a forum rather than staring at krakiipedia until my eyes bleed.

Thanks in advance!

08-18-2011, 07:50 AM
Mithril will work fine for the magical requirements. The handle material doesn't matter. Don't know about the second part, sorry.

08-18-2011, 09:00 AM
Remember to craft with magic metals, you need a magic metal forging hammer. Most people make a mithril one. While it is possible to use something other than the store wood for the handle, 95% of people don't because it's a cost that's rarely appreciated by the buyer/user. The commands themselves are pretty straightforward; just follow the instructions on krakiipedia and you'll pick it up pretty quick. Good luck in your tedious and unrewarding endeavor.


08-18-2011, 11:35 AM
Don't use anything other than bronze and the easiest glyph for your weapon type (ex. daggers, quarterstaff, etc.) to level up your forging skill. Otherwise you cost yourself a LOT of extra time.

The higher the enchant of the metal you're working with the higher the RT is going to be everytime you GET TONGS...

You've got a lot ways to go before you start thinking about mithril/vultite and whatnot.

That said, do make sure you make yourself a perfect forging hammer of at least mithril or higher, that way once you do master a forging weapon type you're set to work with any metal.

08-18-2011, 11:56 AM
define "nearing mastery" by the way

just so you know, 487 ranks or so is the HALFWAY point, in terms of actual time spent, to master.

08-18-2011, 12:03 PM
define "nearing mastery" by the way

just so you know, 487 ranks or so is the HALFWAY point, in terms of actual time spent, to master.


08-18-2011, 12:47 PM


Are you just learning this now? That sucks...

08-18-2011, 11:28 PM
Yeah, I guess it makes some sense...but not really. It just sounds like a pain in the ass like so much else GS related.

I'm only at about rank 350 myself, so I have a hell of a long way to go. It's definitely not a focus.

08-18-2011, 11:49 PM
To simplify it a bit, lets say you're rolling a d500 every time you craft/forge. The odds of you getting a rank is that the d500 > (500 - your current skill)

So you basically always rank up sub 100, about half the time at 250, but as you get closer to 500 you need a higher and higher roll. Ultimately around 499 you need to basically roll a 500.

08-20-2011, 04:00 AM

Haha...surprise!! Forging is about 80x worse than you thought!

Seriously, you can easily spend weeks or more on the final rank.

It's 500 - {current ranks} / 500 = probability of getting a rank. So yep, that last rank is 1/500 (500-499/500= 1/500). The good news is, if you have LOG BONUS of 20 or higher, it's actually 2/500 from the LOG BONUS. So if you tanked LOGIC be sure to get some LOG enhancives for those final ranks. 2/500 still sucks but its twice as easy as 1/500.

It's actually: (500 - RANKS + "LOG Bonus")/500 = %chance, where LOG BONUS is a static (+1) added into the equation if you have LOG BONUS of >20. Definitely worth having at those last ranks.

my anecdote: I spent two years to master crafting and one weapon style, and I have made a grand total of 1 perfect weapon, which in itself took me a few months, post mastery. After I had my perfect, I gave it up, for the sake whatever remaining sanity I could scrounge together. Honestly...if I had the decision to do over, I'd have never even read the Krakiipedia forging page.

And don't even think about using ANYTHING but bronze to learn until you are a master. And if you think crafting took a long time to learn, just wait until you see how the GET TONGS RT comparise to the TURN GRINDER RT. Forging is not for either the faint of heart nor the sane.

08-20-2011, 10:03 AM
Wow. Just Wow! Well thanks! You guys surely have been discouraging me from continuing this. I am at about 448 skill. Maybe I will not focus so much on mastering until I reach my level cap and am bored with life or something. LoL... I am thinking it is time to focus on guild skills and GoS ranks.. Thanks for all of the advice and answering questions I did not even know I needed to ask.

08-20-2011, 10:15 AM
It gave my rogue something to do in between hunts or picking for friends, and now that I've mastered crafting, I'm glad to have went through it.

08-20-2011, 11:39 AM
Wow. Just Wow! Well thanks! You guys surely have been discouraging me from continuing this. I am at about 448 skill. Maybe I will not focus so much on mastering until I reach my level cap and am bored with life or something. LoL... I am thinking it is time to focus on guild skills and GoS ranks.. Thanks for all of the advice and answering questions I did not even know I needed to ask.

I mean, it's hard. If you want it to be a part of who your character is, then by all means, go for it. But just fair warning about what it entails. And frankly, the bonus you get from perfect forging isn't really overwhelmingly great. For something that requires so much time and effort, I think perfects are sort of lackluster.

08-20-2011, 12:41 PM
And don't even think about using ANYTHING but bronze to learn until you are a master. And if you think crafting took a long time to learn, just wait until you see how the GET TONGS RT comparise to the TURN GRINDER RT. Forging is not for either the faint of heart nor the sane.

Yeah, not to mention forging enchanted materials adds to the time as well. GET TONGS using vultite is like an 8 minute RT.

08-20-2011, 01:13 PM
Yeah, not to mention forging enchanted materials adds to the time as well. GET TONGS using vultite is like an 8 minute RT.

9 minutes (540 seconds) to be exact. And it uses a tempering oil that's like 15k, which is fun when your rent on the workshop expires between the 2nd and third tong.

Wow. Just Wow! Well thanks! You guys surely have been discouraging me from continuing this. I am at about 448 skill. Maybe I will not focus so much on mastering until I reach my level cap and am bored with life or something. LoL... I am thinking it is time to focus on guild skills and GoS ranks.. Thanks for all of the advice and answering questions I did not even know I needed to ask.

It pretty much sucks, but it is cool to think you could make your own weapon from scratch and get it pimped out over time. Don't mean to be discouraging, but at the same time you should be informed on the MIND NUMBINGLY ASININE timesink the system is. It's possible if you're patient :)

>arti skills
In the skill of forging - crafting, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - one handed edged, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - one handed blunt, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - two handed weapons, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - pole arms, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - brawling weapons, you are a master with 500 ranks.

I won the game.

08-21-2011, 01:12 PM
Here's a thread I made a few months ago when I was mastering crafting and forging.


From start (0 in all skills), to 500 in my weapon skill and crafting a perfect weapon (including making a perfect mithril forging hammer in between)
Total Time From Start to Finish: 346 hours, 27 minutes.
Total Silvers: 740,314
Total Experience: 181,215