View Full Version : Alchemy junk

08-07-2011, 08:47 AM
Lets start the bidding off at 100k
and the auction ends today sunday 8/7/2011 @9PM Elven

In the black mail backpack:
alchemy equipment (3): a small crystal flask, a mortar, a clouded glass vial.
jar (21): an opalescent black glass jar (essences of air), a tapered green glass bottle (marallis berries), an opalescent yellow glass jar (crystal cores), an opalescent glass jar (inky necrotic cores), a gold-rimmed vermilion glass jar (ayanad crystals), an opalescent glass jar (t'ayanad crystals), an opalescent glass jar (s'ayanad crystals), an opalescent glass jar (n'ayanad crystals) (2), an opalescent glass jar (glimmering blue essence dust), an opalescent glass jar (essences of earth), an opalescent glass jar (glimmering blue motes of essence), an opalescent glass jar (pristine nymph's hairs), an opalescent glass jar, an opalescent glass jar (pepperthorn roots), a twisted triangular jar (perfect myklian belly scales), an opalescent glass jar (tiny golden seeds), an opalescent glass jar (glimmering blue essence shards), an opalescent black glass jar (small troll teeth), an opalescent black glass jar (large troll teeth), a twisted triangular jar (ayana weeds).
alchemy equipment,uncommon (1): a black iron cauldron.
jar,uncommon (18): a translucent glaes jar (elemental cores), a translucent glaes jar (crystal cores), a translucent glaes jar (s'ayanad crystals), a translucent glaes jar (t'ayanad crystals), a translucent glaes jar (ayanad crystals), a translucent glaes jar (n'ayanad crystals), a translucent glaes jar (glimmering blue essence dust), a translucent glaes jar (glimmering blue motes of essence), a translucent glaes jar (essences of fire), a translucent glaes jar (pristine sprite's hairs), a translucent glaes jar (pristine siren's hairs), a translucent glaes jar (2), a translucent glaes jar (ground basal moss), a translucent glaes jar (powdered green sapphire), a translucent glaes jar (glimmering blue essence shards), a translucent glaes jar (ground sovyn), a translucent glaes jar (ground wolifrew).

Listing of whats in the jars

Inside the glass bottle you see 10 portions of marallis berries. It is becoming full.
>look in jar
Inside the yellow glass jar you see 20 portions of crystal cores. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of n'ayanad crystals. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of glimmering blue essence dust. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the black glass jar you see 20 portions of essences of air. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of n'ayanad crystals. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 5 portions of inky necrotic cores. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 1 portion of tiny golden seeds. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of pepperthorn roots. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 1 portion of pristine nymph's hairs. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of glimmering blue motes of essence. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of t'ayanad crystals. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the vermilion glass jar you see 14 portions of ayanad crystals. It is less than half full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 2 portions of glimmering blue motes of essence. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 1 portion of glimmering blue essence dust. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 13 portions of essences of fire. It is becoming full.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 20 portions of s'ayanad crystals. It is full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 18 portions of t'ayanad crystals. It is nearly full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 18 portions of n'ayanad crystals. It is nearly full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 17 portions of s'ayanad crystals. It is fairly full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 4 portions of ground sovyn. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 4 portions of ground wolifrew. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 2 portions of powdered green sapphire. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 4 portions of elemental cores. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 1 portion of pristine sprite's hairs. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 3 portions of pristine siren's hairs. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 4 portions of glimmering blue essence shards. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 8 portions of ayanad crystals. It is less than half full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 3 portions of crystal cores. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the glass jar you see 5 portions of glimmering blue essence shards. It is mostly empty.
>look in jar
Inside the black glass jar you see 15 portions of small troll teeth. It is fairly full.
>look in jar
Inside the glaes jar you see 8 portions of ground basal moss. It is less than half full.
>look in jar
Inside the triangular jar you see 14 portions of ayana weeds. It is less than half full

08-07-2011, 09:04 AM

08-07-2011, 09:14 AM
I'll go 125k. I am mostly interested in the crystals so Zaigh or whoever can have the jars and everything else if they want.

-- Faulkil

Tsk Tsk
08-07-2011, 09:50 AM
150k - Inurtia

08-07-2011, 09:57 AM
175k *glances at Inurtia*

-- Faulkil

Tsk Tsk
08-07-2011, 10:00 AM
I want teh crystals too :(

08-07-2011, 11:20 AM

08-07-2011, 11:40 AM

08-07-2011, 02:50 PM
two fiddy to aylien going once

08-07-2011, 02:56 PM

08-07-2011, 08:18 PM
1 hour 45 mins left 300k to queleri going once